The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 24 Mar 1922, p. 1

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I FRIDAY, MARCH 24/ . HONEST I; OF PAR 1 'NERS) OF HON. D. CARMICHAEL . 7 -".ULLL----------------------' Labor Member Also Sug- . . . and there would he "and" . out gests Legislature Will (ignit- estimated assets and resent-22: . . l s town )y t IP. Government. . Soon Deal With Sir. _o'h"iew/,"fvd, make some Suggesu'ons , . , ' . overnment. he said. Extra- Adam Beck ' Reositrne ii'gllnéil'y "xpenditures should be tion-Ministers Say His {grins eireti from capital to ordinary ' 1Ti.0ue1te' Money should not be paid? c . i -v . cept w ere absolute] . he I .: Statement h, Not Sig- .223. f)',? the Government) 8,1531%: . r . w u. was Spent wa nificant'. Phey should not evade Egg; I','tintt,r' - _...-------"- . . by appointing Commissions mild" ity MEMBERS CONTINUE :i'ovmlr:e; should be theutirsl "lt \'mnp l V "t . , . ' DEBATE ON BUDGET 1mm. . I Wt] we and Thon Mr. M to . r , . -----" tuxorite suliiect rl,r"1ue"")'io'hvf,"1, his -. l . ' ' _ _ " coun- Provincial finances w d f-n Ir11 told the House of the un- ' i ere iscussed 'dthomed resources of New Ontari by four members of the Legislature ' Ph",1'i"°mal attitude, in an address (3'. afternoon and night sessions of, to North countrymen at Govern . _ House had been . ment Me Ontario Legislature yesterday, quarters Iii, said iffented itt many Then. at 10.30. the House went into lthose who "hint. to 'llll "22011891: tommittee to flll out the working brought ahout," he sa'i'fi."vi2f,1','ll'lf7, iVsy until ll o'clock 1rguet.,yt'i"e/1, trillal. nearly all the. Outstanding. in yesterday's more l statement WEE; inin:d1,'veed,5g.""e'" I, r-r less prosaic. contributions to the ', Continuing. Mr. McCrea 40d h ', debate was the demand of Charles imaged "Hit. the Government 'woulg' MoCrea, Conservative member for . gin :11: 33:21" and a bigger interesti Sudbury. of the lifting of war-time irres of and" c,"",,',",,'?,",',,,')',' potentiali-: impositions on the nickel industry (frr"eu"1) Khan " "rr la Ttahh were; , ., A t n, other section of the of the North Country, which, Mr. "01;: V t MoCrea. said, was in an almost dor- this basalt; tljf"iacc1t'/,',il"u1' too rurhtisr' mant condition at the present time. he, declared in J;;;?: "I; naxation,"i Before Ontario nickel could regain . "Minion of lite minin gr] f,',,, srpecitiei, its status among the items of poten- North comm-t g "We of the} val Provincial wealth, the Sudbury .' } member said, new usages adapted Can Boost Gold 0 3 . utplll. l to peace conditions must be found 1 ih.' ._. . i A," it. . . inability Ill the. matter of 741an Lion. he declared, had a, very dpter-1 says Tactics Are Same. if}; egggggch?" cttie/" He said in' h' . . _ . ion t at, wi . ', sie~01rlihe Government J. M, Web- Lhandilng, Ontario's gold mlitihi wlt5e, . i o owed with a. defense of Pro- dustvy should .- "%tt) , HS in-i, l incial Treasurer Smith's bookkeep- ibuimds under 21i2ih"te {by leaps and; in: methods and his surplus a N". A . avorable cir-l ' nd ctrmstattceg. , declared the attacks thereon were ' Concluding, Mr. Mtg. l simply a reiterati f ' . . c lea expressed Opposition criti l on o the annual 'the conviction that the people were w. A Crock 33$: everywhere concerned at the increas- . e , bor member for mg expenditures of th 2 ri South Wentworth a, god _ 1 , . . e Province If storm when in h/TI? a small 'He'e 'rufs any doubt as to the .0011- emment and Hon. D néatxlgioctiov: ti'"tig,nnco/s.'chhe, people on the matter of from criticism in regard to Chips: Ihwavs hd? J,tintt/.gururtliheai,e, was . - ci. n V na! ' 3': 1t/',hnshi,t,.1,1r2' he intimated that It" whom res-opt could he hrgaldeogle' v- nttoet', an honest man, was expression of opiniox e or associated with others of a "differ J lf Webster If FLO " - v . _ . I 'I' . . me , 'i,nrUNbert,' dAuhough M. M. Mac- _- '" est Iuartrbton, defended 't1f,T11ifi,ra,e'i S k than ed a. retraction, the pveserrtation and the surplu f get [ittete,,eJn't"11te/1, he saw nothing in the Provincial Treasurer from theocr'ige a wa I- drawn]. and Mr. 553321,: nguh- Cisms of mam without really specifying Just Iliad - [claiming that the?!" Speakem by de- t.O meant by the Statement, w at . 3exactly Similar: fttac'ks upon it were Another interesting item . been advanced o those which had Crockett's deliveranc in Mr. 'for Years agalntyt every Bud ment that the G e was tg, State- iP1'0\:~' V has", in his opini get no doubt soon dovernmem would 'ittiffl,','"/f,ei,Y., Treasuver had b on the flan of sit ue,'," meth the ques- ipointean' in his tCII/l-KI":),.,',',?,"),,",',",'),', "M - What that; it??? 122.560. imam: Carmichael . . . "iq1 capital mi n and a h b, that the, sdJ,th,,irtat'ifad aiterwatul Emmi the 'lflf,a'i,xetg"t"ep2:, ireoezizéiI nittcance, _ _ r".,' 1a no sig- 'Orests had r "n 0 Lands an 1 was 1',t',eciy,letf.ra,'1'i', the Government treated. nevet before been 2/ garded . ' LP, could not be r - I He d f 3 as an ()ml'la] inti f . e l . e ended the . pending action. mdilon of I 1eftdit/yee on educati Increased ex- Gives w [I at to a, great lon by saying arnlng on Loans, '<'e'",1,,','2"1 for in litigant they were Mr. Me . . " paid er salaries ..l late in t"iif/"iac7,isouo'1ing,y/,t debate, more adeheuaactzem in rural 'r/g,'.,.),'),',' Government be??? criticized the made possible 'tv""','),":,"',",,", GiG credits system. and 1:118 and rural) school grants By the increased} Province should {aROUSht that the nantly refuted e mther indig-l The amount of avr ' e great care. the Liberal Le a susgestiOn oi" Manitoba. he gamma? was large in. creased salaries ice;- that the in- perience of Saskatch nd the ex- ,the school 'll'i',U"T/' forced out of= that it was not a s swan showed 5 organization by the teachers' i. the last analvais 'd,"',:':,',',".", there. In i "tt has been . " l one to 1iiiif would. the Beheme :'lhat the farmland, he declawd 5 none or concerns wheréstilo 1t"r.osla- - tight-wads.' l (i2n of Ontario dire', '9 repay was limited e liability is not the case If to Bay that it' Dainty ot the Pr l".'. while the Mr. Lenno where 1 come from " lim ed. ovlnce was un- _ here. 'llel,Ti-dt, , not the case Discussing the Mr. W . ties of the "r,t2,tifd',','"lp..nd liabili- "blue 'rlrte',t'eieotl,,c no stock in the ma the liabilities at ' r. McCrea discussing rum tits 917 tinaneiets in 204 millions. and it "T""',','), were the 1's"d,uvUh21,g,h1,id',: He quoted kept on piling them We aPI'Ovince _ Itoba to the [tln/cat"",'),",']"',' of Mani- case of last you, when}; in the . iProvince had '/t'i, at the Prairie had been added, in tive mititoni, : connection with G lost a dollar in 'would be liabilities of Jr,',',", there ' sections, and dug advances to rural N;

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