* * 3 " im M g T f " eA T;' r",,. o ~tepict + '--..»--4-&'.-.-.__'..:.."- -- omudecciiee | ' " e S -PROECTED ; _ Firemen's Rest Day CUMIWISSION $ BILL _ May be Compulsory BY PREMIER S NEW . -- _ The Municipal Bills Committee of s -- the Legislature yesterday voted fay-- soomesnsmmsminy paonearteie it t H l P bl, orably for the double platoon sys-- o * f alt ubDli1c tem and one day off in seven for fire-- Provides Against Injunctions to . men. A bill to this effect, introduc-- iri R lt Of Actlon by ed by W. A. Crockett, Labor mem-- Inqun'les-'ls esu ber for South Wentworth, received C o C the support of the committee, and Spal'llSh Rlver 0. if it passes the House the system will become -- compuisory. There -- was | bomnnnmentmmemmmnamamee us es w se annacaaaemaacemenmmmest halt opposition from municipal represen-- f & ires the power of a fiat to ha tatives, but the majority of the Legislation was introduced into g:-l.l,:teedings-g ; | committee believed that the for-- the Ontario Legislature yes'e"f]a' The clause which it its l;ntesr}ded ]w;m} step already taken voluntarily by Premier Drury which, if ('a!'""d'! to Ha('id to t;(}:r? aOCrt ljt}?:r opr%vgeéure )l)y some cities and towns should be | will override the injunction broughtl nor:{(?fo?g commended shall be con-- réequired of the others. A sugges-- by the Spanish River Pulp & "'peri tinued, and no action or other pro-- tion that the provision be made ap-- Company to halt the nroceedings "fl cedure shall hereafter be ('};7}"- 'Dl.l('ablc' only to cities of 100,000 or | the Timber Commission. It is inl menced with respect to unty't ;rr:g luwri 1pop'ulatmn was not favorably | the -- dment to the| done or sought to be done by y 'consr,ered. ithe form of an amendme j commissioner or commissioners ap-- | _ emmnnmmnnnmememeeremmmmemmmnmmemenme Public Inquiries Act, and stipulates pointed under the Public Inquiries | that no public inquiry shall be stay--| Aet, or to rest;ict or intt}:rfel":;] \rt']litsh > 7 the At--| the conduct of any such com * ' ed ex(:s-?t by the (,onsentmof e | sioner or commissioners until the __| torney--General of Ontario. | Attorney--General of Ontario shall , "The object and intent of this! novoa certified in writing that the | ; bi'l 5% baid the }oremier ill i]ltroduc- i qupstion in\'()l\'ed has been Subffilttle)d: 'th measure, "is to prevent pub;' to and h_as. beeon passed upon cy; ing e C * . in the ub-l the commissioner or (:ommlssmnerg.! lic inquiries undertaken in DP |and that in the opinion of the At--| lic interest being halted by any r)!'O-l torney--General such action or other; ceedings."' The Premier specifically| procedure may properly be proceed-i i mabl s is iver Com--{ ed with." | 'msr:.'i"r;c?:}'"t;:" ;S:;n:d}:h,?: "Tt pm-' The act further says that hefore; ?filo's that no such inquiry shall be| the action can be proceeded with a | stayed except by the consent of thel certificate to the foregoing effect| ' Attorney--General. It practically re-- i must be filed. f nasuict Nt paomepi nrrt wl' Sa a > 9