""Plhrttnei-1 never discussed it with . A Bi,', V _ him-discount or price. or any- _ ' 1'? , thing. . IWC:'" " ' Cross-examined by Chas. Mc- ALLOW APPEAL Fii/1 l Cree (Sudeury), the Minister said E/r: 1 , that Mr. Hogarth's recommendation . _ 1 of Sterling trucks had not been in ' . ' ' writing. Calling on Perkins. he said. t t q , i he had not mentioned prices. nor did 0 e o -i. lhe know them until the tender was '~ (opened. He had asked Mr. Hogarth _....___...__ ' l to be at his office early on December . . 1 'V , i30, as only one day remained onl Government Brings lil TWO . a lwhich to purchase at the rulingI 's, a price. He had not intimated in any . ' way to his callers that it was "alli Amendments to I ": n arranged to close the deal With . l _ _,"'. . them." On Mr. Hogarth's arrival,: Oth. hot . a he said. he had looked over and ------- A signed the. tenders. but he did not . . , , ' know until Hogarth came whether Except for the Hydro legislation': '. k i or not the Perkins tender would bei and one or two non-controversial » "1iy/t"fi C Did k H I items from the Department of Edu- (i r. c rea--- you as o- . . rss,,' -q . -A" garttihvii' any other tender had been; ttt,t'i,2eoentt1te,ataonv1rnoTi1t, :2: " ma 6. " Witnesrr---No. I asked him if this}; ( islative proposals on the table of the sH assume bestlprice he could get for; lLegislature yesterday. As has been = TIii' er ng rucu. I . . . ' , generally known tot some weeks, ., mitinthlictrea referred to a rumor), 'the Government proposes to allow ' " e Ministers McLaughlin car ' _ T A t the y had been overhauled at Parkins') . ee,iyy.ey.y.,d,t.t theUU. . the) evi- t Sara'ge in return for or recognition; 5811101 LOUD?) ilee',ersd','listhtl'ti, It Iii of the P1.""u'tance of his tonder. This; (hyatt/ce/l, 'heard.,', 'Vlrd i'iGirr' ex- , the Minister warmly denied. l, port business. Incidentally, it be- ' g That Bill for Driving Cars. " came known, although notH an- N _ rr , , . se, . "Who fixed the $50 price to drivel {igutnzeaiiggq 1'tedl,ott l!, tieamrxlid- _ g the trucks from Dundee?" went on mints which had be'en.under con- m , Mi: Metres. ' I templation by the Government have t ' / There was no such price" Tel been dropped. Next session may see , glgipgiilsk " The whole thing isI a general revision of the O. T. A. ' e l M Complete corroboration of the, Proposed Amendments. , i inister's testimony was given by, . .- v e two amend-i Chief Engineer .Iiogarth. who acts' me'nntsitr'otrtodeu'i't.uir.ty Attorney-Gun- . as purchasing agent for the High- eral Nanci/(said: 'Ut is proposer. " ways Branch. Mr. Hogarth ex-' to ive the right of appeal in cases ' P.rai.ned investigations he had car- uimger the U T A. to a senior . " ried on over several months regard- County Judge. on the record of the a ins types of truck for roadwork,and evidence before the Magistrate." _ (i said that a virtual agreement was Ten davs' notice of appeal to the! C /i reached hyrthe department in De- prosecutor or the Magistrate is nec-' ", ' MT cember, 1915, to give preference to essar: for the accused to have his ' ' Sterling trucks. Hon. Mr. Uiggs, he iri; 3mm] to appeal. Where the) d .i',t,if,' had not influenced that deci- senior Judge of the county in which) "; S"'d"t 1'entryi,ad1"e,n1yt,rtpneg,td the appeal is made is ill or absent,', f _ _ . ' ""'. _ ' ken to the sen-- " of an impending increase in the1 the case must be far . t JI . N ior Judge of an adjoining county. . = 2",/,','ife/"/ SLerlijnng tanks and was The amendment with regard to the . rate. y e prevailing export houses, he said, sultistituteld u Witness went on to explain his {or the word 'wnrehouse' t e wor s 7 ' (j signing of the contract as "approved" :33: t11uoart,twy,enh1.2r," graham: a toJrPg",'d1t'Jt,,i'li, whines; his signa- '/v'/l'//iof,'l act "We propose." he V 30, on the jr1f2/'/frtdtet's,e,"i7,',t,'sr said, to leave the export business in - t was to be closed on December 'iiffr"i the hands of the Dominion Goviirn- ad He and the Deputy Minister, he said,' _ ment, exercising no Judgment w at.. P, 1 knew that, if the prevailing lower (e)."?!' with regard to premises, pro- . _ l - price was to he secured, the order i,'I1:tf only that bond liquor ware- . , for the trucks must be sent in on) .houses shall be excepted from the December 30, and for that reason (provision of the act. if. they had so dated it, though signing iRegarding Marriage Licenses. = it on the previous day. Parking had i . t "-. P, signed nothing in the Minister's I Radical change in the handling: office, he said. Witness did not know of marriage licenses is proposed ml F . from where Parkins secured the ;a measure introduced by Provincial ., specifications as listed in his tender. Secretary Nixon. By the terms of The department had not given out the bill all present holders of 7 these npeclfit?ations, but the Minister, power to issue marriage licenses,} , 13 he'said, knew what they were to be. Jewellers principally, are automati- 'l i The only tender received at the de- cally cut ott from that privilege, , "? partment had come from Parking. 3:" (tihei 'le: 2 f,',"'?,, licensiesI I' 1 ' 'pace n the ans o munc a tca' seems Without Precedent. ielerks, who are given certain pogv- ' _i' ', Mr. MCCrea--Do you know of any i era with respect to the appointment , 1; deal of this magnitude where tenders, i, of assistants. and it provides for '," [ were not. advertised for or competid certain adjustments in the matter -) q tive tenders invited? I iof marriage license fees. The 2 I Tvitrttytttr---No, not of that size. ir (amount of the license fee, tii, has F, ," Mr. Curry-you had determined: :not been changed, but $4 of the tee " that there was no possibility of oomCi, , reverts to the Government. Duly ", " petitive tenders in this case? I 'ordained women are also by the act f Mritrtesr--itr. l permitted to perform the marriage y Mr. Mci"rea attempted to get from) ceremony. , I the witness the names of other com-l I -t"etTrtht'ItTtTtrreztee f, , panies from which trucks were being: it a secured. but the Chairman ruled this j, '. l to be out of order. Heated discus.. R 2 sion arose, and tho Chairman's 1111-: I * l' ing was appealed. By a vote of 19..7( j ,. _ the Chair was sustained. and discus.1 I " ' Mon turned upon differences. in Ho-i, , i ' garth's opinion, between the Sterilngf '." . Z and other makes of trucks. The1 'rl I witness enumerated several types. 's) I _ which. in his opinion. were inferior.; if} .- Since the "deal" under discussion Jr, , Mr. Hogarth said, the department _ 3'" had purchased several Sterling; ' W trucks, securing them at the "old) if , price" because of their former large; in 7 ', order. I , , 'i' . . . "s s,,,,,,.,,,,.,---.-...-,..-:, -_, I -