SEE "JOKER" IN BILL ( '_..-.-----.-----.. ' Many Private Measures , Legislature Members Are Make First Bow to Afraid Proposed Amend., Legislature l ment Will f,",g,ttett.t --------.- of Street Railway Sys- When J. w. Curry, Southeast To- I M . . 1.. . ronto, introduced a hill into the tems to ante!" lacs Legislature yesterday amending tho l With Public Ownership Hydro-electric Railways .Act to the A bi . effect that there should be printed I m "tons l on the ballot the total amount of the I --_------- _* indebtedness that could be incurred 'BUT BILL PASSES on the vote in a money by-law. Pre- mier Drury said that it might or i SECOND READING might not confit with Government I ------------- legislation on Idydro-radiuis that he I The bill introduced by Robert expected would he introduced today. Cooper. Welland. to amend the On- Mr. Curry said that when the Gov- tario Railway Act, and which ' ernment program came down his;, hill brings up again the old, troubled could either be titted in or dis- 'question as to fares on electric rail- charged trom the order paper. _ [ways passed second reading in the Mint Pay for Road Work. Legislature yesterday, and now goes R. R. Hall Parry Sound intro to committee. It was not disposed duced a. bill l, amend the 'Statute 'of until after an hour's discussion, Labor A t mi l b !and when the vote came the volume v 'b 0., "'l0 .l..f.ff,"f_sy to make of "ayes" and "nays" was so nearly e T. Od_) occupying land on road- the same the Speaker had to hesi- ways. " hich land should produce tate a few seconds before he decided statute labor money, pay his share. that the "ayes had it." In hit, part of the country, he said,; The contentious clause in the bill there were timber lands held for is as follows: . speculative purposes. and under his "Notwithstanding anything to the _ bill they would be taxed in their contrary contained in any agree- proper proportion. ment with a municipality or other w. H. Casselrnam Dundas, intro-l corporation or persons, or in any duced a bill to amend the Mothers} special act, the fare to be taken by Allowance Act. Mr. Casseirnan cx-i a railway operated by electricity piained that lil ih,ny1nd,r'nPn," shall be such as shall be approved make the municipality ill which the: f b h b d l recipient lived, and the Province. o y t e our ' and rP,".,rtalgtll liable for the money paid, instead of, be charged upon such railway which f as at present. the county in which has not been so approved." The the recipient lived and the Province. "board" mentioned in the bill is the. A. w. Gray, Leeds, introduced a _ Ontario Railway and Municipal bill to amend the High Schools Act. Board. He said that now the levy for the, The Attorney-General read a. upkeep of high school districts was; memorandum from a member of the, on the municipality. He was adding (Railway Board stating that under: a clause that the levy be 'on the "this bill virtually the only city sarss-i assessment as laid down by the terns affected would be those of Lon-i County Council. don and Hamilton. l Same Aid for Others. , oetrueei (9vt/i,vi'lt'/l'teotQfy,'ip"gi,f/ W. H. Casselman introduced a bill 'agreements entered into between to amend the Rural Hydro-electric municipalities and Private companies. Development Art. Iloexplalned that It would increase the value of the the act he was amending was passed 'London Street Railway, which the. on that "last awful night" of the r77,C7,%"iT7,T,7,T, _ take over in? Legislature last year, and it provided Emmet? gumorted to for the Government undertaking to "£13139; McCrea Sudbury, support- . pay. on recommendation of the d th bill. He had no axe to grind Hydro-electric Power Commission, 2, 'lk'. railway he said, but the 50 per cent. of the cost of building ublic expected service, and to that transmission lines where the service Extent the railways should have an was 1t,tdirt,'l1'",',t Ir, the Eydaoi '3; increase ot 'fare_ sumcftyrtt for them tunendrnent wou t mare s to carry on emciently. . . available to other agencies than the Edgar Watson, North T,ifi,tofe,atit'.'. Hydro. osed to the bill. If the Lesson Hon. Mr. Ferguson objected, and 33.}; wished to break contracts, then said such a bill was properly a how it should go farther and control the ernment measure. All/i, Ptremirer accounting syste1n6_0f the mixing; agreed. The Speakel Bal . a ter e There should also, m that eve , 'rl had seen the bill, that he would an adequate provision for the ts]:, make a ruling. way Board to step in and have power . ASK FOR RETURN to exercise power in reducing rates. AL BONDS Better Fares, Better 'ter: OF RADI l R. L. Brackin (West Kent) main- V . 'tained that the Government had Headed by Reeve W. A. Nelson,l itriven thousands of 1't11'"thttod)e/'i a deputation from Nelson _ town-l 1hevew,e,,e1n"f,nfio,ete'it in the courts. ship, in Premier Drury's contstitu-l, referring to the subventions tohpull: ency, waited upon tho Cabinet merm- lishem of text-b00158 in so oo . berg yesterday, requesting the re~l il-Ion. R. ll. Grant, Minister 3:113:31; turn of their debentures. deposited 'ication, replying to this, ea to with the Hydro-radial Commission Government had paid nothing on Hydro-radial account. publishers over and above the can; Premier Drury intimated that the tract price. Pir, si"te,'npe"t',fet it answer to Nelson townshlp's prob- . it it appeared t at no ileum would be found in the lesion. !London would get a. better tservice ' tion to be introduced today. Other.. 'tut a result of there being an in- wise, he pointed ("its-the Govern.. crease in fares, then the. r"".telt, 0" . ment had PO-' immediate control London were entitled to it. I don t l over the commission. think we should kick this bill out; Other members of the deputation . summarily on second reading mere- included Warden Harris, A. w. ly because the honorable. "member - Part "t2fgl,trdt.t and W. F. for London is opposed to it. _ Fisher 0 u n on. _ -- - _ _-------------"