«o _ ._- , - --- "' 4 Mrfrifriiirt" and did not direct the q 'House. "It does not affect the honor! . ' 'of any member of the House or of ' the Government." he said. J I But Opposition members took de- cided objection to this and main- tained stoutly that Mr. Burnabys . statement and his attitude before the . - committee did affect the House. R. R. Hall, Parry Sound, in his speech, made a statement that w. H. Cassel- man, Dundas. said reflected on the _ members supporting the Govern- . ment, and he demanded a retrac- , ----- _ tion. Tho Speaksr ordered that t1:2;- . . . etract. an , amt some B- U.F.O. Members Solid Against 331g" took back his statement. . I Finally, after an hour .or more de- Proposal to Call Him bate Mr. Dewart moved an amrnd- [ment to the effect that the report to Bar lot the Privileges and Elections Committee should not be accepted, 3 q.----.---..--- but referred back to the committee _ with instructions to c.onsider whe- SILENCE C 0 N D E M N E D ther Mr. Burnaby should be sum- l - - - . ' . moned before the Bar ot the House - . to explain his ,rei?e,a1t, ton answer ' . I uestions put to m y e , air- Illo VOICES Raised to Defend 3mm of the committee which the Chairman Said he ghould aaswetr. . . with ower to t e comm ee o ', Hinrin Stand Taken Edam"; the mem amt mei . . . was taken and the amen men was In Committee defeated, and the report adopted on l ____________. the same vote. Only the practically unanimous Claims Disrespect to House. A _ vote of U.T".O. members in tho On- Imntigdiately the report was laid . . . . ., Ire . tol- Upon e table Thomas Marshall re- . tario L9§l81~aw.m. la: t.m':h} (breve l ferred to the fact that Mr. Burnaby ed ft. w. ID. Hurnaby. U.H. i. PrPsi- had made charges of bribery and dent. from being called before the then had refused to name the man 'Bar of the Ontario Legislature. Mr. 3.30;: 12:18 ctortnmgtteel.1 "Tciiet mat; . r , . '... . g no o e a e o res 'Burnabys refusal lo dnulge the there." he said. "He i303!0t treating |name of an attempted briber came this Legislature and this Govern- P? for discussion upon the report nlehTthWithl proper respect; b . -' . . e on re er action s to rin NI iof the Prix ilegcs and Elections (tom- him t',1l'/,'fllvt/it, gar of the House 3mg _" 'mittee. and the Liberal Leader. H. make him answer the question he _ 3H. Dewart. vigorously denouncing refused to answer in committee," _ ' ithe EEO. President. moved that the 'ef ler. Ferguson. "Caty1iA1sr I do l _ Privileges Committee be. instructed [hog Wehgletvehat:eb::?1r};ai':ic_'tWI§{l7:t:gldis to consider the advisability of taking the statement worth of a man who further action. . is ng'tlpregared to substantiate it?" . . . _ _ . " is s ou d not be passed over so Just one U.F.O. member, l ll lightly," said Mr. Dewart. " the T, IMurdock, voted for the Ihswart Ttlo- House could refuse to receive the re- ' ltion. and one Labor man. G. G. I-lal- tport he would be glad, he said, to _ (crow of Hamilton. Not a member 4:332 ftohr any motif? ttlilat woull)d (1:31 . r e case. bl e mem er or iof the House attempted to defend lGrenville (Mr. Ferguson) moves an t (the President of the. LEO. in the amendment to that effect, 1 will be - 1 stand he took at committee, but the gladI to support it." . q. {a .. voted to sustain the Chair- argument was all as to the useless man's ruling," said the Premier, re- ness ot pressing the matter. ferring to the vote that overruled Ferguson is Incredulous. the ruling of the Chairman of the _ " " . Privileges and Elections Commit- . T. H. Lennox. kl... Conservative tee that Mr. Burnaby should tell member for North York, who cxam- who offeredd him the bribe, "but the . ... c. . - statement 005 not re ect on the ined Mr. Burnaby ll' the witness box Government. The statement is on . in the afternoon, shouted across the an erroneous basis anyway, because floor during the vehement debate the man who alleges he was offered ' . w had developed "a the bribe was supposed to have in-i that Mr. (tl.".',")) f re the Privileges fluence with the Government. There, yellow strea e o . ' u, was no reflection on the House or', [Committee lion. G. H. Ferguson the Government." _ ifrankly stated tolthtc: ,,"/',uiro.th/',t.d"/.' Should Be Disclosed. i . . . . ' 1e ". '. . 's- 'disbeliewed'enttltr: )bribe "Why should -4he name not be dent'sstor5 o . e . . disclosed?" asked Mr. Dewart. l It. 1,, Braclun. Liberal member 'Ut should be," said Mr. Drury. for Kent. and tho .clyrm'yt ot the "But, after all, the whole incident ootntmitt.ce, sarcastionlly 'ytated E"? was a matter for the public to de- facts to be that, although the, U.H. cide upon. It did not affect the _ io. President had boasted It. kettle- House." I bv that he could back "D his ..sta.-.te- R. IL. Brackin reviewed Mr. Gents concerning a proffered bribe, - Hurnaby's statement about the "his greatest fear was he would have l bribery as first made. He said then to do the very thing he had boasted: 5that he had been offered a bribes, he could do." Before the Privilcgcst . iand that he could back up the state-l Committee the 17.F.O. President, (ment. "Mr. Burnaby said today thatl lstated he knew of no case wherol [he could not back up the state-l _ (e member of the [legislature had intent." : - lever taken a bribe. I Major Tolmie, Windsor. said that - l The vote followed a long and at: the matter did affect the House. itimes hot discussion. The amend- At the time Mr. Burnaby's statement l . ment to the report was moved by was made the .air.was full of such H. H. Dewart and seconded by John rumors. Considering the time it O'Neill. D. McAlpine. Brockville. was made and the circumstances .. and John Joynt. North Huron, were under which it was made, the Gov- in the, Chamber but did not vote. eminent and the whole House were Ft. L. Braekin presented the re- affected. I was proud of the Pre- V port of the committee and every- mien when I saw him cast his vote one. looked to see it_aocepted as a It, 2t tdo,r.e,'re,iaet,,that the name matter of course. But Thomas Mar- 5 ou e revealed. shall ot Lincoln started the disgrs- 1.113 Confidence Shattered. n ra sod t e on regar ng . iii?" 1','f,'.n'i1,",'.'i!, refugal to name to ' P2ttrt Lennox, North York, _ the committee the man he said had so that when the vote came up in tried to bribe him. He maintained Sim?" 1?P, as to sustaining the 'that Mr. Burnaby in this matter was su alrmtans 'tll""', every member _ not treating tho Legislature and the waipiiie'r'eg etaeep/i'notrvertnaenPtregie_ Government with proper respect. at}? one iother, was opposed to the , \greeme. nt. lt, ness tr ving the name of the man Opposition in I . ,Who approached him. He was backed up in this attitude r) " venture to assert," said Mr. by both Mr. Ferguson and Mr. Dew- Lennox, "that if Mr. Burnaby did art. Speaker after speaker rose on not occupy the position he does oc- the Opposition slde and supported cupy in the United Farmers of On- . the two Opposition Leaders' views. tario he would have been forced to ", The Premier tried to turn asidebth'e give the name. I approve the ac- ., storm try saying that Mr. Burna VS. tAon of the Premier in the way he ca statement did not reflect on the Gov-, "are :a