§ " e o POl ' e eger emng mm " y 'v\'; "A' C esd PcC ' .7 y 4 Y y 2 > ' f '*'"{.d > v . n¥ "oITpo F TX --> h Om . * f ~ 's8ATT DAY, UNE-- '5,' 1920."" > e 8 D0+ lfi g & } A i Jpacav s 14¥ nto the province, \the Federal ' * -- ~~a . ... a'::rg-:ntent has been asked to submit f the question to the peopl? under the , provistons of the amended Canada Tem-- ° _ 'perance Act. A measure has been adopt-- ed to ensure that in the event of im-- 'portation being prohibited, transactions in liquor shall not be permitted within the province to defeat the purpose of siunabiioe in ie cominonnersin oc atings 'that measure. Dur(';n;g rt'he'rx-ecess the "laAacg j ; 6 3 ntario Temperance Closing of Ontario House P prgcls. pitrel fally Inuuired: into by a| "(»«< a V 'aqy f Committee of the Legislature. Y( .'t?l'(ld.\ Was a Bigger Grants to Education, } ie '"f aipr r * "Inital steps have been taken to im--| Qlll(t' Atf'l" * p,-._,l\}:_sltthe sttxl)te of education by mcreas-' Mess rrAarnIttir ~, 3 k "ing the timtn-:lul S\ljpp;)rt lof ftl;et?ih;%]:'i . ° I N «ied r the rural schools, fo 16 = P h"- }[-P"'IBLRb \']Tb\ ]) ® f,'.lré i:tlfl)chrr.\'inxz out needed ro;-forma.l; Inorinet niggen m angen n ocms nrurocaitiey k ---- The grants to uniwr;fly t:;m;"atioin haivc-i A o 5s 1 4 A enewed, pending fuller inquiry}| Ad(h'e.sa ()f th(' ]'leutenanl' }'xlx{(;l tlrxé re-la.tionrs of these institutions | Enror riow to the province with a view to deter-l Governor ]{0' lews mining the future obligations of the! Ms uc a y state in this respect. A revision of the | Session's W Ol'k. Puhlic Libraries Act has been adopted 6 in order to strengthen the resources ind to encourage the extension of} In sharp contrast to the formal ibraries in those parts of the province| opening, when the galleries of the not now provided with suclt} fwiit';des-p. ! to capacity and the floor of the been adoptod. Provision h;fs been ma.dc: 5« b& 4. x t in Hra r the payment Oof allowances to| H'.Ub.( ea sA xlu'tur Wikk en initt ;?r)thers pwith dependent _ children.| relatives and friends of the mem-- authority has been given for the estab-' bers, was the formail prorogation of lishment of a minimum wage for wo--, the Ontario Legislature -- yesterday. | men z:{)d clhildl;en- More.dgedne'rou? com& o M t pensation has been provided for injure The first session of the 15th House ;workers employed in the various indus-- carmme to a close in quiet manner. | tries. horl h 5 P | ~ > whi « "Authority has been given to muni--| Only about 30 members were on * %lpalitles to submit to the ratepayers hand for the ceremony. Society was ',by-:aws for the gradual reduction of represented by the wives of the Min-- | the taxation of improvements, incoms} 4 , i:md business, until all such taxation is | isters, who sat in lonely state on s | eliminated. Under the provisions of the| either side of the main aisle, while Ela\v the reduction may be discontinued| 5 5 at any point desired; and if the rate--| up in the corners of the galleries a |L';'}.,_,,,z g, decide the taxation may be| score-- of civil servants, with an odd . 'restored by gradual stages. f outsider watched the proceedings. | _ "A~ measure has been adopted to| age | simplify the qualifications required by! PThe _ Lieutenant--Governor -- drove ! candidates for office in local munelpali--| i' gp to the Parliament -- Buildings itlfla'. and to remedy the varied and con--} o hss n ar« ons § | fusing conditions that have hitherto| promptly at 8 «'clock, accompanied | prevailed in this connection. by & military escort. A salute of | Extension of Moratorium. ' 10 guns was fired as he approached. l *'"*By the enactment of the Mortgagors| He was met at the door of the Legis-- [and Purchasers' Relief Act, 1920, it has , . i been provided that repayment of the| lative Chamber by Premier Drury | principal money now due on any mort--| and members of the Cabinet, and gage, Or agreement to purchase, may | & w# FOr uy e be further deferred until the first in--} escorted to the dais. The Assistant terest--paying date after October ist,| Clerk of the House then read the 1920, but the extension shall in no case| 2 ile t m . Mat .. yo beyond the 1st of January, 1921. | list of bills pahb.'"d during the ?eb The Timiskaming and Northern On-- | sion, to which his Honor gave for-- tario Railway Commission has been em-- mal assent. The usual bill voting powered to extend its line to James Bay, | moneys to the Crown was presented wkhen the Lisuteni@nt--Governor in Coun-- , to the Meutenant--Governor, who CiI'Q.'HII determine that fi{;a.".".i;)jx con-- | then read the following speech: ditions will warrent the undertaking, In | "Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of the pdapfing tnis measure, the LogisiotLe | Legisiative Assembly: has declared a policy of development in | "In relieving you of the exacting the I\U{t::em part of Uma'rm,iw,'x!ch i:j. & d@uties of the present session,. I desire ~ designeg to encourage o'xpmrg:igr: and | to commend the close and conscientious enterprise, and eventually to bring On-- | attention you have bestowed upon the tario into closes touch with Hudson Bay | rarious measures that have been sub-- and its commercial possibilities, _ | milied for your consideration. While With a view to the reorganization of; the session has been of unusual dura-- the public servi'cc on a more eqonomica:: tion, your deliberations have been of and more efficient basis, provision has | special importance and more than ordi-- been made for the retirement of a'ged; nary results have been accomplished. and incapzscitated civil servants. | The| "I share with you to the fullest ex-- plan adopted provides for flte establish~ ; .. tent the sentiments expressed in the ment of a superannqntmn fund to wmch.; eloquent tribute you have paid to the the employes and the Government will | noble and unseifish part borne by the _cOntribute, :y;d which _wm in Lhe* future Mother Country in carrying the burdens | carry a burden which has hitherto been of the war, and more than her share oi | borne entirely by the province. | the grest burdens the reconstruction | Funds for the Hydro, | 1':5;:,: entai ed upon civilized nations. It | Financial provision has been made for | will afford me pleasure to transmit your | carrying on to completion the various | message io his Majesty the King. | s J j a is y t d | T * ; 6 developinents undertaken by the Hydro.-- | Agricuiture Alded. } Hlectric Power Commission, The Power j Aithouugh the Spring season was| Commission Act has been amended to | somewhat backward in certain sections' enable better arrangements to be m"d?; of the pr."'.vin(;e' I trust that the great * PR for the dlst?'ibnti.on of power in '."Jr?sl'i agriculturai industry of this provincel districts. Authority has been given IOT | will have a successful year, and thus the establishment of the commission Of | contribute to relieve the scarcity of food auxiliary plants, subject to the approval | armi to enhance the prosperity of the of the Lieutenant--Governor in Council. | whole community. By means of legis-- Among other measures ariup'.:ed | are | liation and appropriations, steps have bills to establish a departiment of m'me.s,i been taken to assist in the furthe*® de-- to amend the Housing Act, to amena the | velopment of agricultural production. Buccession Duty Act, and codifying the | Special mention may be made of the Act law of partnership and the law respect. | to encourage co--operation in the mar-- ing the sale of goods, 4 i2A keting of potatoes and of seed grain, % S I desire to acknowledgs the provision ; which is expected to have a very bene-- you have made for carrying on the var-- fcial effect. 'The Act respecting the' : ious undertakings of the uoyer:*.meyt»,! Pandling of cream, the amendments to and for maintaining the public service j the Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act! of the province, and to assure you t.';ati and the Act respecting commuuity halls , the supplies you have voted will be ad-'i are among the other measures which ministered with due regard to economy | will no doubt prove of advantage to the and efficiency. i lag provincée generally. > * In conclusion, I desire to thank you | *"'It is a matter of satisfaction that in for the beneficial legislation you na&aye | the framing of an Election Act the vari-- engcted, in the framing of which the | ous views entertained on this suwbject . entire Legislature has participated yery j have been harmonized and a source of largely, and to express the earnest A'-OP'_i controversy and disquiet removed. The s that the blessing of Almighty God may | peopie will observe with approval the rest upon this province and upon ourl F apirit of conciliation displayed by the country. . MHouse in the preparation of publiq | mm mm mmmmecmmmmmmmmpmenmmmom mm ammmmemmmmammamem t measures, and the feneral Gesire that | i the best counsel shall prevail. '"*An anomalous situation having arisen 4 ou; of the importa}ion of intoxicating C * *. us > +