The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 11 Mar 1921, p. 2

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gb s wer * w _ u. ¥>/ Kyts "C~ C iesns y en Oe ks 4% severely the selling <~~ es --__[motor trucks, motor markers, ";la;! rf%eonc;:u:ilt;%ut adve:"rticement or & _: hi % chinery, stone, etc., pointing out t atl § a der, without the consent and. C#4-- to one firm alone in the ridlngldo 'itenme rity of the ° House then in ; fNir. Biges. A117.000°had been PR : :::ssign. He discovered a direct loss ' f"A Vicious Principle." 'to the Province of $200,000 in one : | he raked over the Min-- of them. ' "isu(:)rncoefnll)our{flic Works for allowing oo o es mar c headed" S E.? j t he direc-- "fatuous and fat--heade na: his name to appear on the 4 e f the flotations of the | torate of the Beaver Motor '}ruck cial folly 0o C 1 5 Hon' -- | Company, declaring it a "vicious 1)ecember'alld F'ehr\;ar);flqoaql;-a.t anci{' 4 !principlo" that a Minister of the| Peter Smith ar(}Lsoown whether ihel | Crown should allow his name to be d('ma"'(}"d to 1 ;1 was directeda at j | used for stock--selling purposes. If word fat-h"?': eC No' replied Mr. Hon. Mr. Biggs had pleaded that he |Bim Persore ce dovernment." LAA 'had not known of the appearance Dewart, '"to '.h';" what he termed | of his name on the board list he had \ comparison wit ari0'8 poor we-- | had plenty of time between July 2 the Province of Ontar 0\?-pDewart C 'and August 19, when the last ad-- | ceipts gfor bond iss'ut'-s,i':;'l!o.q at 98 ' | vertisement carried his name, to cor-- contrasted Quebec si --~ _ Ontario's ' | rect the error. Mr. Dewart express-- , and 99. Comparing a Quehei"s & ed the conviction that the accounts "I @#.3 per cent. i reimaal f Ontario 1 showed there never had been a Gov-- 1 per cent., the Prowince 1011arq No ( s ernment which had so consistently was out over a million '(I'(})'m F:z'irm- followed the patronage principle as . \ wonder, he v.ommon'tprl, A alled & the present Administration. A | | ers' Sun and other journals c '"Why is not the Minister of Agri-- halt. culture in his seat to--day?" Mr, | He criticized the proposed }s]x Dewart demanded. "Has he a con-- on real estate transfers as anP t# tract in which he has interested him-- post on the artisans of the tr'gp a f self in England? Unless he is at-- vince. Nor, he thought, h':'d a in 7 tending to the business of the Pro--| Government been well advise ]3 vince he ought to come home an«li limposing further taxes on the go * look after his business here. He is' iand silver -- mining industries r]) not wanted in England. His presence Ontario, many of whom were barely is an insult to the British people. His' able to carry on. absence from Ontario is an affront F i i nouaes ie art. to the people of Ontario." ! Flowers for 'Mr' DP"'l:"d a {riDute r. Ferguson t Pedestal for Mr. Raney. l m'&:'(l"as:flmfi (,§the previous spcoak-- For a brief moment he touched| er, Mr. Hartley H. Dewart, 'c"tf"th::g' on the proposal of the Attnrnoy-:' that seldom, in 17 years '?Xl'ers':_'iv_{ General to amend the Public In--| ;"}' 'ha 1t'9€r;51at1§Fe- h%(} h°g§f'-gs£ de-- quiries Act "to make the Atturn('y-| ;isgged (i)n Y?gtrtex'a?o?rh ?.r & lonoyrs i s > +4 . + +A > | d : % (]';:'i,'.,r'"Tnhfmf:"\",;:m\""'o p)ifinag The Conservative Leader stated A s enough concen-- | tration of law at the present timoj that Ontario was staggered by the ' 1 agare hk s Lbes appalling conditions in which they: ie said, without placing Hon. Mr.]| o Jn PP heir A lal affairs | Raney above the law in connection | were finding t oi hap s s | pi ; ; P »s | promised economy had not come | with his bill to prevent the halt--| s 7 s res th | ing of public inquirtes by legal mto.eflect. and in ons I racinaes | pr?n-fisg : < * ! Eughclexpindlnu;-t;sdof the Province | i PA j a almost doubled. | | to i'?"fl MrF. Dewart found that "the' on the head of every man, woman| f ('4'»\';r;rn'n;\nf staried the ¥ear: wi A Iaml child in the Province, a chattel| c vcpay o hn [ _ year wit 'f | mortgage of $15, to be met by fu--| } nearly _ $2,000,000 _ more cash in | ture generations,'"' declared Hon. Mr.! -- }mnc.iul!mn it closed t'h(- year. It.l | Ferguson, who charged that in ar-- received and had available, in ad*t | riving at his deficit the Provincial £ dition, over $5,000,000 more than + 'Treasurer had used some peculiar | was received in the precefing .\'eaf'.l | methods of bookkeeping. In this 3 | yet it closed lhc? year over 88(\.0,0.00I 'connection he referred to the dis-- . behind, and still the Provincial posal of the proceeds from the sale T.'.('"'\'"W,r Protondfl to be proud Of? of the Ontario Government Hospi-- his deficit. tal at Orpington, England, when He charged the Government ot| $400,000 had been placed to the | thr». day with violating the statutes,! '('r(gdit of ordinary revenue rather M | which provide that the Provincial| | than to capital receipts. | debt is not to h'o increased without| | The borrowing achievements of | express permission of the Leglsla-l | the present Government, the mem-- R | ture. Turnmg to the Hydro--electric| | ber for Grenville stated, had more Power Commission Act, he noted| | than equalled those of any two years t that authority was given under that | | in past history. & act to borrow such sums as Council| | _ "How long are we to go on in this s may deem requisite, but "only for| | way?" he asked. /'"If the presentl ' the purposes of that act," he added.i f | occupants of the Treasury benches| "Nor does the section of the Hydro--| | are there for long this Province will | 4A electric Act imply that a scapegoat| | be sinking into insolvency." l s can be made of the T'{Ydro-ole(-.tric' 4 t _ Borrowing has been done, Hon. & Commission and moneys horrowedl | Mr. Ferguson claimed, at the very a for general purposes.'" He asked| time when conditions of the money t the Provincial -- Treasurer if : he markets were at their worst. Un-- * would show the people of the Pro-- der those conditions, he asked, why vince where moneys that had been had not the Provincial Treasurer raised for Hydro had béen actually arranged for the flotation of short-- spent, and. where was the balancs 4 date loans? Bonds that had been s | that should now rest to the credit! disposed of at heavy discount, he of the Hydro. claimed, very shortly afterward * | were selling at par on the Toronto Attacks Bond Flotations. lmm'kel. Financial men had advised Taking up the various bond is-- | him that, because of the manner in | sues of the Government, he con-- | which recent loans had been nego-- tended that moneys had been raised | tiated, the Province stood to lose by flotations when there was no the sum of $17 on each $100 that y necessity _ for it, and at ruinous was borrowed. prices. Why in the name of good-- us ness, he demanded, did the Provin-- The Spendthrift Government. > " ftldllarxl-'rfia?al;:'p:"htn h'f'already had "The Provincial Treasurer will be ;ixt(-ofi > milli(]ni" q('c;]m ark on this * known through all time as the Trea-- + those bonds at the rfi;"e and . sell surer of the Spendthrift Govern-- f l f 92 ;;4'»9 On \"ariouq 013011'8 price ot \ ment. I sympathize with }11m; his s 3 there was litile on p"dfi':s{""s when good nature has allowed him to be f vide for '\Ir bm-vl; :1 (lju'llf' to pro-- imposed upon. He is surrounded by | . « Provincial T}'easijl'.('r h'e(i ared, the an aggregation of thoughtless spend-- £ on a riging market r"\\'dh( gone "'i thrifts, and I am not surprised that > Feagon," he asked. "; gt was the | he is forced to apologize for the s of the ndditional '§j ."6'03 is issuing whole Cabinet and the whole Gov-- in A: Hising marke, '% 000 bonds ernment, and say: 'I have done the s $40.000 bends 31 d'V en the $6,-- best I can with this bunch of pirates s AUDFE flated se ready issued had around me. Don't tell the people, @ ppreéciated several points, and any and T'll try to improve conditions f 4 prudent and provident Treasurer next year.' g t# ;'0U~'1 1.18":' saved the Province -- at f ¥f "Now, let us look at our little 1 xf::fn:siog.'bfl?t _b,,y tlhe most ordinary friend, the Attorney--General, who & SOn excent thé' g s there any rea-- looks up with a smile like a spring money Uiat hh la;t th'at the Hydro robin,"' the Conservative Leader con-- i s Able t should have been avail-- » tinued, turning toward Hon. W. E. P /A s 0 pay the Hydro liabilities Raney. '"He is responsible to a large f | was not available? It could not be extent for the present condition of| | available if it had been used for the affairs." _" i .?rdinary Government expenditures § Attorney--General--Hear, hear'! + . o which the Government had no ------Hon. Mr. Ferguson--Yes, and the 4/ ' right to divert it." . I ,.,x_'i § § Gp $ & g oo m

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