MW. LcP.teK-u---s, .U-i - ' IO.'I'.A. AMENDMENT "t i --------1- +-------------------------------------------~-------------------~------~ I l l lDefendants Allowed Right I, q l F 1 to Appeal From Convic- eg's ators wot . l , tion Upon the Record of i, Veterans Request the Magistrate Under! .rw---r--tr.r--r------. - Premier Drury introduced a Terms of Last-minute . . . l resolution into the Legislature Legislation I, yesterday that met with unani- M.----....--.-------- ._. i mous acceptance. It was an en- WHAT LEGISLATURE i dorsation of the resolution ot the veterans' organization in To- DID THIS SESSION. ronto calling upon the Dominion .__._'__"_ , Government to make provision ' Outstanding among all matters; formed: the unemployment situ- dealt with during the present ses-'; 1:11:21: binaelglsatgitzlzggotnheagii.C53; snon of the Ontario Legislature have i and allowances all bona tide G.. amending of the Ontario Temper-' absorbed by the Government ance Act. Many hours were devoted! Employment Bureaus or other- to the question of allowing appeal to' wise. . ' . . a County Judge Fr,e/fjs1,"iil,nets in B. I we2"id'/ie/iiMttidtf't', T,",', met; O.T.A. cases, and mally the Attor- . rl 3 use o ner-General, although he himself ad- I injustice because. as they were mitted ho was not enamored with the last to be taken on by em- , the idea, brought down a bill which players, they were the tirtst to be received its final reading last night, providing that defendants shall be laid off. allowed the right mammal upon the l sai'dvdhgre fv'1re,'JJruf'i1t1yndtag, r rccord of the M' istrate. f ' 7 "is 7 l hundreds of men on the farms of . Right to Search thendcd. l the Province. He had haunted The Ontario Temperance Act wasi the Unemployment. Bureau on _, . also amended during. the past 583-1 Front street, but the men seem- I sloln so 2tuie"i,e1,ti','," 1t1,l'icttf,"is WAC" ed to entertain a reluctance to p0 ice cons a es now ave e rig " 0 out on farm w . to search boats. This was the direct g ork outcome of the recent Spracklin -----tq--'---m--_r-i_er-e--e--e------9_'i-e-'---ew-e case, in which the Methodist minister ', --r--- ---_-- had to pay punitive damages for) CITY mu, ASSUME having boarded the "Kittiwake" in} the Detroit River. l, The Marriage License Ant. was; COUNI ll OBLIGATIONS amended so that. in the future the) . sole issuers of licenses will be the; ------ 'i)yunei,'ii/'t) 1L t5,tuJ'efl1,itiiii,et,? 1,:iti"1ei CLAUSE GIVING CLEAR mus: automatically cancelled. l, FER OF METROPOLITAN ' The Public. Enquiries Act vast IS W'ITHDRA'VN amended so that in the future no; ------------- probe can be held up hy an interest- i Clause fiv . ' ed party taking out an injunction. I lto ac . ehln the bill for Toronto Hon. Manning Doherty was success- I _ (1111"? t e Metropolitan and ful in piloting through the .y'gltsittt- lother radial railways was with- "re. three .bil!sf,""}1i°': QE'Onge for}; . :drawn in Committee of the House rural credit system, and or short- I Yesterday by Hon, D. Carmichael. term and long-term loans. l lThe claus,"? vested the property and 11'1"." Legislation. i 1 all franchises, rights and privileges . . . of the Metropolitan division of the _ The Legislature ratified the agree~ 1 Toronto & York Radial Railway in intents for the city of Toronto tak- the corporation of the city of To- ;mg over the Toronto a: Niagara, ronto free from all claims of anyl lPower Company. tne T. TC. L., and person or of any municipal or otherl gthe Metropolitan division of the To- J, corporation. l 'i.ron.t.o & York Radial Company with- T. Herbert Lennox opposed thel, yin the city limits. . . , clause on behalf of York county i Q It further authorized the taking: Hon. Thomas Crawford Gaiiilifii1r {over by the Hydro-radial i)oiGiii.l,Cl 'the clause was of importance t th 'sion of the Mimlco. Scarboro' and! 'City of Toronto ?e o e (Metropolitan divisions of the Toronto l Mr. Lennou in revi " h it, Xxxklltaftllal Company outside of: tempt some time ago 53:51:": It; "tteCttyt1rt11trh s Me . . P.Nst "tT.:' ""'." l Timber controversies loomed large- 3 thgttr2§21rtimht my: 1xerQ',,r,i,'t),t,t'1,, said fly in the discussion of the fourteen- i in its fra g hi0 1e county 9f York 'week session. but there were no legis- , atriGind tn: se was recognized by 'lative developments in that conncw' proceediggg 1dyra'1)n00/); Buththose ton. . k roug . l Hydro as usual was the subject of l ri all: county of York had certain extended debate, but up to an early' Mit under its agreement with the lhour this morning the Legislature ti ropolitan, said Mr. Lennox. If [had not reached any final conc1u-i I '9 clause went through the freight (sions on the vexed problem ot assist- I, coming into'the ("HY could Ibe thrown §ing in extending power to rural dis- , "1v1t,,,yoz'e,r',: Hollow. :tricts. ', ' t' OWiS said that Toronto , --------_ I l had no desire to interfere with farm- _ .ers of lork county to ship freight - linto tho t.'fty, but it did not want a continuation of a radial line down range street. It was agreed at the _ olean-up" conference, he said, thati tho Toronto Railway Compnnvi would assume the obligations till York county for monetary damage! . The clause was withdrawn. l l r-rr-tere-er-tries-st-e: l