PNTTTT e e en P e e ie' F used to make further Toans. 'Loans, which should be on the amortization; Erlan. should be to; periods of five to : ' thirty years. **~**~*~ e °w Half Million Capital., t Regarding the land-- mortgage ' bank, the report specifically stip-- ulates that it--«would be unwige to be-- . Ein operations with a lesser amount | than $500,000; that the maximum , dividend should ibe fixed at ssven per cent.; that it establish from the out-- set a reserve fund account by setting , eslde semi--annually from its profits 25 per cent. of net earnings until the credit 'balance was equivalent to 25 per cent. of the outstanding capital stock; that land bank bonds be not tax--exempt; that the bank tbe Incorporated under Ontario, not Do-- minion, statutes, and, finally, that the directors be men of large vision, of the greatest business ability, and of sympathetic interest in agricul-- ture and all its problems,"--for upon this directorate "depends the success or the failure of the entire system.'" ------------------.----__--_----'__------*__'---?