e oi -- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1921. _________.__------------------------__---. 7 * a a~»"I want to tell you Farmers 220 vou Labor men," he ?',':h T AY-- C '"that if you take down al e h J riers and turn this country loose 7 the big monopolistic organizations 0 the United States. backed by the gold of Wall Street, then you will be 5 nation destroyers and not nation builders. While we admit exploita-- tion on the part of some hungry we profiteers, it would be ten thousand times worse if we were to turn this country over to the encroachme®ts mm on . and exploitations of }t)hat iga.m; don i Wall Street. If the Premier under-- MacBride of Brantford Says i«kes to go to Oftawi on tWe free 3 trade horse I will be down there Thel'e $ PaCt NOt to blocking his road for all that I am worth." Embarrass Farmers Criticizes Mothers' Pensions. | hamvannirec es mt "I want to tell you," he declared, S "vour Mothers' Pension Act is not HAS LOTS OF CRlT'ClSM giving satisfaction in the Province 'of Ontario. You ought to be asham-- xuenie avaremeseeae n s anccnnn * e(lil of yourselg'e: to dole out meagre | allowances 0o 40 or $50 a month He Te"s Drury Govel'nment gto mou(liers vlvith four and five child-- l % s tren and call that an allowance. it Wherein it Has Failed s ratan * charity measure of the | worst kind." | | R o | So Far | _ Hon,. Walter Roiio promptly rhal-i 'lcn.ged the statement of Mr. Mac--| oi egini en Inealtialihce wrine | Bride, when the latter said he had | Speaking for the first time from i,ll'."""] h"'mi"«']itvrr)l at the Windsor| the G sition be 3 u. rades and TLabor Congress to hear }Nurepp:):mo]:' ) n-ches m'fi;e T:ei;.':s | the Minister of Imabor admit that if $ +. w .u,n ne_ moved at ae the Labor group in the House press-- eginning of the session, M. M. Mac-- ed for eight--hour--day legislation the Bride, Independent Labor member Government would not give them for South Brant. bitterly attacked '?)T:(tn:;!:"(:;lo?pf'lismio'l' allowances. 14 ty 4 is ivak } iT s cla nd denial were hurled ('abors 1epres'.n.tatn.c.) in the ])ll.ll_- across the floor until Mr. Speaker abinet for their failure to bring 'had to rule that the Minister of TLa-- ,hefore the House eight--hour--day i'(?:'s\"'""g ji;"gh' to be accepted. egislation. Mr. MacBride accepted i glfleaucol:'ai'ged them -- with being ;mpmont, io promisped s thrt;?l;' IRZ j f | minutes of the gathering to prove under a pact with the Premier not jhis assertion. to bmbarrass the Government by its | _ _On Workmen's Compensation, too introduction, and declared that in llho attacked ";9 ('}overnment for their So doing they had jumped the prin-- nmneagreness of allowances. Instead of * 66 2--3 cipal plank upon which they were 4 16 porpg:n(;.en(;;u;:: ?ge%l;e{htehou;;h_t clected. Referring to the eight--hour mum. T vee national working day clause in the | _ _Again Mr. MacBride got into con-- Peace Treaty, he declared: "We are i:;z;:}';w ';.mh K. K. Homuth, Labor s s er ~ S 7 ¢ a thousand times worse than the | he chalrge(gll hsilr)nmgvu'l'la;f;'].(;,?' "}h,e" United States if we sign the peace 'James Simpson upon h(is flact]l:: pact and refuse to carry out the platfqrm. Here again Mr. MacBride terms it contains." !Dl'Olhtl.SPd lo"Droduce proofs of his assertions. Mr. Mutual Admiration. "ized the stat,emlentlzglggt"sg?uat?ll;t?;: In opening his address Mr. Mac-- 2::1261'1&8 io went on 10 pernuind <ne Bride said the general tenor of the Etzibinot rl%lr};iggp; (())rtx ta? {)eaxr?mdtui]e } o -- P ue debate so far had been that of a Toronto, attended by some (?t thei!:- mutual admiration society. $ numbers, at which Mr. Simpson pre-- "I _ noticed how carefully the !Sid?d' & X Premier skated around that broad-- | _ Concerning the new TLabor Legis-- ening--out policy." he proceeded. '1""0" €Committee, he said: "If you ""You could not tell from his re-- attempt to use the committee of this marks yesterday whether he _ was | House as a sewer down which to prepared to broaden out, flatten throw Labor legislation there is go-- out, expand or contract, nor _ could ing to be scrapping on the floor of vou tell where he stood. We on this House." this side of the House have a pretty < ffi.'.'f iéfa.dwhy the Premier took | Geents Patronage System. attitude.'"" He took it that the Refervi m s Premlgr was '"'ashamed of his Iwhich ll:ejngacltu;)lz-é?lagexu hn Jirvdpndreme ho;%o'.' member for South Brant at-- 20?1 oo respon papei.' vu:qae:;lg;:nugi tacked the sincerity of the Premier !?nrn(;(z"'r(?:ggz}:lm;fe tbletween ies in some of his utterances. He | T RGC c other members of doubted his sincerity, he said, when | tTheWLQl'O' and Labor groups and he stood up and told the old political | the At allon, Mr. McBride charged parties that all their leaders of the | the Attorney--General with helping past were men who lacked slncerlty.i to set up "the most damnable pat-- "I think there have been some ex-- ronage system imaginable," where-- cellent men leading the ol1 political le):(,: fewst_men specially selected in gvent..m'lntg.:;fi;er::ed:g:':%a%)nd Visorv"l))?)a:'iiuetncy would be an ad-- na&a-- 1 o the Governme s dian statesmen. connection with Civil-- Service row Quoting from a speech Oof . the pointments and the general ddm;'p- Premier of November 19, 1920, Mr. stration of justice, nts MacBride concluded from utter-- Hon. Mr. Raney--There i ances therein that there was a pact «| foundation in fact for the f Siion between Premier Drury and the two the honorable member h"questxon Labor Ministers in the Government order paper. His denunci ie e "whereby they would not embarrass founded on cloud and t ?-Uons are the Gt;verfagox;'t" by the introduc-- gas. t ndeir; perhapg tion of eight--hour--day legislation, The me ' which the speaker characterized quoted frorgxbe; lftr . oi' 1nan "one . of the principal and leadin ; effer, which he ai-- & leged had come f pl in the Labor platform." in which reterencergvr:s made o 10e . m Mr. Biggs Not Taking Orders. selection by members ora?c%rigutz?xe] Another quotation from the Prem-- | 22{18,, t(ll a'dd"se the Government, lo-- ier which he read and commented is upCA, enffain . niatters. Asked pon was that declaring the Gov-- oo (tit;e Attorney--General to table im.-- ernment's attitude as favorable to | g' l atel*yia' letter he claimed to| good roads for the back--concession | avebrec.e ved from Mr. Mallon, the farmers. Hon. Mr. Biggs, Minister | member fmom Brant promised ~to of gubllo Won:r).r qeclared Mr. Mac-- comply at an early date. Bride, apparen not taken dic-- Oth ngs 1a.t:on lt:l;:m u:l' Premier in formu-- e Th He Doesn't Like. lating good roads policy. _ Still Speaking on another quotation was the Premier's * MacBride convd;)rr'xr?;dA' maifters Mr. declaration in favor of free trade, General's methods of tg; ;"w"'ey' h tEIS.~ lov ving sSpot-- / _ employed to secure convictions.