The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Feb 1922, p. 1

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¥ WW'W?T * !!~ io (e F2 m ',{"W', y 1 _ ): * ';'f;;g",:?'"' xc x e m *€ ' ' NR t :,_,; ol 2pvomeengeake t 4; *o y m _ Tss . NESpAY FEBRUARY 15. | Ts CLOBE TORONTO. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 4 * P ol ons vg -- +immtmizg 7 wv ~!= "m # 2 2t = The subject who is truly loyal to the Chief altf.fll"' avoid further commitments -- for trate will neither advise nor submit to itrary radial railways until this House shall measures.--]JUNIUS. have had an opportunity to decide as mm to the policy to be.pursued in the f bouGarncncs f | fu;l{xire.l'{ i icl | 8 Honor' x His Honor Opens Legislative: _ ,, X s address reed as itol Session Likely to Be | "'OX;IOf Speech From the Throne. | "Mr. Speaker and Gentlemen of -MomentouS | Yh'e' Legislative Assembly ; h amiuing mc hesilarc t mmncorinn ' . '"In welcoming you to your legisla-- 1 AME tive labors, I desire to join with you THRONE SPEECH IS | n an expression of gratitude to | fl;f"'ushty Gc:ld for the blessings we 4 | e enjoyed during the past year, Government Talks Platitudes nlos, Inp Teatetial respects, and in 4 those influencgs which make for the and Forecasts Little of eord. 24 social welfare of the com-- i ive Program '"It is. my privilege today to address Leg|S|at| 6 9 the members of this Assembly for the sitesesensingastmeescunmoscms f f the first time in my official capacity, Guns Loomed outside at 1_morwals and to express the pleasure it affords } > a firing. His Honor me to greet you as representatives of To o ieA ranibank t--Governor of this the people of this Province in Parlia-- the new Lieutenant-- C fine ment assembled. I desire to take ad-- Province entered the Chamber of t vantage of this occasion to refer to Legislative Assembly, thronged W'tg tdt:\?\eg:::lnt%eor]arg]yfiilstli:ilguislhfid gr:t- ---- or women and | °C » e r. one erbe men and wom:l"t x predominated| !Clarke. and to pay a tribute to his men, for the fair sex p ' o | personal worth and to his valuable --=--&BG in a clear, steady voice read public gervices. For years his time the Speech from the Throne which Iand energies were freely devoted to (ar Lu r launched the third sessior' ithe advancement of useful public § formall»y : P c --of, On undertakings, and his administration of the fifteenth Legislature of the office of Lieutenant--Governor aay 0 \motiog o wrrine tohecls en en 'Iv as 1 o'clock, yesterdal Y of worthy objects, which en-- As carly as owé' beseahn to ars aeared him to all classes and sections | afternoon the er of the community. 2 rive.. Chairs were placed between P ;1 "e ular rows of desks and seats Praise for Lord Byng. the reg 'clock there/was no roomi __"Since last session the Dominion of and by 3 o'c ock Church . |Canada has extended a hearty wel-- ftor more. Dignitaries of the u 1 come to Baron Byng of Vimy, as the Bench and the Bar, and leaders Governor--General, and to Lady Byng. business life, were sprinkled In this welcome the Province of On-- in a.. The ga.llel'iesl tario has 'cordially participated. It among the vast crow £ | is a matter of pride to our people & were filled to capacity. - that a citizen who has served the Sharp on the hour Mr. Cocksnutt ; f * so well in war represents the eared,. and the assemblage stood | reign in this Dominion in times a ppeared, tion as the Pre-- peace and security. in respectful a.t_ten 0 c frer's 'The special claims of agriculture. mier escorted him to the Epea s our basic industry and source of cbair prosperity, have not been lost sight * L of by the Government. Adverse Newly Elected Not There. cThér climatic conditions and the deflation Immediately upon th;hconclu!:lor? ?l: th; ;t)r'ices ottfa;'m prodfuct":htlr.uide the rone, Hon. e past year a trying one for n-- '{,'}:':nsl}f::l?aggm took the chair, , dustry. I am glad to know, how-- a .d read the customary prayers. A ever, that the prospect for the a.n of the Speech from the Throne, coming year is much more satisfac-- § ?fpy revent mistakes," was given to | tory. My Ministers feel that the fu-- I i(r'n pand the warrant of the election ture of agriculture requires the devel-- | Jt b M. Ross, North Oxford, was opment of further plans for the mar--| t in his hands. Mr. Ross was not keting of farm products. The or--1 p:elent nor was W. F. Nickle, K.C., ganizations for the selling of fruit are | ; ?.contl}" elected in Kingston. $ inieeting wiilth slqccess? and other plansg then -- moved or ailong similar lines will be developed 1 n P}'et?lel;ngg'é!x'xyce a bill respecting during the present session. The rural | ?i;'oeoa'ihs of office,'"' an annual mo-- ::iredit system crfated by the legisla-- | e the right of the on of last session gives promise of | _ tlon tlht_alir:ht?)wcsonside!' other matters beneficial results. Good service has| ;:glf :o the Speech from the Throne. rbleen renfdered tl}ro?gh extended local n ther motions of a 'ciasses for agricultural instruction, fozlrlr?xiggart:é?erothe House adjourn-- | :.nd tlff;ethresulits !juletify the applica.-' a ion o e principle in a more com-- f edT:!;uLite%dtzfi;nt-GOVemO" arrived" 'prehensive way in the future. ; -- s by motor car, ac?md%'tgl%d m;ft %'}' | Help for Unemployed. _ * horse. | a« :ggogov(;r; Canadian | egiment re-- | | § MutCh hconsideraltion htaa been s in front of the Buildings, | given to the unemployment question . ceived him in d briefily. He then | by my Ministers, and by an> Ad-- ons s ssoe c olle O "Lefislative visory Committee appointed _ some proceebded to ~ _1 months ago. As a result of these Chamber. deliberations the (Government has 5 MrMangs-kg;:u $&St°:°°°wn}fi?:::: undetrtta)lken tlo enci'lout'ageb themlx;loy- $ Y * * 1. ment by a plan whereby the Prov-- Brig..Gen. C. H. h}'{"g'gn :;'t%r(ige ince will contribute to the: extra Alexander Braseé'. a . reception _ wasy cost of works initiated by the 'mu-- House s,djournek 's Chamber. nicipalities for relief purposes, the held in the Speaker Dominion and locail authorities also R y % Absent. -- in :garir;'g t}}e exfiense. 13 atddlt!on, Man o m glature, wi e Province has agree o con-- : th?:txncgglt'iogt JP:h?'Iiarémier and |tribute to the cost of Isupplyh;g food inet, were con-- and materials urgently required to 231::1?gutswgydtt?é?rczgsonce. Several ; lrelieve distress and privation. Real-- 4 took up vantage} 'izing that a speedy return to nor« g;'i',','{:e hx;n etr;n: e;"Ex"ess Gallery from " mal conditions coulld best be brought oceedings. 'about by such voluntary action as * i rmonp ';':;eth:eftl;d directly in| _ would lower the cost of living and 'Amontgthe Speaker's chair on the' bring prices of commodities within . «_ i ioor ot the House were: Sir Robert the reach of consumers, the Advls-' f}oor oe,- Chancellor R. P. Bowles ory Committee .undertoik certain' B: l\(;?(:'tor'ia University, the Bishop Of| lappeais to the public frrom which | '(i' ronto, Mr. Justice Ferguson, Mr. it is 'believed resuilts ares lbeing Oob* fustice 'Maciaren, Sir William Mu--| _ tained, The signe of jreviring busi--| 'lock Mr. Justice Hodgins and Sir ; ness activity encouriige the ;hOp°| e# William Meredith, Chief Justice Of| | inat the necessity / for relief mea-- | Ontario : 'sures will disappear~~in the near ; Outstanding in an unusually nofl" future,. Asft 8 ¢ informative Speech from the Throne was the terse reference to pending - Hydro legislation. 'My, Minist@',_ read his Honor the Lieutena!.\,"_ °t s ernor, "have found it advisable to | R w > aenmmpnmue m «on poprmmmancncrectmetamemmemmmemmetemem d zs snn o > ;

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