P i *'W"?--W'W" e / E4 s w* k . z= # C . _ [Somebody i ganda. "Stop this propaganda against mebody S"pp";""g I\';°""8'§"fh- * 2A Hydro," declared the Labor mem-- Referring to Mr. Watson's> new < hy ber with vigor. He was interrupted Hydro statistics placed before the 17 2. l by the Premier demanding retrac-- * 'House the day previous, Mr. Mac-- 1 a% || tion. c Bride took that instance as a proof '"'There is no pro&aganda against . 'of propaganda. "Somebody," he i+ Hydro,'" said Hon. Mr. Drury, '"has said, '"is supplying a lot of propa-- ";:j% not been, and never will be." ' ganda. I am convinced that, so far Y#A s Hydro--radials and Hydro are con-- + s s Ler the House 'Decide, 'éerne)('l. propaganda 'has 'been going x Mr. Dewart--I think that is a on for two and a haif years. I é,"' matter that lies in the judgment of lam satisfied that the plan is this: f ; the House, and not with the Pre-- Create enough doubt, create enoug'h' ¢ ig mier,. suspicion, make an attack first on | ' Y Mr. MacBride contrasted the Gov-- | the radials, and when that fails make' *3 ernment's refusal of a committee an attack on the excessive cost of 2 to consider Chippawa matters two Chippawa, and if that doesn't suc-- S and a half years ago with its ready ceed go up io Nipigon, and if that \ acceptance at this date of Mr. Hay's doesn't succéed go somewhere else---- xd suggestion for a committee of in--| keep attacking; keep investigating, | T vestigation. y nd finally we will get the people to| (a '"'The Premier says there is no e ffeve something." y propaganda," he went on. '"Why did |believe . Ajal t the Government give recognition to | Brantford I robe Again. m two gentlemen, Mr. Elson and Mr. _ RBefore Mr. MacBride sat down the : Hawkes, who came up here and said | Brantford police investigation was w that they wanted to represent the |again projected into discussion, and municipalities that were not inter-- | \the cross--foor question and cross-- e ested in Hydro? Why is Mr. Hawkes lqu(,gtion between the member for going down> to Welland and con-- |Brantford and Hon. Mr. Raney re-- ducting the most vicious personal | . I;ieuted. To support his earlier con-- § attack on Sir Adam Beck? It is not tention that he had not asked for an a criticism of Hydro or Chlppawal investigation, which had been de-- € or radials. It is a& personal and P mm" by the Attorney--General, the h: bitter attack on Sir Adam Beck." i Labor member yesterday producedl t Not Directing Hawkes and Elson. | his u\lfgr"a.m aakh}g ht]t:;tthjsgg','fg'; £ Premier Drury--The Government be .".'S"Eme(:oaiug)\xw"b proceeding," and is not responsible for the action of "'h"k"yp""'_i'm'ial officer be sent up "a these gentlemen _ the _ honorable that ak 'l'?g pvae naiter. 'A member is referring to. . o Am.?,\d nbv the Attorney--General if a Mr. MacBride--Well, I find in the -- Sr rording did not bear out his M Public : Accounts the Government that wo ("'f the other day, Mr. $ pald. him quite a considerable sum !C,'--""';"F;;"" r(;'p"pd'mofit emphatically f for his activity. * !Mdfl "n;g.,"".j Only a mind "sat-- } Premier Drury--We spent over Li rat ':, with suspicton," he said, could i $300,000 of the Province's money in !"f'av'e'w."l into his request for: in order that the advocates of Hydro-- | 1}".\". irit'o a gi{\glc case then proceed-- i 2 radials should make their side | (YMUI*S dmn';nfi for the kind of investt-- 3 known. There are two sides. ! i"") e t t was now being conducted. 4 Mr. MacBride characterized the| |gation tha s mmamiorsesinecopmgiee A Premier's reply as an attempt to { mislead. The Premier appealed to the Speaker for retraction, and the 1 member for Brantford promptly § !lNTRODUCES BILL | 4 withdrew, adding: | f , "But after your Sutherland Com. TO AID APPLF' l\'lEN mission <was appointed, ana a... a * };ga] advice had been provided for ;Hon. Mr. Doherty s Act awkes and Elson and those sup-- | « 1J posed to be associated with themp-- | WOUld ASSlSt Bl"ldlng Of . because I have never found just who & ___ were associated with them--I'd like P&Cklng P'lants to know --the municipalities, or a half wuenterymemmmommommmmmemtrermmmen a dozen of them, that they really did P r * represent. Nobody showed up at the Hon. Manning Doh?rts ix;trodu;ti-g Sutherland Commission. There was| into the Legislature yesterday a D just a lawyer, paid by the Govern-- to aid in packing and grading of ment." fruit. He explained that the intent That Oakville Speech. of the bill was that the Government He referred to Premier Drury's would make a grant of 25 per * ;})akvillo speech, wherein Hon. Mr.} cent., under certain conditions, to-- . riiry -- was, reported to have said | y f central packin that the Sutherland Commission was 31?11;3sfh'?;--)?:;édltx}])iy('fare -beiné) erecf %, tied up and could not proceed, be-- ed by co--operative packers and co-- f C cause it had not had an answer to *O erativ ducer; £ fruit. ..Any :-- y *! g 4 perative producers 0o + y : : ..ll'quesnonsfisubmltted to the Hydro. 'co--operative organization with 10 C { . If the b:l'ltherlal_ld (.'.ommissiun 'members, and with bearing orchards 3 was capable," he said, '"if the legal |of 100 acres, would be eligible for 4 advisers and .the technical advisers Ethe grant. In answer to Hon. Mr. C e and 't'hc': engineers were capable, ;Ferguson. he said that privately-- j * and if the Hydro engineers are in. * lowned plants would not come in K ) capable, how in the name of com-- 'under the scheme. Any person in s < mon isenser could the wholse works 'the section in which the grading sta-- al | f':z ;{;((ilrgpfffi-ngm}:v%xst{)o %ir;e';'a'e?l" 'tion was 'built would have the right 4 ty--one questions? © to bring in fruit. Ks . ; "If that is not propaganda, I do -- £ i3 not know what propaganda is. The | s JA propaganda has been going on for,' b two years, and what I would like | & *A f to find out is this: The Government ' 'jr? of _ this Province paid Messrs. | 3 R ga}wii(esAhnd Elson. It is on the : t f* 1 ublic Accounts. They were rep-- : f 6 " x reslr;nted as acting for}the munigi-! & QCUESY oN LIBED SUIT. palities not in the Hydro Associa--| A. C. Lewis, Conserv y s | tion. Now I think we ought to ber for Northeast Tec;lx'"cfrllttigeir:net?]- : | know what municipalities they rep. Legislature, is making inqui lfe ' | resented. I am of the opinion that the Government as to Whe?h c ah | |you will find them representing and of its members have been eg 96. t | acting f_nr and conducting a propa-- s naed asg witnesses in The Hp lsu poe-- * | ganda for the very interests the Backus vs. The Eveni ibel suit of d member for Victoria (Mr. Watson) and if so, what ;n l?g Eele'gram, j ole Oui y Snatempeck having . to the members so subpoenaed reif-llavg ght with his back to p to ar, 5 ; 18e * !}'ears ago. fhie well many -'snnf;!)'pedr' and if so, for what rea-- * * "There is something sinister in the <3 Hydro attitude of the Government * f < I have 'been of the opinion that the * i 8 Prime Minister was sincere. -- I hope y to retain that opinion. But you are cal listening _ to propaganda, whether 4 § <-- 3M consclously or unconsciously, and the 8 [ proof of that fact is to be found 3 in some of your admissions." oi _ ¥ oVE ht ',-,'. { . _