I"m\ 9 $ TE * Vh'. M s l 4 s R w'w' THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1921 | M. * 'days of Sir James Whitney legisla-- be kicked out. If the McCrea Bill & and the $2 power tax were passed Toronto would not go ahead with its > part of the clean--up. e Ald. John° Bridge of London re-- 'marked that the legislation would wannaeme ie | 'a,ffect that city in its probable ac-- * . ® +4 * quirement of the street railway sys-- Mumcma"tles Send DQDUta'; tem. _ The added revenue from in-- o A £ t creased fares would be put into tlon n RFOtESt t0 equipment, and when the road was' | valued this would have to be paid Premier Drury for again. i f Premicer Perplexed. | The Premier admitted that he had REGARD FOR CONTRACTS been -- unable to acquaint himself with the provisions of the bill. He umc k llondieeenme m e could see grave dangers if author-- Premier Drury gave definite as-- :ty twel'evdlt:}]ega.ted to cancel con-- yaea % racts. Neither was he prepared to surance )esterda}" that the munici favor legislation which would per-- palities of Ontario need not worry mit Municipal Councils to consent over the McCrea Billl. To a depu-- to franchise contracts being varied.| tation from cities represented in the Urilt(};xt'tulnately *\;II#;icipal ('oun(:ilsi & mig be susceptible to influences Hydro--radial Asgsociation the Pre-- which might not be in the interestsl mier said he would be unwilling to of the citizens. He wondered if do anything that would lend itself the;ire wa"sia] CO}')"DIPHICM&I'Y feature, under which the companies would to the breaking of contracts. refund money to reduce fares if the) The deputation met the Premier earnings were excessive. | after two hours discussion of the A resolution of condolence wasi McCrea Bill at the City Hall, when :Q'?ssef "}"%tht (;OD}t]Y'O"el' M:itgulre.' f A | Vice--President of the association, in t}:le following resolution was adopt-- [Ims recent beréavement. a ed: rnhtt cce en ues caceciee Utterly Opposed to Bill. '"'That this meceting of representa-- TAX ON POOLROOMS tives of municipalities from Wind-- sor to Ottawa desire to place our-- selves on record as utterly opposed to Bill No. 189. entitled an Act to ; Amend the Ontario Railway Act. | 6 s *4 s 4 '"'This bill was opposed by our as--, l Munlclpalltles WOUld ¥ Confér locia.tion.last year, at the request of Wlth PrOvmce and ' the municipalities, as being a direct | ' violation of municipal rights. | Arrange Plan ® "We desire to renew and reaf; | fi ion, this _ bill ; T O ts wrcmld ou}f'mggp{)::)n%réop%se and the' i Urging that a conference with the municipalities at the mercy of thei{ | various municipalities should be} Ontario Railway and ° Municipal| alle 1co-- ¢ | Board and the private companies, | l C d to develop a/co--ordinate .polics and would wipe out the terms of 'of local and Provincial taxation in | our contract, while allowing fran-- | connection with the levy on pool and ChiS't;S tothstanfd- Sn the tron ibilliard rooms, an open letter has. '"*We, erefore, petition e = $1. | grable the Prime Minlstl:r aa!.li?i {)}111? ig?r:aien;t t;lfrierinielr }lzjwry l;]y tl;e overnment to oppose the s | nicipa esearch. n as being against the interests of the | the act to license billiard and pool! people of Ontario. : rooms and bowling alleys, which Regulation of Fares. has been introduced by Hon. Peter J. W. Lyon, President of the as-- | Smith, there afe certain serious sociation, said the effect of the Mc-- | abridgments of the rights and inter-ir Crea Bill, giving power to the Ra.iil- i;:stts of municipal corporations, the: way Board to order a change n etter states. fares, would be that they would be |__As the license fees of billiard and revised only one way, namely, up-- | pool rooms and bowling alleys have ward. . The claim of private com-- | been a source of revenue for muni--| panies that they could not give a cipalities, the enactment of the pre-' satisfactory service or pay & reason-- lsent bill, it is stated, places in the| able return on the investm;':lnt. migtt,\t hands of the Lieutenant--Governor m' be a reason to discuss a change by Council the power to abolish this mutual agreement, but it constitut--| revenue. The letter recognizes that eid no ground for arbitrary leslsla-i the regulation of pool and billiard tive action. s rooms is a serious prablem, but says 'Vl?éen Hydro--radials t'ge!'e I'{"Ht- lti that a Provincial tax on pool and wou turn over to e allway billlard rooms would be penalizing Board the right to fix fares on | the urban municipalities, where this these efficiently managed lines, and |{ business is largely centred, for the deprive the Hydro--electric Powerl benefit of the Province at large. Commission of the very principle on nCms uie ut inereen ie mm aretonioceg | which public ownership had been' e areatomet . n I successful--service at cost. | es n e Eir Adam's Views. * * , ; l Timber Probe Witness Sir Adam Beck told the gatheqmgl s that prior to 1909 any Municxpal; is NOW Quarantme« Council had power to vary an agree-- ; ~* o t o x § ment without a vote of the people.| E. J. Callighan, Fort Frances, wh In the city of London a cirecumstance | was summoned to appear yesterda arose where this was attempted, bUt! before the Public Accounts Commit * he fought it. i. tee of the Legislature in connectio He pointed out that in WlndBOl" with Hon. (G. Howard Ferguson's es last year the Railway Board pro-- 'amination of timber probe witnesse posed to increase the fares, but this | is ill and will be unable to leave h rvas vgted d;w::ir:i by the Detolzile' Tige !holr?erox' six Wefil:b': ced arges majo es agains e * & H. Dewart, K.C., yesterday prc crease were in districts where the| n duced medical certificates to the ef working men lived, who were 0": fect that Mr. Callighan was quaran strike for more money.l Allmthoug{g' tined on March 14 on account c the Railway Board said the old ; scarlet fever. Under these cireunr rates could not be continued and' stances examination of Mr. Calligha wages increased, under Hydro man. ¢ Ica.nnot proceed during the prese agement increases had been grant-l § ed, the old fares were malntained., s \ and the system was paying all its debts. If the Railway Board hadi * : increased the fares the city of Wind-- h sor would have had difficulty in buying the road. L § i Mayor's Protest. 8 _ Mayor Church said that in the > f P d C 8