C 3e : , ' se BiL. to STABIZE ) ---- (GOVERNM - BILL . * , l ' LONDON GAS PRICE 1 , ~ $ Suiesommemmmmmmmrmmrmmmmencee soms . 6 oT i 4 Capt. Thompson Feay§ IOntarlo Aroused by Aggres j » ® # Safety of Ontario's _ siveness of Pacific _ | f Water Power [z Coast Growers _ -- | smemememmmens m ane mm e 4 smenesuascmrensune commmetanee ' | lay were | | he orders of the da; | | is es Th the Lesisisture yeserdny MAKE 25 PER CENT. GRANT: called in the © ks | | t. Joseph E. Thompson, Con mm | ' Capt. se y 4 iat} talslle 1 - qerl')»ative member -- for .).or;h;?::t Provincial aid in the establish -- | Toronto, called the attention 0 is of ment of fruit gradix-.g:' and 1?ack§ng; { ier Drury to newspaper reports of | t plants is proposed in -- legislation ' 1?;, possibility of a big Quebec which will be introduced . into thel ' C ies * » WA . R s ! :powel' development on the Ott:ud: Legislature by Hon. M'"'"""g T)O-i ' which might, Capt. Thompson _' 'i herty, Minister of Agriculture, d!-"'-; a | 'xff(*;'t Ontario power rights. Pr; } ing the present session. Acvm'd'mg! :\;ivr Drury said he had nOatit'Lfrorn,r',uEi to the Minister, its primary object 7 'iion cUncemmgthethi?\tex'!zf:]sts of the! is to assist Ontario apple pro-- fi;l,»x'om'i:(t'g i'I:th'ms respect would be' ~_ _ ducers to compete on m.'extmi wulzrn;s | Provinc j y markets, particularly 4 | secured. f private bills in--} in Ahe v:'orld f A Government | Among a host of p Charles Mc--| the British market. o i i'r('idllted was one by C bel: fO['i grant--of 25 per cent. of the cost of EPI | Crae, Conservative fnelnmake the | plant erection and equipment is ' | Sudbury, proposing _ to $1.25 I)e['! proposed in the measgure which is | j ';?.-'ice of gas in London «4 '\ to be laid before the House. Be& | | PI and feet net. jet" d | cause of better appearance an , "m"i}}lxs; Artorney-Ge"er"IG 'I?;'::{il'}sc:s-i packing, British Columbia _ apples | OM ' an amendment to the [ewhi('h. hel and -- those from the '\\ estern 3 | sions of the Peace é"»cun'y Judges | States have claimed a mecedemi:e af said, would permit ?ourl concur-- | in European markets, and Ontar(: f to sit in the criminal c f the Gen--| |growers are to be helped to D'll rently with the sittings of | 'th(\ir product in equally preqentab e | e;u] .S("58107l5~ i5 nerrammriermcct I ' s}lal)(\, Hon. Mr. ])Ohert)' DOlntS out $ Aononninctegmmanmmemngeomnetimreniniinnn ie carrmnmmmins | that the quality of Onlal'iO_ apples t | has been sufficiently proved in com--~ | > .ipetitlve exhibits; all that is .'re--| | quired is a proper presentation of | ] rgi p | them to the high--class markets. . | ; Ailftostabaget _ Y ME Cfntaating dustry that is expected to benefit | ) * ¢ I primarily from the move, ;'L 18 I'Otlng' ' --led out that the plants thus estab--| P LONDON GAS PR[CE illshed will be available for packing | ('%> + eemess all sorts of fruit. ',Th(t', grants, of ; f v | o h : course, will be lI!'mited to r'o-or)er:- | Capt. Thompson Fears for ative organizations, --Ather to gm;l £ JP |\ ers' associations :=~ ;o local gr > [ Safety 01 Ontarlo S ;of growers orgamzed to handlet f | | own crop. 4 ; Water Power hn en leeta ee C t | Before the orders of the day were called in the Legislature yesterday ' Capt. Joseph E. Thompson, Con-- ' j ' servative member for Northeast. ;' Toronto, called the attention of Pre.-- § ;' mier Drury to newspaper reports of > | the possibility of a big Quebec % | power development on the Ottawa | 3 which might, Capt. Thompson said,) 3 affect Ontario power rights. Pre--| * 64. | mier Drury said he had no informa_! 7 | tion concerning the matter, but ) | promised that the interests of the R | Province in this respect would be f | | secured. | & | Among a host of private bills in--| 4 : | troduced was one by Charles Mc-- f j | Crue, Conservative member for y ;Sudbury. proposing to make the & price of gas in London $1.25 per ; As thousand feet net. | The Attorney--General introduced | .l an amendment to the General Ses-- | fi = sions of the Peace Act which, he | M said, would permit County Judges} n to sit in the criminal court concur-- l rently with the sittings of the Gen-- (a eral Sessions, > , Tess m Asks if Backus Applies | f For More Water Powers Inquiry is being made of the Drury | ol3 CGovernment by W. H. Ireland, Hast. T fas inge Wost, concerning particulars of g l the appointment to the Magistracy :g, o Albert Hellyer, who resigned his seat in the Legislature to make way * * § for the Alrorno_\'-(}oneral. Mr. Ire-- E land wants to know, among other| . things, wha qualifications Mr. He)l--| § yer has to be a Magistrate and what ' is his remuneration. | From W. D. Black, member for . } Addington, comes a query as to| j whether E. W. Backus, who procur--| ed the English River pulp limit fmm,l '::101;! C;:;fe:r:lment. has made applica-- y more water owers in f Ontario. P | ------"__&_'__" 1 #©