"EIGHT--HOUR DAY" OUT WITH AXE " IS LABOR MEASURE f ' McNamara and MacBride aernriniy m momitiine ¢ Place_Blll-l Before On-- Petitioners Make Charges tario Lpgighalute _ .~ | ; Against Park Chairman >| 4 ; J 5 s i | 'Exght-hour working--day legisla--| and Supermtendent | § tion was introduced into the Ontario E s | Legislature -- yesterday by se;rgt,__l messmemmnmnammetma® + Major J. McNamara, Soldier--Iambor BOTH WELCOME |NQU|RY member for Riverdale, and M. M.' s MacBride, Independent Tabor mem-- ber for South Brant. I Carrying a petition signed by sev--| Not only d@oes the bill 'm"mme| eral hundred residents of that city, penalties for employers, but also for Mr. C. --R. Morden of Niagara Falls employees who work more.-- than appeared before Premier Drmi'y yes-- eight consecutive hours in one day. terday to demand an investigation 'The fine proposed for willful neglect | of the administration of P,. W. Ellis, to comply with the eight--hour law Chairman of the Queen Victoria is $1,000. | Park Commission, and the dismissal uf'f:g;g'";n 't:a;hez "'i'r'l'mi ;f_'th]';ubm | bf Park Superintendent Jackson. | gricu re, superintendents, _ foremen, 'timn--i 'Tthe chief complaint against Mr. keepers, pumpmen, elevator assist-- | Ellis, as stated in the petition, is a.n'ta,i'uur;i:, 'v:;;tchmen.dlmspiial and ' that he is "absolutely unfair and nursing attendants, and those em--| "* s i ployed in i: affecting human fife. blastjd ; that he entert.ams liberally 'Overti'me shall be legal only in cages at the public expense; tY}at. Whilel ;of necessity, and then not more than a member of the commission, he te%gl:\gi Bfi'lthl 'betwoi'k:hd.n% s sold supplies to that body, and that! ay, 4s set out, A )e con-- a« i »» | gidered to be the 24 hours beginning he abetted the "unjust treatment | at 6 o'clock each calendar day. Be-- of workmen by the Superintendent. | ( tween each working day of eight coused "Posing." | ?jour; there t'must be eight consecu-- A M of ffl f th h | ve hours of rest. ore specific are e -- charges e,g:irx.x Am g!(':icuket(;, Sm:trwl W'en):v}»;orth, Against -- Buperintendent Jackson,l h ced a bill prohibiting s« » municipalities granting Spoecig) who is accused oi? posing" as an Donuses to corporations: also a bill engineer when he is not; of utter in-- l to eliminate . special assessment capability for his duties, and of dis-- | privilefgei enjoyed under an old sec-- ; loyalty to the commission. In ad_l tion of the act. o s dition to being "narrow and biased," nenentecacannamamtatnnmmnzaiaeammaicracaacaamiamaaannanammssmeaannene this official is stated to insult "most{ persons entering his office." Also| it is set forth that Mr. Jackson un-- necessarily has employed eperts, at| great expense, when the services ot' such were not required for the work in hand. "I assure you, as Chairman of'the ' commission, I shall welcome any in-- vestigation the Premier may see fit to make," stated Mr. P. W. Ellis to The Globe last night, '"especially mt view of the fact that Hon. Mr. Biggs' is a member of the board. | Refused Wage Increases. | '"'This petition, which, no doubt, | was signed by many who did not! like to refuse when asked, arises| from the unanimous action of the! commission last spring in refusing | to make certain wage increases that | were demanded. In that connection' I want to state that the board' dealt with the claims individually,| and that its members were entirely} agreed in their decision. Incident-- ' $ ally, the gentleman who presented' ' the petition yesterday is the brother-- ' 1 y in--law of one of the four employees | who resigned following our action." | "What of the charge of 'enter--| $ taining' laid aginst you?" Mr. Ellis| s was asked. | "That can refer only to the cam--| paign of publicity upon which the | * commission embarked last spring, | with a view of acquainting the pub-- ; ic with the wonderful asset they; have in the park at the Falls," was the reply. '"Some of the persons | whom wea are accused of entertam-i ing were: | | Persons Entertained. "The West India delegates to Can--| ada on trade arrangements; 140 edi-- | tors of United States newspapers % and magazines; the delegates to the meeting of the Chambers of Com-- merce of the Empire, the delegates to the Imperial Press Conference; the Principals of High Schools and Inspectors of Public Schools of P "Toronto: the lady leaders in wel-l ' 3 fare work in this city; the Engineer-- | " ing Society of Canada; the delgga,tesj ; to the tercentenary of the Pilgrim | ' Fathers, and members of the Can--| f adian Press Association. "The members of the gommis- sion thought they were doing wel'! ' '\by their employees at the Falls, ? & Mr. Ellis went on, "and I am sure @ that they will be most anxious to y have these charges aired. As re-- gards Mr. Jackson, he is a highly competent officlal, who has the full -- confidence of the commission. coemmememeemanmmezmeememe n & * I