'; ** esd m y 9 fs ~*> y ) T * ©! s ' > wome~~| iwings Into Chippawa. | : Drury's Wamilton Speech. hal n# Premier Drury bluntly declared 4 ' H characterized Premier Drury'8} that the Conservative Leader '"does eilton speech as one mt""'w": not know what he is talking about'" | ; t * H'am "a note of bitterness agains in discussing Chippawa development . ) "ifh and against the men Whlo and the statistics connected there-- [ y We dr(; a the Hydro movement in th l' with. He then proceeded to outline : [ f have'i eca----il direct attempt to de-- the . whole history of Chlrppawal o Pos ';hé usefulness of the men who finance for the information of the | " k stroyf tered this scheme all the way House, including the Cooper and | ( e oo c aery n(i made it the tremendous Stewart and Kerbaugh reports up to | ,through"fliq today. . . . Never has any |October last, when Hon. D. Car-- I $ & Bras. uo_ who professed friendship for \ michael had placed before the Gov-- i; l Ydro -- strongly and bitterly do-- ernment the information that the | *ie oung dsoit in the history _ of this $55,000,000 estimates would be ex-- c k neroce c . never has any man sought |ceeded by $10,000,000. , ' ors sa6 n1'> and earnestly to de--| ' '"'That was a serious situation," | -- k tow eager';mle Hydro organization | said the Premier, "and a situatlon! 4 'af E. + |stroy the w rant of faith and dis--| which the Government could not ig-- f by creati08f W hote project from its| nore, because I believe that, no mat-- f a trust in the 't'he present day." 8 t ter what we may say about the es s | beginring to vative party, which trusteeship of the Hydro Commls-' [ Incvuoent Hyare into being, he said, sion for the municipalities, the Gov-- f brought Hydro i2 by and see to it ernment must hold some kind of | w' e"" proposed to stand ';air play. '"We hand on the actions of the Hydro ' f foat the 904 " h aid, "to see it Commission. I believe it would not * ' do not propose,." he S h want of \be safe to turn the angel Gabriel f destroyed either thul)ul!" loose without some check. The only es confidence or p',"'j"d Cal he asked if |effective superviston is the Govern-- y : Piscussing ONODADND Cont under-- ment, and I do not intend to shirk £€) there was any ('mm'nn;Lrtl had not the responsibility." | taking during the war t "d because ' Also to be taken into consideration, | had its estimates exceede hn e said the Premien. wag the fact that * § of increase in cost of la ;' pu'mio 'labor costs had gone down and there ; jequipment. The Minister 0 C ad-- 1 [ was noticeable an increased effici. 5 h . I\'Vorks. he said, would no doubt wat 'fncy on the part of labor--apparent, & ¢ vance the same explanation, fl"-" ;he said, on Provincial highways h f other Government departments also. | work. Moreover, another reason for 7 Feet |expecting a lowering rather than an a s Mr. Raney on His Feet. it it [increase of cost was the abandon-- Attorney--General Rancy aSk% o ment of the rush program to have 4 Hon. Mr. Ferguson knew of any fl};' 'lhe three units ready by Septem -- | f thority by which the Hydro Commis-- |ber 1. ; sion had increased the originall} | These facts," he said, "ahould} contemplated capacity of the C hiPD"Z' :have led us to expect, not an increase, y3 wa from 100,000 to 600,000 hor:srr- |\but a reduction. Remember that | power. When the Conservative |there was over six million dollars in | h |: ~ lLeader said he had no doubt it wguld $ i'the estimate for unforseen contin-- | !"": be on the récords, the Attorney--Gen-- gencies, and it came as a matter of | $ 9 eral said he had.been unable to find alarm to the Government, a matter | #;*" it of deep concern, to be told that the | y sine _ 'If the Government feared that 'g%t(fl'g&te was to be increased $10,-- x )%fi' there would be no market for Cthip'; ffirst ?fi'et?x!r'xittsh'? completion of the' h * s ue awa rer, he would pass on to i £ s uo fi?:v?npf?r?lfation that there was al-- i'r'he Government asked for and re-- | P¥ge most 200,000 horsepower in demand ;"9 'ed'explana.t'lon .t'rom the Hydroi :f"' at the present time, when numerous ,(;mm"ssion. But," said the Pre-- | EC ' great works were shut down. He ven-- mier, '"to the mind of the Govern-- | t tured the opinion that in five years * ;"}em, {hat JUBtlfi('at.ion was not and | Ontario would again be short of t";,"m sufficient. We are not saying | e | power. at there" ha's been inefficiency in | f _ After certain criticisms of the Gov-- the work. T'he Premier said the | s «... im miatter of additional expenditures, | p ernment record regarding the Nipi-- | referred to by Hon. Mr. Ferguson, | gon, Hon. Mr. Ferguson returned to was not' an issue of four or five mil-- ) the Premier's personal Hydro atli-- lions. The Conservative Lexder, hel tude. He charged the Premier with advised, should take a day off to | | having personally;flatt}z}ckeid 'e;a. J\n:(:li read up Eydro. l outstanding in this Province, O+ | g T' : w':a all agrgee, is entitled to the re--| Still Twenty Millions. i s j spect of every man in the community | , '"There is a matter of twenty mil--] \for the unselfish way in which he | lions,"' he said, '"to be expended y t ' !has devoted his abilities to the pub-- and if the methods of expe dit}e ; + |lic service"--a charge which t]h.r' | | are not efficient, if the englnpee!:-s \lrllig % ' !.:'e';:tmier vigorously denied from his j a;x-e carryving on the work are not ef-' \ _ Why had not the Government the | {t:ieglt;'tvthet (;gvernment conceives it | ' 'courage to discharge the Hydro au-- R | k. f "th a& e present moment to | thorities whom it charged with in-- | puPIpii® aldth and we intend to. competence, demanded Hon. Mr. ; Wor that reason we did not pass the Ferguson. He presumed the Gov-- | Treasury Board warrant to carry on | | ernment had not the courage. ;';gvg:&'k- FTh:;;etmust be money ; * 7 & or at reason the v.-- | § Light Kept Under Bushel. ernment felt it should not takoG?he f Premier Drury, replying in good responsibility; should not usurp the x humor to Hon. Mr. IFWerguson, de-- functions of the Legislature by pass-- 8 clared that, had the Government ing on the eve of the House assem-- . only known, during consideration bling, a Treasury Board warrant to P Ec and preparation of the various meas-- supply three and a half millions. | E ures referred to, that the late Con-- '"We are bringing in a special vote. Bs . servative Government had Super-- I am going to ask that the vote pass.. s annuation Bills and Mothers® Allow-- But if the Ho o pass, E ouse wishes to follow ance Acts, and Good Roads policy 'the suggestion of my honorable -- all prepared, Government members friend from Perth, and ask f | o personally, '"and I, particularly," | committee of the 'Hou oOr. & J ' might have saved themselves a lot into this matte a f se to inquire, +9o 3 'of labor. Smilingly, however, the ~I th a r and find out whether s \Premier agreed to let Hon. Mr. Fer-- e expenditures were undertaken in ( | the best way, the Gover # guson have the credit. not resist that a a." nment will} w f ] In refutation of the Conservative ererri i eglan t' . § | Leader's declaration that the pres-- R 1 "f o the Nipigon situa--| f ent superannuation fund was insol-- on, Premier Drury laid the b!a.me; f vent, the Premier quoted statistics for the chaotic conditions at the door! / o to show that it was solvent, having of the late Conservative Government.f in reserve at the present time $101,-- | and particularly at that of Mr. Fer-- | T77. guson. Through carelessness, ho! f ¢ About the highways' scheme of said, a proper agreement had not| f f the Government, the Premier de-- been drawn with the CGreat Lakes' M clared that, while he had never had Pulp & Paper Company, and as a 8 -- a deputation protesting against the result the Nipigon today was threat-l ® construction of a Provincial high-- ened with enormous overhead of ac-- | way through particular territory, he . | cumulated _ interest _ and capital & ; bad met many requesting such con-- | charges without market outlet for F4 | 'struction. HMe thought the roads its power. ' | P policy of the Government a good | M l one, in which the cost was beingi '- | equitably distributed. | - _ ® | 3 ,'A'v. ,.