I v-- t i -. i . . h 3 i . l, l P . 'i w w F _ hu, REGISTERED; ' - i .-, H. H. Dewart Gets Return H . 5 , o . o n on. H. th Nixon Places lm" . ET on Provincial Finance l, , f 1920 21 portant Measure thy. i ll op - f . 1 . i B, I -------- ore Legislature ', K I l ' LOANS TOTAL $98,812,500i 1. HT ,-,',T,T-,T,T."." g F] I G S BILL INTRODUCED: K Hon. Peter Smith answered )W'S-i -------- i l , terday in the [legislature attentionall lion. H C. Nixon. Proxincial Sec-E i asked by H. ll. Iiiowart, SOUUIWQHt; "Plan. introduced a bill into the ' _ 'd Toronto, recording amounts borrow-i IJaigislatxiro yesterday providing fox-5 . "a by tho pmvhwo. The t,sisustiot1 registration or nurses. The bill sets" v' and the answers are as follows: ' out tha, a training school for nurses) I . ' tl) u.--Whrt1 was the total; may be maintained and conducted' ' ' Iiilltllilli irovrowcd, ir',' for whirh the: in an" hospital or sanitarium and ' ijlt-iiii or the Primitive was i-'i'iL¥"i1» that the graduate nurses of such I "no. 11":i1i\. Trs' Alll'). mitos- :i,,.si training Schools are entitled to hare I other {mum mi "zithul'ixtfli l'i'li' ";vt their names placed in a register kept _ cial s-ite,, ill rite "goal y6nl' from for that purpose under the direction I 'ityvettilosr l. 1930. in ttctoLet 531- of the.lvovinciai i"secrctary. Nurses . v 1021? Ams.---t1Jb,,1il2.Gu0. _ so registered may be known as e _ i'?.) ll. What was the intui "RGKistcred Nurses." No nurse, amount roitlivul iiiwn Silt-ii 'lf'- Hnder penalties, will be permitted to _. citritioHy Aus.-- $0ti,y192,0'.11.tirr, ill'- use this title if not registered. . i-riiml iHtrtiHt. C'.r.l.ri2.Y.7. _ End - 4 (3i I-l. Him iiiiii-ii of tho snul [Fina Ruling. . amount was l'OHiiZQ'ti by the smile of .A board may be appointed by the L4 twine" Atisr. 569.937.469; zm-iniml f-Pl/tret-poi-At-oi":-'],':':'::;',';,-", to _ I nth-mu. smmsrm. carrv _out the act. Under the old , iit ll. I-low lttucli. hy iiH' ic.sTp y,,o_trditions only hospitals receiving ' or 'l'co'nsivwy noth or hills"? Ans, v bovei'nment grants could conduct a t:.'.t;.,rt.li?C.i'rr. Him-Fund interesi.' t,ey'1Ti,' school. Nurses in other , 561034.10. Pr'ovinces are registered and it is ' t"rt 0- HOW riiiiclt "W"! "ll" 'le contention of those sup-porting _ il _ i-lhr-l' form of sociirii). siocif.sis,tg (hm hm. that Ontario nurses, not be, l ' the. form or Silifil securities? Ans.--- mg registered. are placed at a dis- , 'tl None. ' lidtaiitago. ' " Hit Q" How min-h of tho ti-idi Charles l". Sumac, Niagara Falls, 3 Fl amount tsrsalizod was used to take introduced a bill proxiding that all up and it") off previous loans or vehicles must carry lights between 'iiubiiities': Ans. t'23pi'i'6.2'78.72. ' dusk and dawn. The bill will serve . 17! Q, What were tho alplialtti- the purpose of educating people in "l "al designations, amounts and dates the Province to the adVisability of " of such loans so taken up oCr'yif, such legislation. h is understood f off? Mm" Treasury bills ' lila. i .that. having fulfilled that, purpose, it dated November 15, 1920, due not)i is not to be pressed. 1 15, 1921, $1,030,000; Treasury 01:18; 'Mr. Swayze introduced two other 'S "3131," dated liecemher To, 190.0... bills, one providing that every per- . due June 15. 1021, 1H1(lr0?,0y. son driving a motor vehicle must - Treasury hills "Nil." tinted kitty lav, havrs a license. and the other ner- F 1020, due Novembi-r in. 19710. 3"-'i "titling municipalities to (set aside . V 000,0n"; Treasury bills "GG, tinted! "safety zones" on Streets and high, ' November 3. 1919, due May l, 19-"; "8).". M; Si.052.071.20 (334.000 'llc,',?:",:' Hon. Beulah Bownmn. Minister or l " her 16, 1920; $333,000 9-119 rob-'1 Lands and Forests, introduced a hill _ - wary ',1, 1921: 1it31:,0,'l0,,.re,i,d y/rr ' to place Presqu'ile under the. juris~ F _. it ll, 1921p; Treasury billR JJi da'lefli diction of the Parks Commission. if. 1920, due Decent )er o,, _ ' . ,'Mq 313;: t"i,e,'o"od.'l'ir.),'ll,.' Treasury bills: Begin Night Sessions. . _ . 1., "KR." tinted "(minn- Iii, 1920, line Hon. G. Howard Ferguson asked _ .. April 15, 1.921. $tj.1'i'1.8_4ii.r.s.3; 'ryyyy the Premier when committees would .'S" nrv hills "NN." (Mimi April 1. l_9_31. begin their activities. Mr. Drury I . due (Mom-r i. Mil. $10.291,147.',if1: said that the private bills and muni.. I ' loan "H.F.G.." clue "Nob" l. 1919 Gina.) committees would start in ses, ", . (thctm four bonds, "(To ouiatand- sion next week. He anonunced . ing). 34,000. that., beginning Monday night. night l sessmns would be held in the House. i - . Speech on Budget . , [l"' H . . . ' on. Mr. Rane States His C i S i . y ones in actions . ', _ Views on J. Thomp- __.... ' , . . . _ _ 80118 Bill Provintial Treasurer Peter _ ------- Smith is going to make an ad- Joseph Thompson's bill to reduce dition to his Budget speech in _ a the assessment on brewers and malts- the Legislature on Tuesday , 'i tars passed second reading in the next. AChen Mr. Sinclair i , Legislature yesterday, but not be- moved the adjournment of the i ': fore Hon. W. E. Haney intimated debate on Thursday last Hon. ' ' that the hilt as it stood did not meet Mr. Smith had dealt merely' _ with the approval or the Govern.- with finances and expendi- .ment titres of the tltxau year ending '1'. TI ' F,. . 'mt,' October. 1921. It is presumed All'. Hines I..?.,?)',!"":), tile in'eatiit that on Tuesday he will brief- t 'busmess assessment should stand as y, dis . T , ,. ... . ' . . .3 iscuss taxation proposals r , Jxegards tile proportion of alcoholic and current _. ti i ' i tbevera-gos manufactured. The ar , year tstimated V , , . . reienues and expenditures. 1 I ,sessment on the proportion of the) Strictl' _ kl f I " e . 'business making non-alcoholic ber-, W' E 3\?pe'a. nr.o course, l,isTiiiiisir, he thought, might be the; f i ,f' " '. .Sinflair, Liberal i name as it is now for manufacturers: manual critic. he's the floor ' . of soda water. The present bill, he when the debate " resumed. ', said, went much too far. But when the order IS called , i Second reading also was given to S',? Tuesday. the Provincial . the bill introduced by Joseph Mer. Measure)" Will make a little , L Namara. Riverdale, respecting the exrplanation as to his omission . i maintenance of deserted wing and to move the adjournment on f , ohildeen; and the hill of Karl Thursday, and the Liberal i Homuth, North Waterloo, regulating Pey?bev will gracefully yield ,gtorage and sale of fresh meat: and to him the speaking privileges. C I il'