| -- ---- o Carvell Utterances : _ |the ratepayers of the city o Criticized H Guelph. riticized i ( When he received the letter from % ; ed in ouse , the Mayor, Mr. Drury said, he called Hon. Frank Carvell, Chairman of f | up the Hydro and talked to one of the Board of Railway Commission-- | the offlci;x{ls. idI lthlllk s"q::fi:edl\'{;; ers for, Canada, received criticism ¢ Pope." e sa 1c was ass ; 4 ie that official that the agreement was f)rom still another quarter whenl =% in accordance with the understand-- Peter Heenan, Kenora, spoke in the ing all along that the Hydro was Legislature yesterday on a questionl to take over and operate the road of privilege. He read sextensively| & for the city of Guelph as a muni-- trom. & spesth of Mr. Carvell's 1 l cipal enterprise. On the strength of h y e tef o t AMTgoe o in i that he wrote to Guelph that if the which the wages of railwaymen were iratepayers approved the agreement said to be one of the main causes lthe Government would validate it. | of high operating costs. | \ . "'The GOV('I'?"""IY"t keeps its Mr. Heenan said that he was an | pledge," he said. I do not ap-- engineer himself and knew some--| _ ,.prove of the by--law as submitted, thing about their wages. The av--| 'but if Guelph is pleased with that erage wage of an engineer for an | agreement .the (:.ovormnont will I{(\ight-hour day, he said, was 37.50.; make no objection. iThut amounted to $195 for a 26--day ' When he called up the Hydro of-- | month and $220 for a 30--day month.' ' ficial, the Premier said, the copy of } "If he makes more than that it is' the by--law had not 1'oache.d h}m, | because of inefficient management," | and did not reach him until after | said Mr. Heenan. "If the manage--| ' the decision was made. ment cannot get railroad men over | wonne ie e monen en mm en mem | 100 miles in eight hours, then it is' | inefficient." § ! } |__"I don't think this person should | { | be permitted to go through this| l | country making such statements as ; E | |he is making," concluded Mr.' | j { mmnnemememmemmnmenen mememmmmmmmmmmmemmme | & * 4 ® wiil*" | All Universities . !B Majority of Three Com To Get Assistance ! y 3]0" y 0 ree * Hon,. Howard Ferguson asked in I i t rester i mittee Favors Conten-- n e es Oeeeidan on Maw | lof the reported undertaking of the tion of the C|ty | Minister of Education that a sub-- | | stantial sum of money would be J vommmmemmom mmz | granted to the Western University > > 3 1 of London, if a similar amount +o » t 9 » re + .B) a \nte'of 23 'to 20 the .Irn.ite would be granted to Queen's. Bills Committee of the Legislature "I gave no assurance that any yesterday morning decided in favor further support would be granted £f the contenti o inthar.-- prgt _l other than what I have already in-- '(f i (10'1\ ent "fl uf: lh't city of Tf) dicated to the House," said Hon. !xomo that there should be three Mr. Grant. "I said the Western ]arbitratm's rather than one to fix University -- would be generously [the price at which . Toronto will treategitnext year so fag aS;;'iDitt}a:l -- c bales ; is o o is Peurea as expenditure is concerned. c 1'?" S ef ,th(' 'T"":?w l"',"""}i universities will be generously dealt Company this fall. The city's re-- ; with when the Government decides presentatives _ vigorously . opposed | its policy." l suggestions, first, that P. H. Dray-- ton should be the sole arbitrator, and, second, that on a commission i ot three he should be the third member and Chairman. f After lengthy and decidedly 4 # vehement discussion of the subject, "R. L. Brackin, Liberal member for \ West Kent, moved that the city ap-- C [ point one man as arbitrator on a + j | board of three, the company one, |and that the third be the official f ( | |arbitrator. He was secand-- € | ed by Charles MeCrea, Conservative * ~ member for Sudbury. I » & J. W. Curry's amendment, and 7y 68 ~ the one which eventually carried by | Ald ~'§'$'§'sh lant Of ' the small margin of three votes, EX' el'.Q.w\ ,.'\' p f was that the city and company each 4. A a ; appoint one arbitrator, that these s Low $~Jlog|zes AlSO two members appoint a third, or in <W ~\Q~ | the event of their disagreement that t 2 & 4 Utterances | the third member, who is to be the | 2 \";' | e 3 . s A j Chairman, shall be named by the A secameme oo i meeveomrnem i courts,. N Members voted as follows on the -- CON". {l GLOBE REPORT . Curry amendment: For--Allan, Brown, Bucklanda, mecummsunummamers ' Cameron, Carmichael, Crawford, x | Curry, Ferguson, Halerow, Henry, Membel'S Of the COUHOII Gath" Hill, Johnston (Simcoe), _ Leeson, « Lethbridge, Lewis, McArthur, O'Neill ered Same lmpreSS|0n | Ramsden, -- Rankin, Ross (King-- ' | ston), Thompson, Watson, Webster ovty | of Speech | Against -- Brackin, Casselman, S vets Argee e enc iess ! Cooper, -- Dewart, Freeborn, Green-- f law, Hall, Hicks, Homuth, McCrea, The ex--Alderman H. B Ashplant f MacVicar, Marshall, Montgomery, inquiry before the Privileges and Oke, :'énur('i. ;\1:1';.:('1111," Sinclzur,' Elections Committee of the Ontario Stover, Tolmie, Racine--20. /' Legislature ended yesterday after-- M o e i oA mor n E noon when Mr. Ashplant tendered Action Over Water Lots |an apology. His apology, as word-- | * * 'ed for him by Mr. Curry, was that J D"m"sed by MaSter [if he did say anything at the Lon-- \ The action of Attorney--General [ don Council meeting of March |\ Raney against Hugh Paton and J. J. which was capable of the inter-' & { Carrick to set aside a patent of water| pretation that had been put upon ! | lots in Thunde_r Bay was dismissed' _ |it by members of the Council, . he | 'yesterday by Master in Chambersl desired to withdraw it, and was Cameron. The parties had arrived ; p s x-- l at a settlement. The suit was to fincerely gorry for having so .¢ rectify the patent by including in it pressed himself, J. W. Curry sug-- the name of William H. Laird. Mr. gested the apology, and J. M. Fer-- Laird's interests are protected by the guson, committee counsel, acqulesced settlemenr_t:'_________w LNE riannearemintaniiss in' its being made. Mr. Ashplant did not admit at| i any point that his remarks should be interpreted as meaning that im-- ... |proper methods might be followed