The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 23 Feb 1922, p. 2

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Yeale .. _ ooo R e Wromare e WRre Tae w .3 CC e * T90 G C €toul | y o : as rremier Drury --| intimated, to OTA B"FORCEMENT ' prevent Sir Adam Beck from dis-- * : cussing Hydro matters with the FIGURES SHOW REVENUE FAr : f general public. If there was any-- GREATER THAN EXPEN-- _ t thing 'behind the Government's Min-- f istry of Power intimations he would DITURE. * F advise them that it meant project-- wez__2zl2llllk k y § w ing Hydro into politics, to be made | The revenue obtained from the | a football of, and involved, un--} operations of the Ontario 'Tem-- & d°"g'°';}y'd the },""'":,t,'{ dqestruction | perance Act far exceeds the expen-- of the Hygro movement. t diture, Hon. W. E. Raney told the * I4ve Up to Promises. ; Legislature yesterday, answering an 4 He reminded the Government of inquiry of T. Herbert Lennox, K.C., Premier Drury's declaration -- that member for North York. | Governments should be bound to Mr. Raney's figures are as fol-- 7 carry out th; honorat;le obligat!lc:ns | lows: ; of their nredecessors in office. The t -- ' people of the Province, from Bow--| / f918 '"?;1"3':?3;'" Esxzpl%"g.},ts"';: a manville to Niagara Falls, Mr. 1919 .... 316.087.36 235.454.03 -- 3 Halcrow said, had been given cer-- fg20 [... T85,.788.99 $16.055.70 ( tain undertakings. Their anxicty 197'1 J 663'886 716 482'0'84'28 4 Al now was as to whether the Premier x c Alis for ; $21.. pF oo gs $ s was going to carry Out the promises In addition, for 1921, Mr. Raney X that had been given to them. On | said, approximately $200,000 worth c , ¢ ' the strength of what had been of confiscated liquor was on hand, ; 0 :» promised, he pointed out, Hamil-- making a total revenue in 1921 of x | ton, Toronto and other municipali-- approximately $863,000. ' | tles had made large expenditures. '"What becomes of the confiscated p "All "that we ask at the present liquor?" asked Hon. H. G. Ferguson. * 8 i 'time, he said, '"'is that those '"'The part up to standard is put ' * , | promises be lived up to. in stock," was the reply. "The part In brief conclusion he asked the not of quality--'" ' : members to vote according to their '"Not well bred," interjected Mr } convictions upon the O.T.A. issue. Ferguson. § $ t The present law, he said, was making "Not well bred," Mr. Raney said, _ $ ; of the people '"llars, hypocrites, smilingly, accepting the definition ; thieves, perjurers, and even murder-- "the liquor not well bred is dis. $ w ers. I say there is some better sys-- tilled for the alconol.' a 3 tem that can be put in force." : : r Objects to "Gagging." o R. R. Hall, Liberal member for : Parry Sound, protesteg against the ~ I Poli rumored arrangement between party inci olice ~ Leaders to curtail the debate on the Query About P rovincia i address. He had not come all the f _;i' way down from Parry Sound, he Hon. Mr. Raney, answering in-- $ said, to be & sitting member, of quiries in the Legislature yesterday which there were already sufficient filed by H. H. Dewart, K.C on the other side of the House. Mr. ols 2*T! + menas C f Hall declared there were ample mat-- ber for Southwest Toronto, said that ters requiring discussion, and mem-- | Samue!l Smith resigned of his own { bers, if they did 't(l!ae(ifi' duty tl')'y their . accord from the Provincial Police on f f constituents, wou scuss them on February 2. James Jeff d } . « ry, said Mr. 2 the floor of the" Legislature. Raney, was still in the employ of the f Mr. Hall spoke at considerable Government, and it was not the in-- b |length on the subject of protecting tention of the Government to dis-- Te } and conserving the natural resources pense with his services. Part Bt of the Province, particularly thO' the inquiry asked if a chauffeur em. . $ lumber supplies. He showed from ployed by Jeffry, either personally / t f Aigures that there was great wastage or in Government work, was appre-- : ] ' lin the timber areas, and advocated whended with a quantity of liquor and p | 3 strongly that the Government follow |fined. The answer was: "Not so far = | { the example of a former Premier, |as the Government was aware." s E ',.'\ A. 8. Hardy, and place an embargo C _ M on the export of logs. ul l id o | 58 Criticizes Labor Men. | | é § s Status of Insp. Ayearst v of Mr. Hall took occasion to criticize s a t some of the Labor members, par-- Told to Legislature f f | ticularly the two members of the | Ca.blnet:.r who, he said, had "forgot-- _ Attorney--General Raney yesterday $ | ten all about the poor fellows they : in the Legislature gave answers to | used to associate with,. I haven't. questions asked by H. H. Dewart, % : I :'m;ci}' l;x'eo?l:rt\'};:lt kll-;'dt:ltd 1;181';41&{ K.C., member for Southeast Toronto, | \ l | ude, e * e 186 &d | ? [ fought on all occasions for Hydro regarding the status of John A. Ay-- 5 fes fore Sir Adam Beck ever thought of Ayearst was Chief Inspector of the E | it. The Gov td (t€ HgKt 1 Ontario Temperance Act investiga-- + t | '"'The ernment is quite rig n io ' withholding the guarantee of bonds fion branch of the Department of xd > on radials which are duplicates of Provincial Police. He formerly was a : & Chief Provincial Inspector, said Mr. Bs 5. * | Government roads that cannot now R * m * ay their way," h ried vi s ; Raney. He is responsible directly pape > Pao. ¥. . he asgerted vigor to the Commissi f Provincial -- tm ously. Mr. Hall said that when he | ue taar mil ao oin ooo _7 1 1 5 456 Police. The last part of Mr. Dew-- "#R, -- first came to this coun%yry 1e 'w'a;vaq art's question was: '"What are the . wl t . "green as a cucumber," but he sn names of the special officers acting | / " We riper now, and not so easily ta a under Mr. Ayearst in the pay of the % : in." He appealed for the conserva-- Government?" Mr. Raney said it B ' tion ot resources, because this was was not in the public interest to give ;. I "my country,"" he told the House. . this information. ' es . 3 ' it ' MANY APPOINTMENTsSs. JUSTICES' FEES $2,000. -- , Hon. Mr. Raney said, in the Replying in the Legislature yes-- + w Legislature yesterday, in answer to terdal;' to a question by Hon. HOW: J an inquiry -- by Joseph Thompson, ard FWerguson, inquiring what .fitfs i Northeast Toronto, that 36 persons ments had been made to Ju hoi w had been appointed to the Provin-- Riddelt and Latchford _ for (SaIOh + | cial Police since January 1, 1920. services on the Timber Comm sea.cfi fome of these appointments were Hon. Beniah Bowman said ® to fill vacancies. + s t n iofi | A | k Cceav s 4A_ J 2 0841 . : 3 ' f + ; § '? --

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