t . t o lStock Off the Highways Hon. F. C. Riggs, Minister of High- 'ways. introduced a, hill in the Legieo lature yesterday. amending the Pro- vincial Highways Act. It prohibits z. the running at large of stock on the Provincial highways. An amend- ment to the Highways Improvement ' Act provides that. In counties issu- ing debentures for road improve- ments. the amount may be five in- stead of three per cent. of tho as- sessed \alues. This amendment also changes the name of the Provincial county roads to roads termed Class A and Class It. Mr. Riggs said he was ready to accept any better name than the ones suggested in the hill. The amendment provides for tho capitalization of the. income from motor license fees for road put"; poses. , G. H. Ferguson Calls Dr. , Stevenson s P rotest . " "Grandstand Stuff lion. (lemme tl. Henry introdurrd a bill into the Legislature yesterday . . to give a general extension of the . powers new piyssruseic'd hy the town- ship of lot}; in respect, to sewers, street ruilvmys, parks, subdivisions and tire "pr/"sec'cioi1. Edgar .. .~on (North Victoria) introduc, d .. bill that provides that the wife and children shall be main- tained from the estate of the testa- tor, no matter what are the terms of the will. At the present time, Mr. Watson explained, a testator could cut them oft entirely in his will. . W. H. Price (Parkdale) intro- duced a bill providing that the names ot mortgagor and mortgagee are to be placed on the. book of reg- istry in a registry office.. Dr. H. A. Stevenson (London) -made a plea that the Legislature 'should not extend any more time for lthe receiving and consideration of _ lprivate bills. These bills were rushed in late and proper considera- tion not given them, he said. Hon. Howard Ferguson maintained that the Legislature was there to do lbusi- _ neea tor the public, and character- ized Dr. Stevenson's protest as 'trrandrrtand stuff." CHAMPIONS NORTH COUNTRY. Z. Magoau. Sturgeon Falls, made a plea for the farmer in the North country at the meeting yesterday of the Agricultural and Colonization C6mmittee of the Legislature. Ho :tlcught H. farm college. similar to the one at Guelph. should he open?