The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 22 Mar 1922, p. 3

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Mr. McCrea 'emphasized the f ' . a , ISM." tel eelf,',',1',g',itup.', of a? Lively Discussion Over In. _ ce a C m e from 47,- q 000.000 in the last year of the ban- "ranee Bill, With Caus- servative Administration to $119,- . 000,000, the ordinary expenditure' tie Comments From Both 'tlg.'; Jumping from $21,060,000 to . . g,',': '/,'f'flhtt,,i,t, c218 if?" lliiatLili- Sides, Marks Eoening'a a c m ed q from 897.000.000 in 1919 to $204,- . Work or Legislature 000,000 in 1921. The present Ad- 'h1'eett,i,oge It its "reckless and one expend ture," has led gagffr all previous Gl','l','rnl,ehtatit REFERENCE IS MADE n r o o " Canada. .- in the Dominion of ro "CACKLING HENS Mr. McCrea then commented u _---------- Don ' the fact that Premier Drur , absent from the House, and, WEE: Hon. w. E. Raneys bill respect- Mr. Dewart threw in a remark lag reciprocals and inter-insurance /ltco,1te,,tht, Fresnel: Preference for took up the whole evening in com- ' ' ott.Mr.thttittt said that . ;"our Premier" was entitled to the mlttee of the Legislature last night, grespect of the House. but the bill was f1naily reported l {No mdan1 is more prominent at pic- -' from committee. ' . :ncs an css prominent in an (House when work is on than 'tlt,',' The evening S)',' no: le,", f,t,t, {Prime Minister," said Mr. Dewart. moments of exc temen . e g i The Speaker interposed, and Mr.) spot came when Sam Clarke and: ihicCre-a went on with his remarks. ii Premier Drury rose at the same time! 1'at.hrecer7a1tiv,u1,l,eeii'eu2ten,, 2it) to speak, and Mr. Dewart said, re- . , . a mee - F . . ing at Massey Hall, attacking the' ferring to Ithe Liberal member: ,Hydro Commission's engineens be-' "Let the chief apologist of the Gov- 'cause their estimates were not re- ernment arise." Premier Drury, Marble, his own Treasurer had laidl amid considerable noise from mem- before the Ontario Legisilature a at Budget which, for the first time in} hers, made reference to the remarks the history of the House, had con-l t of the deposed Leader of the Opposi- tamed no reference to the estimates tion." for the year. Mr Dewart stood up but it was Mr. McCrea had a little argument . ' with Hon. Mr. Smith regarding bank over half a minute before he could balances. make his voice heard, so loud was i - r - , What Are Balances. the desk pounding f,rT,,t2f'df,,'f.?r' Tt ( "Are the bank balances shown by ment side, and ones o r er. 'the ordinary accounts the actual did not know there were so many 'baiances in the bank as of that day ?" cackling hens 1n the House. I was the asked. not deposed. I resi.trntd.Ty position, _ Mr. Smith said "Yes," and when and I could have "had lt'todaydif I (Mr. McCrea asked if he were quite dettt1Atl't barge /ts','n'e',u'xie1npeeti,iing lcert'ain. the Treasurgr Jitr'ei,1,r,"Y0ul d1: discussion ysaid that neithezr be- H1021: 1'flh'l,t.e','e,r'l"l,'Jt'i t1oat'"t"hi/, was fore the Special Insurance Commit- l, total of $8 588 000 iii outstanding tee nor at any time since had there h ues at the year end and this been any representation against the le, eq . ' bill, except from one quarter, and total should have been deducted from that quarter was the Joint stock [the bank balance of $18,000,000 odd, companies. He iii" not hold that "N,",.",, "ugh totall itboxtth? 10,332,320. therrwas anything improper in their Mr. Smi exp a ne a - opposition, but Opposition members ance shown was right Since" when had argued that there had been a the cheques were issued, they were lobby in favor of the bill. He was entered on the books as paid. pointing out that somebody was Then. this is not the actual bal- lobbying against the bill. He said ance in the 'banks'! said hir. Fergu- there had been an exceedingly per- son. The Treasurer replied that it sistent and strenuous lobby ot mem- (wa,",--;-'",':',"",')',",', to our books. bers of the House from the insur- I Mr. Hay wanted to know if the ance agents of the Province against actual balance were not $10,000,000, the bill. plus outstanding cheques, and Mr. The. effect of the bill. said the 1smith "assumed Bo." Attorney-Geheral, would be to authorize the insurance companies to operate in Ontario with alipurely . Ontario and Canadian c entele. lion. F. c. Biggs IntrPduces \Vellington Hay. .Liberal Leader. Bill Regarding Hamilton Nani that the quesuon of deposn . , would simply mean entry or non- Highway s Future entry of these companies into On- tario. It would prevent the en- Hon. F. C. Biqgs introduced into trance into Ontario of these large the Legislature yesterday an act, zgigg'otcggs if the deposit was which, he explained, would provide t Premier Drury said it did not mat- for future construction and main-) . ter to the State or anyone else if a tenance operations on the W... 1tgavoye1't"r/t'rg'/"itat,hi'iotirttoe'lgfl Highway, in the same manner and tract with other individuals. G. G. on the same basis as on the Provin- Halerow, opposing the bill, said the cial Highways. It contains also a azgmtiggtwa? tt,oo/'uir,"Tg11tAu11ts 'slight amendment to take care ot the Big Interests came to him "he the buildintrsof the last bridge on falls down to them and caters to hi hw . them in every form." th',',," rgplyagyo Mr Halcrow, the Min- Strong exception to the lack of . deposit requirements was taken by later stated that the 'bill made no w. F. Nicwle, Kingston, who got into mention of the Hamilton Highways' several brushes with the Attorney- Commission, and involved no change '. are? :33 engenders: M? in administration. } Haney he replied: "From subtlety Mr. Evanturel (Prescott) intro-i {born of long practice the Attorney- en to the Auesg.3 General attempts to turn aside my tgf t',tt,an,'ve/,'di" "fould restore to, argument." He fl','?') out flatly in Standard Hotels the exemption from) f,tJ,o/i/"pi1u'i'"ii'ef,'u't'l'T)Tit "tht business tax. The member for Frets-i Government. He argued that free- cott subr¥ts the tentegotig',Uaeot t tl dom to enter in upon contract. em- Board o l, Plum" Cami "desert! phasized by the Premier. was not must favor 'tpiss propose amen 1 en I recognized hy the Insurance Ratings because theleave sent out a c rcu- , Bill, and said that he wanted to see lar throughout the Province, asking those who insured in Ontario pro- municipalities? 1,9 exempt Standard tected. Hotels from business tax. i . R. R. Hall (Parry Bound) intro-l duced for first reading an amend-l merit to the Public thds Act which I would give to the settlers the tim- ber on free land. rproviding that the ' land comes within the act's specki nation of "60 per cent. a arable land." Mr. Hall explained that it; -would induce permanent rather, . tban transitory settlement on the _].v., m'"' _ _ ' . 'um _--------------"

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