Dr. Forbes Godfrey, West York, ' . . - read an account of a meeting ad- iPl'OhllntS Bonuses, dressed by Wellington Hay, Liberal . Leader. in which Mr. Hay was re- From Being Granted ported to have said that the Prov- When the Municipal Committee ince was fortunate in having Mr. . . _ Drury as Premier. He wanted to trot through yesterday :1? , A know it Mr. Hay was correctly re- Crocketts bill to abolis t l omis- ported. Mr. Hay said he thought ing of industries by munic pa es, he might make a speech to West 'the only restriction left in it was _ York people if he pleased without thatprohibiting a municipality from making a statement on it to the granting a, cash bonus or loan to an , House. The report, he said, was industry. E 1substantially correct. except that he A big deputation from ast.To- l said that the Farmers were fortunate route waited upon the committee ;in having Mr. Drury as Leader. to support the bill seeking to bring "Bo tar as I am concerned. Pt-esi- . brickmaking plants back under Tdent Reynolds' decision stands." anti-smoke by-laws, but the bill was said Hon. Manning Doherty win-n not taken up and the deputation .was asked tor a statement concerning told that duo notice would be given the dismissal of Prof. Crow of the of its consideration. Ontario Agricultural College. iio reviewed the course of the negotia- tions between President Reynold»: . and Prof. Crow. and said that after Prof. Crow gave the newspaper in- terview there was nothing left for . iPresident Reynolds to do but to de- COChrane member ' . tnnnd his rcsimmtion. q Changes Es Seat To the surprise of everybody ' in the Legislature yesterday, y Malcolm Lang, Liberal mem- ' her for Cochrane, changed his I seat. behind the Liberal Lead- cr. F. Wellington Hay, to one on the back row, in the SPC- LETS NON-CATHOLICS tion occupied by the "Inde- ', pcndents." PAY TO "SEPARATES" Not one of the three prin- . {.'ipals who might be expected . to explain the move would , _ J. A. Pinard Introduces give any reason for Mr. Lang's 'i, q i changing of his seat, which Amendments to Act "I does not necessarily involve a . change in his political allegir Legislature ance. Mr. Lang made no reply - to a request for a statement. _ 1 Mr. Hay, Liberal Leader, said d J. (11" Plnard, East Ottawa, intro-) he had no idea why the mem- , uce two bills seeking to amend the her for Cochrane had changed Separate Schools Act into the Leys- his seat, and Hon. 'Nelson Par- lavture yesterday. iinmenti Sgeaker (if their reef/p. ature, in no exp anat on. i r. The purpose of the ttrat amend- Lang, he said, had simply i menthstoenable the Separate School , asked him if it would be all ,Boards to do away with ward divi- . right tor him to move his seat, lsions when they result in unfair or and he acquiesced. cumbersome representations, the The suggested reason for same as a walic School Board can. _ , Mr. Lang's change of seat, fop do. In towns divided into wards: which, however, there is abso- the board, by resolution, may limiti l lutely no confirmation forth- the number of trustees to six, and: coming from Mr. Lang him- when such resolution is adopted (rhel self, is that he does not see change coming into operation at the eye to eye with Mr. Hay in his end of the current year) the elec- policy of constructive co-Oper- tions shall thereafter he by vote of ation with Premier Drury. Mr. the separate school ratepayers of the Lang is known as an ardent whole municipality. . Liberal, and a vigorous and . The second amendment provides successful champion of the for cases where, a non-Catholic I North Country. parent being married to a Catholic, they are bringing up their child or . children in the Catholic faith. It . also provides for cases where a Catholic ward is under the guardian- I ship of a nonAUtholite. It in such cases the child or ward is attending a Catholic school, the parents or guardians are permitted to pay their money to the upkeep of the separate C school. Women Submit Two Resolutions ' . The Toronto Women's Liberal Executive submitted two resolutions . to Premier Drury and Hon. Walter V ' Rollo yesterday, one of which re- ceived the unqualified approval of the Premier. Hon. Mr. Drury ex- ' . pressed himself as entirely favorable . to the passage of a measure calling _ . for equal guardianship ot children _ by their parents. _ Both the Premier and Hon. Mr. Rollo, however, were inclined to . doubt the practicability of a law . . . compelling aspirants to the matri- . menial state to first procure medical certificates. Hon. Mr. Rollo sug- . gested that perhaps a, better way of _ meeting an admitted evil was to pro- . vide stringent penalties upon offen- V dors in this regard. T . . Q