fer." ramkAyoraiigys nitely pledged itself to validate the es Kart Honfuth, South Wa;_gr!ior%' mx-law. then the Government will * said that the whole thlngbwas ak}i' J 4 '\keep the pledge. If the honorable ' and --all nfongys 8h°"'di * ll.'s f 'memb'ers 'will wait until tomorrow I them as 1'?' }({:o;nmi\slegr;le Perth will give them a full statement on | . Wellingtony ay, 4 h g the matter." --, > j called for a few "'C"',"'Ifl?gc%yfé?m' The Premier explained, in answer in atll. deparéinents 0 % to remarks of Mr. De};va;t limél 111"1:1 -- pPment.s _ g Ferguson, that they bot a a o ('.f'(.'.r{ q,,éff{}}fi: r]:'%il?]t(?i?l(;(: the matter brought to their atten-- t e we 4 any affendment because the tion ; that he had supposed the pre-- A bring in fm'.\mn) y vorc. + paration of the by--law was along the [ dn * )hz ~~ § Crawftora said that | line that the Hydro would operate Hon. Thoma raw « Lt i + h he legislation Was regarded as a di-- the railroad for the city of Guelph., + ie (}'"-{ at th§ Chairman of the| "There is no intention," he said, }f'.',,.('fol;ooric G@ommission. | \'"'that Guelph will suffer for what i \W. B. N. Sinfilair, South Ontarto, | |was perhaps laxity on the part of ' said he did notMike retroactive leg-- |the Governinent or negligence in the islation. Those @vho made mistakes supervision of the by--law. At the in the past sho@d, like the rest of time the matter came to his atten-- takey chances on what tion, he said, he was under great the people, ta + P had happened. pressure of work and had not per-- R. R. Hall, Pitry Sound, said the "that Guelph will <suffer for what §3 bill was whitewa§hing; saying a man ) «~ . haps given it the consideration it de-- P who is a thief is :n; h?_nf'St nt'"l" by served. AH assing an act ?arliament. "CH; % '1 6 (\lg.w;?. Ilul«'.rm\_*sal('l he hoped the, Objects to Guarantee Clause. o23 1. Covernment \\-f>mffl make the bill| | _The Premier said that the agree-- 4 EC retroactive until J 917 so .ihat there | ment seemed to involve purchase of ie could not lm];m.. accusation of fln.\'l' It the railroad and the guarantee of ' injustice at all. 'honds by the Government. "I don't| think the guarantee clause should ' T. hink th tee cl houl % ! be in it We may be able to meet 9 the case by leaving out the clause f | about guarantecing the bonds." | * SR | Mr. Ferguson said he had had a < | copy of The Mercury, a Liberal j | paper, sent to him from Guelph, | | and he was concerned about * . | "| attacks made in it upon the Attor-- i ney--General as the foe of radials. \ i | Mr. Buckland, in the paper he Te"S Leg|S|ature DlSDUte' read, had touched a similar strain. | i j "BRoth these newspaper articles l Over Guelph Rallway Due have referred to my prejudices," j * * said Mr. Raney. "I have no pre-- tO Mlsunderstand"'g jJudilces against Hydro--radials." | "Everybody knows that," observed | | o Mr. Ferguson. | WILL _ FULFILL PLEDGE DESERTED W":E ' Premier Drury admitted frankly | o es |to the Legislature yesterday ;that !there had been a misunderstanding ' ACT CRlTlClZED © regarding the Government's attitude F ' | toward the Hydro--electric Commis-- | ke» sion operating the Guelph Railway. | s o | He made the definite statement h. L. BraCkln Thinks 5-year; | that if the Government had pledged j f ;itself to validate the by--law ap-- ! Per|0d Wl" work i | proved by the Guelph ratepayers i | last January to permit the Hydro | HardSh'p !tu operate the road, then the Gov-- Smnitrmmcmmiipmmues |ernment would keep the pledge. He}| SECOND READ'NG GIVEN |announced that he would make _ a ifull statement on the matter to thei' esumasmmmomammzige ; !HOUSO today. | Before the Ontario Legislature / Buckland Raisecs Question. | gave second reading yesterday to ; The question was brought beforel : | Hon. W ulter', Rollo's amendments to' the House by C. H. Buckland, South . the Mothers' Allowances Act, R. L. | * b lz\'ellingt011. \l\'h? x'ca((: elxthensiveI) firaokin, Liberal member for West} . rom an article in a Guelph news-- Cent, vigorously attacked the provi-- !Dar)er covering the history of the c sion under which deserted wives, left l | proposed transfer of the road to the with children, are to wait five years | Hydro. ~| before the board can recognize them 7 ] Mr. Buckland last week had askgd ' | as ({{:sl']ox'ted and lend assistance. t the Premier in the House when the * (e at is the deserted wife going | bill validating the transfer would « to do in the five years?" demanded | be brought into the Legislature, and :\Ir. Brackin. '"'That is the very per-,' f the Premier had replied that the 10;1. "'Y;lfi'n the children are small,! k agreement should first have been '| when she --will require assistance. I| 8 ;submitted to the Government; that d.o n,r')t think that is a fair proposi-: ithe Government did not altogether tion. y y $ & [ approve of the agreement made, but Directing his attention to criti--| |if possible it would bring down an i| cism expressive of the opinion that}' | act validating the transfer. payments to deserted wives might} E The article read by Mr. Buckland | encourage men to desert their wives,' $ ns ie i n is on tas: Ts Jn took n lootves ahip dea M the Mayor o uelph an e Pre-- s such : --Dred, 3 c 'mier ir:;nwhich thep latter had said | that he will desert his wife and in-; that. if the ratepayers of Guelph | fant children will desert them irre--| -- M2 approved the agreement with the }spec'nve_ ,Of wh'ethe'g"'t.hoy are going x Hydro, the agreement would receive tf) receive any asm;s'umce from the ' * W f the sanction of the Government, l'lofit-'l'lllllt'[{t or 110t~1 (plained *T L . | which would initiate validating leg-- f | the 0}2 :\ 'llttlf'-lt R:':g er\lg v:,":: no(; ) islation in the coming session. ME 701'1.le § 't;x g e'e- € )r";'i*ion} l f The article further said that Sir 'gn.mnor(( of the five--year provis M Adam BEeck had stated to a Guelph! in the act, there had to be some|-- § R +A f | lapse of time before it could be de-- l official over the long--distance tele-- [ SUKAE : ar . * hone that he had personally sub-- | termined that the wife had been de-- | P # e P h > serted. Hon. G. ;I. Ferguson was mitted to Premier Drury and the oo n Td T a c rits Att r--aG 1 the agreement be-- inclined to agree with the Minister. £ Orney--Lusnelt & He recognized, he said, that a man's ; fore it was voted on, and that there Ee * w s 2 c Yariatt 4 amendments going away'"' did not necessarily 3 , werl, t\ar ait m}:s an 'mean wife desertion, and some pro-- , made to suit them. ! vision had ito be laid down to safe-- Anticipated Hydro Operation. |guard the Province. > ' '"'There is a misunderstanding y tm --fr=--: xk ~ l which may have been, and probably * l was, partly my fault," said the Pre-- Cl mier, in reply. He said the whole § J basis of the discussion up to Decem-- -- s o ber 17 (the date of his letter to the f .. o . Mayor of Guelph) anticipated the a Py ds \Hydro taking over and operating the | -- Sie es : i ~Apoad. < w2 \__. |__©I will look into the matter," he . es 'said. "If the Government has de-- , * P «Snd is &