The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 15 Feb 1922, p. 2

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e > e e e > e es ~ ~~ F F \ | * f y . r *"Xk 94 M 1 't'iTheltl]lj:g sess(l:on of the Intor&f' ome kr%. > ationa or Conference, hel officers, and a planting, pro ; under the auspices of the Leagu® | being dovelopodp, whlcsl'\ x:vllfrf;xl:'u::' | of Nationg, was attended by the sufficlent growth to continuously re--| Minister of Labor in an advisory ca-- place the annual cut of pine in this | * Dacltltrl- C;m.ln subjects were dis-- Prolv':nce.' + 4 j f cussed and recommendations made '"Legislation has beeh with a view to the improvement of the purpose of a.trordmgp:.. g::::::; t labor conditions by intermational measure of protection to the invest-- agreement. These -- recommenda-- ing public. Several bills have beenl f € tions, which deal mainly with agri-- drafted by the Legislative Commit--| | cultural labor, will afford material tee on Insurance. Among other' | for future and ~mature considera-- measures in contemplatlon are billa f tion. For the present session you concerning the mechanics' lien law : ' will be invited to improve and de-- the Police Magistrages _ Act, the ' velop existing legislation along lines Voters' Lists Act, the Probation Act, | : L already undertaken. the Mining Tax Act, the Mining ul ; ' Chippawa Opening. the fish and game laws, the opere--| * ie c tion of motor busses on Provincial! ' In December last the first unit : highways, the registration of nurses| -- of the Queenston--Chippawa deve!-- and the municipal franchise f ' opment was completed and officially "The finances of the Province have | . opened, and the plant is now gener-- been administered with a view to ating power for commercial ser-- maintaining the balance between re-- vice. An additional unit is being ceipts and expenditures and the -- installed which will shortly double outlook in this respect is satisfactory the present capacity. Preparations | At an early date the public CCounts a for completing the development are' will be laid before you, along with being carried out by the Hydro-- estimates for the current and en-- -- jelectric Power Commission. The | suing fiscal years i 4 success of the undertaking, both "I commend to your earnest co financially and otherwise, is a mat-- sigeration 'the --various . messures ter of the utmost importance to the which will come before you, and I Province as a whole and to the; trust that, under the guida;')ce of municipalities con'ceirned._ The ex--| Providence, your deliberations will | tension of transmission lines to thel promote the welfare of this Province | 4 rural districts is being undertaken. And of all itSs beople." , "'The commission appointed | peopie: * 1 to inquire into and report upon | the proposed system of radial | railways completed its labors _ | some time ago, and its findings } s will be duly placed before you. | * In view of the report, ind of | & the changed -- conditions, my . | Ministers have founmd it advis-- able to avold further commit-- _ | | _ ments for radial raiiways until this House shall hare had an i opronnnlt_v to decide as to the policy to be é)nrsued in the # _ futuro. Legislation dealing with . | _ this subject will be submitted | | to you for your consideration. | | ~ [ _ "A contract has been entered into $ 'by the Timiskaming & Northern * | Ontario Railway Commission for the ' construction if the first section of the proposed extersion of the rail-- '\way to James Bay, as authorized 1 twa years Aago. It is expected that | the undertaking will encourage in-- dustrial development, facilitate * « | settlement, and contribute to the ' ; general prosperity. P '~Teachers Better Paid. | | 'Substantial progress is being * I made _ in © educationai _ matters | . throughout the Province. School i boards have taken steps to provlde' | for the increased number of pupils . | : resulting from the law requiring at-- I ' tendance up to the age of sixteen Y i;ea,rs, and the work of erecting new * | buildings and enlarging others has | 'zone forward with commendable s vigor. The payment of larger j + g salaries to teachers has enabled very nearly all the schools to secure i properly qualified instructors. The committee of this House appointed 1 last session to study educational matters visited various pgsrts of the Province during the recess, in com--| pany with the Minister of Educa-- * J tion, and rendered worthy service. ! "The improvement of the 4 highways of the Province has | | been carried on energetically || | + during the past year. Substan-- _ | tial progress has now been made \ with the necessary preparatory ¥ work, and the foundations for { the Provincial system of roads ; a are being established on a per-- } manent basis. The advisory ; ( assistance given to townships by ; the Highways Department, and _ | the Provincial grants . now made, are building up the minor * arteries of the FProvince, and ) are co--ordinating the whole undertaking in 'a practical way. The adaptation of these opera-- tions to the actual needs of the f people, and the application of a j more complete system of main-- * tenance, are ideals to be kept f f constantly in view. . } Inventory of Forests. | f % "A comprehensive survey of our » * forest resources has been under-- s taken by modern methods, and will probably be completed in two or _ three years. The information ob-- * & tained will afford reliable data for -- ¥ future operations. In the meantime s steps are being taken by means of 5 ;. n reforestation and protective meas-- # ures to prevent the eventual deple-- a tion of our timber supply. Large ol areas are being set aside for this| * . purpose under technically tratnedl j + ( _ »wat wal : P Las

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