l, -.---.-..----------- l INQUIRY PROCEEDS . t l I . Ill I TILL TRUTH is on _ 1 Premier Drury Makes This , . ---------" 1 Statement on Timber . . . Investigation Drury Wants Iyis0ussitm---. . '_------,-- ---------- ; Member Threatens to "We knew nothing about the let- _ .ters," said Premier Drury in the 1 Talk a Week _ Legislature yesterday regarding the: . letters said to have been written by} i -- . It. T. Harding, former Government f Premier Drury in the Legislature counsel in the timber inquiry. andi, iycsterday withdrew his Election Bill. copies of which were published in' l -l/,r/h, Dgwart. Liberatl tgfa'ii'iii . P ' l urge c remier o pu - frhe 1't""y"ot.Tetsr"cy.n. _ through. lie pressed the matter Alex. Lexus, .\ortheast Toronto, strongly, but the Prime Minister brought up the subject at the morn- said he wanted the bill it'lllllly dig- .- . " . cussed and put throng w t no sus- ;'"5 :'.""","11.. , 'N . . ipiclon attached to it. i, Mr. Lewis said that the iletteis l R. L. Brackin objected to clause 9, iweve a reflection on the members of: which provided that if the Chief, 'the House. The speaker said that; Election Officer were ill, his place 'Mr. Harding was acting for Mr: could he filled by an appointment by Backus and the Government at the' the Chief. Justice of Ontario. (same time. When it was brought to, " "if the Government is prepared to the attention of the Premier he said, persist in retaining clause it I am that Harding must cease being, prepared to stay here. all neat week _ is'acktvr' counsel, and Mr. Lewis said if necessary. to speak on it. he - that the Premier was right in this. i said. Mr. Lewis continued: "After seven. -'T""T-_r'"tT-""-"rt= - - -- c ing his connection with the Govern-, ment and being counsel for the Gov- ernment. Harding was so worriedi about his former employer that he. urged that something must be done ' .to silence the paper. He says in his! _ l 'letter he has 'discussed the matter; with those you possibly can guess..' " Mr. Lewis said that the commis-y - sioners seemed also to be implicat- it ----.------- . led. and he wanted to know if the, . . -- itiovernmt'nt was going ty discos. Drury Wants Disoussitm- (tinue "this farcical investigation. I i i "We knew nothing about the let- ' t _ ('tors. There was no connection with Member Threatens to i fthe Government," said the Premier N, , ."Th€'.\' welt. not wt-ittett with the \Talk a Week i éknowledge of the Government, and - , 'we don't care if they were written." --t---.--.-r-- , The Premier mid that the investi- Premier D ury in the Legislature ignition r'JttW,ni'o(vasl"isot,'/','ce11""t1fg',' yesterday with raw his Election Bill. gun ll ev r.1 _'. a? 3 TI. H. Dewar Liberal Leader. ' ire?" facts were known. i urged the Premi to put the bill _ I ""r"ttr"=Trrli"rAtrfr"rf, i through. He pre ed the matter l l, 'strongly, but the rime Minister 7 w ill i' said he wanted the ill fully dis- i l cussed and put throng _wlth no sus- ' ( picion attached to it. ', ' . a i R. L. Brackin objected to clause 9. , which provided that if the Chief i Election Officer were ill. his place . ----.- ------.- 'if,"e11ght/ia11t,d, by an appointment by . . ', e ie Justice of Ontario. l Labor Deputatlon to LeQISIa'l ' "If the Government is prepared to _ fpersist in retaining clause 9 I m ture Suggests Means Egrepared to stay here all next "Eek . . ', necessary, to speak on it." he . to Meet Situation :said. Any expenditure of the Provincial _ .v Government to relief unemployment , i ES lbf'fore. the Legislature meets again STILL IN s SIGN .will be supported by all groups in l EARLY THIS MORNING line Legislature provided the ex- , _.__..___.___ [penditure is not extravagant. . w. i This was the assurance which the Premier Bound to ind It - I'neniployment Committee of the . . District Trades and Labor Council up! it It Takes All received yesterday afternoon from . the leaders of the Liberal, Conserva- . Night ' t/g,tg,,n,,d, 1112301} groups while at the m...-.,..........'-,.....,.-.. , arianient uldings to seek so b relief for unemployment. me At 2.30 o'eioek this morning the od2'/,1/,",',g,' of the committee feared Legislature was still in session. with 1'l,e,,'lW,1'Tnedntt,lle,eel, $32341: grit: _ the prospect of final adjournment at next fall and that the Government any tlritts, might not be able to act until the All the members had been advised 1ryoe/,ti1atte,t"'tgty,t,; in? Premier re- that the session was to be brought i, - e pnsm ty of b . " . m " . {unable to handle an 'u'i'iem'ihos',',','2'tr _ HIS-*3 I???) vl,l',yt,tire,i"ty"agt,ti,tt 'Wit . . . F Am; s.V re 2r .. . t, it 31:31:20" without the consent of the dictum no matter what course de- 1 . " . bate might take. _ I yJievs,nc,m.pgiht,t,eeMu,,t,roroie,rt 10:3 At the hour named it looked as - Doggett. oifered a program of wor'l: (a)??? they would make a nitrhti which might be proceeded with at " . . once and again expressed the opinion _ that work was preferable to relief which however, should be continued until work was offered. T Tho .Goverytrytnt promised con- sideration of the requests made by the committee. . L