The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1922, p. 1

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URSDAY, FEBRUCARY 22;, co mm oacenmmcmme mncmmmnencommne se ocms ' f a G.G. Halcrow Accuses Gov-- f = ernment of Many Sins of Omission and Commis-- Not s"'""'"'l'" D°::' C f + In his opinion the Government o sion Chauenges P re-- Ontario had not done iusmfi'lcient in + g f the way of meeting existing condi-- mier to Show P ubhc tions. It was a oha.-x:xhe. he, that f Irg in any community where there were Ownersth Spl"t 'wbundant resources men and women m 'and chil@gren should have to go HYDR i 'wit.hout the necessaries of life. 0O AGREEMEN TS Repeating some former criticisms of the Government wages on high-- MU ST BE F ULFI LLED ways work, Mr. Halcrow denounced onrimiin errnininneneomnmmmmarmminey ) the 30 cents per hour rate of the 6 department as outrageous. U.F,0. Speaking for the first time from 'members who voted for the increase Opposition benches, George G. Hal-- | in indemnity last seseion, he thought, crow _ (East Hamilton), _ former | mustth nm'éo:%::stt:gutb}llgg m:';'ea,?te; Ho'fs.e feader of the Labor group. ztlfie reg'unera,tion being paid the road criticized the Drury Government in workere. the Legislature yesterday for its He challenged Premier Drury, de-- Hydro attitude, its failure to deal spite his public ownership protesta-- ith th tione, to point to him any instance with the : unemployment problem, where he had either inaugurated its shirking of responsibility in con-- anything in the way of public owner-- nection with commission appoint-- ship or Whet't;l 'ht;'thi:g thtel:pe%-o it m 2 d th j * along. He thoug at the v-- w:n;s i mte ? meagrene;s ol is ernment had an °opport~_un'i'ty to put o payments. upon ~Provincial its pretenses into practice by inau-- Highways. gurating public ownership in tim'ber With two speakers yesterday, Mr. activities. If l\fdrbBtz::l-icg's ctoitflg mal;e Halcrow and R. R. Hall, Liberal money oob i O nds ureciy «aule ' ; rely could. member for Parry Sound, the Gov-- said, the Province itself surely cou ernment expected that the debate Repetition of History. ts ~ would end. But Sergt.--Major Mc-- | _ Mr. Halcrow offered the opinion Namara, Independent Soldier mem-- | that the day was coming, and not ber for Riverdale, is billed to go on 't'ar off, when the same errore and the this afternoon, and to be followed same sort of things that took place by Hon. G. 8. Henry (East York). 'under the O0ld regimes would take 'Government members, it is under-- lplace under the DPrury regime, and 'stood. will not make any further when that day came Mr. Drury and contribution, and the debate is now his followers would as quickly be expected to end this afternoon. turned ogt. dials hed D If Hydro--radials ha een pro-- Debate May Go On. | ceeded with, declared Mr. Halcrow, Protests yesterday from Mr. Hal-- if would have been the nearest thing . _ crow and Mr. Hall over the rumored _ to a solution of the unemployment arrangement ibetween Leaders to cut question that Ontario could have short the discussion, brought expla-- had. nations from Hon. Mr. Fe'rguson The Chippawa project, he said, (Conservative Leader) and F. Wel-- was entered into partially as a war lington Hay (Liberal Leader), be-- measure, and had the Drury Gov-- fore adjournment. There had been ernment been in power it would no -- arrangement, 'both _ Leaders * | have been impelled to make the agreed, except as to the first day's , | move itself. "It is not fair," he said, speaking. Ths debate was open | "for the present Government to be after that and might continue, so | passing the buck to the Hydro Com-- far as they were concerned, at any ' mission and the past Government. length. $ A With increased valuations and in-- Mr. Halcrow opened his address creased costs, it was only logical to with the remark that, although he expect that the proposition was go-- '-had made some effort, he gad not as ing to exceed its original estimate." yet been able to find out who was re-- 'sponsible for removing him from his Attacks Commission |Report. seat behind the Government to the s For every engineer that had re-- back row of the Opposition benches. 'ported _ unfavorably on _ Hydro-- Philosophically, however, he _re-- radials, Mr. Halcrow proceeded, one marked he now felt certain restraints could glndAtwo who had reported *« had been removed and he had found favorably. "le" portraying Premier that the sun shone '"on both sides mgzyi:sit:':a}:fi:':w.t:?"thgel':ti::: of the fence"' where he now sat. on to refer to certain m'embers of Claims Treatment Unfair. the Sutherland Commission as notor-- He felt, he said, the Labor party jously opposed to public ownership. had not acted fairly and squarely Commissioner Bancroft, he said, was with him in its recent actions con-- tfhe °'t'°i :lnln m't 93:"8"- in the c_ernlng him. If the principals in 't:'gfpgedno?fi:;ne;:nt %ct) W:J%hfi:? :ggt oo ie maore canica hin: to an. with a favorable minority report." y would have called him to ap-- | _ Mr. Hall int t * before the Labor group to de-- | T. nterrupted to ask if Mr. pear D: Halcrow meant that the majorit fend himself. He took his hat off to iradiat report was notran honest one. the member for Lincoln, he said, for i but the member for Hamilton °:_':' _ telling them that they had . not tested 'Apainst Mr. Hall putting \played fairly. A yele words into his mouth. \ _ _He told the House his belief in "It makes my blood boil," he| \the recall, the first plank in the D «aged, "Lo thi » | | | added, "to nk that this Govern-- | U.F.O.--Labor platform, had been ' ment have not had the courage to | sufficient to impel him to place his : back up their convictions; they have | signed resignation in the hands of | passed the buck to commission after \his constituents before he ever commission, costing the Province I entered the House. '"I want to ask do not know just how much, but e ho un nnp ce on en e n ie oo nnmaane 6. anywhere from -- members on the other side,'"' he said, ' nhliOon Aol&PS, three--quarters 'to & '"if they believe in the recall as honestly as I do." "s:c;:' t':'m""dl:'i; Lea ey wou ay here in the 'I'he' ex--Labor der took isgue Parliament Buildings, and not be with the Drury Government upon its gallivanting all over the country to unemployment policy, declaring with g-r'l'nerts;l picnics and Dominion elec-- some vigor that the Labor deputa-- a::"a.ccgnm:t{?n:e .gnghf:" mg!' tions had secured more eatisfaction Ontario." & pr from Hon. Arthur Meighen. when It would be Prussianism of an Premier than they had in their ap-- 3'3-?{?&"'03"' Mr. Halcrow said, pea'ls before Premier Drury. ernment to undertake,

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