. ' . iot l --estrie---- l . '1." "m" Fathrres. . i . ', Explains m. Bill. ' W. A. Crockett, Labor member l . . for South Wentworth, declared that The question previously had arisen l there must have been reason for as to whether this bill was properly the uprising which swept the 13120.. one that could be introduced by a Labor Government into power in private member, and, in the expecta- ' . 1919, and in his opinion the present tion that it would be declared out of a condition of the Legislature amply order by the Speaker, Mr. Casselman . indicated the reason. So far as the made a statement to the Legislature. " , two parties were concerned there lo" the purpose of the bill. ',i was not the least doubt, he said, l He said in his statement he un-, "t but that they had proved themselves derstood, from conversations with , utter failures in carrying out the (the Premier, that the Government ',,0 wishes and the will of the people. ' was sympathetic toward the pro- L Mr. Crockett pan into heavy going pose], and he wanted to know if the , i. when, in dealing with Uhippawa Government intended introducing t matters, he absolved the Govern- this session a bill of this character. ,1 , ment from responsibility in oonnec- Premier Drury admitted that he; ' '"a tion with expenditures. and intimat- was sympathetic toward the object] " (3,1 ed that. Hon. I). Carmichael. who of the bill, but such a proposal need- l i ", was honest and straightforward, had ed a good deal of consideration. It! f had to accept the. representations of was unfair, he said, to extend Gov-' r.') other. members "ot a. different cali-. ernment aid that might possibly ' " bro." accrue to the benettt of private I Dr. Follies Hodfrcy and M Il., power companies. MacBridc ttl,outh Bram) demanded. Later M. M. MacBride (South . to know what Mr. Crockett m'tunt,, Brant) said he understood from the and Mr. MacBride titmlly pressed for remarks of Mr. Casselman that the, ' a. withdrawal. To Mr. Godfrey Min: Premier had promised Mr. Cassel-i l Crockett explained his statement: "I; iman to implement by legislation the! . do not think that. so far as our rep- t principle contained in Mr. Cassel- I resentatix'e Was concerned, he was; man's proposed bill. The Premier ' fully informed as to what was ink-i ---" , - - ins placo l I l" Ihre, l"; we, asi replied that when the difficulties he' a an), S 101.] " ame )ELallSe ', . . we? have taken in confidence what! had spoken of were removed he' i has been told us." j would be prepared to help. ', l Mr. MacBride The honorable} Was Support Promised? i member, as I understood him, maid l 9 .. ', that the Minister was yyhty,?J2'l I think on two occasions the Pre.. honest, and that he was associated, mier told me that he would get be- ! with others who wore not of the} hind me on a. bill ot this charac- l isame calibre. Sir Adam Beck is not ter," said Mr. Casselman. ', .here to defend himself. and as one. "f have not pledged the Govern.. (public man defending another, I ask I ment to get behind this bill in its . that he withdraw. ', present form," said the Premier. _ l The Speaker finally ruled that With one of his own followers r ithere was no implication of dir- criticizing the Premier, the oppor- F, 'hones'ty on the part of anybody in tunity was not lost by the Opposl- iMr. Lrocketts i'emafrks.hThe '/l1e,ff tion, and lion. G. Howard Fergu- fnyttf,i,,attet,ev,gp, iuneTvinttgrer",ti. sum had several clashes with Mr. {Godfrey's question as to whether the I DIP" of the most 'rpir'lted charac- iGovernment had not the right tol ter. But the tense moment'oi' fl", demand Sir Adam Beck's rcsigna~: day came when A. C. Lewis (North.. , , loom. Mr. Crockett said: "There is: least forontu) was tspeaking. _ He no doubt that some action will be; approved the extending of the Gow. 'taken. possibly in the near future"; lei'nmont bonus to the secondary 5 Z. Mageau. Liberal member for' (lines of construction as well as the 'Sturgeon Falls, who spoke briefly" gprimary lines, and said he under.. before moving the adjournment of istood that a Proposal to this effect. the debate, declared that, so far as (came to the Government from the _ he personally was concerned, he had Illlydro-electric Commission and the _ " received fair and generous treatment (Goyernment refused to ratify it. C s from the Government of .the day. l "The proposal has not been made . .. He contrasted its non-partisan atti- to the Government at all," said Col. tude toward North Country neces~ D. Carmichael. T sities with th.at of the Conservative Mr. Lewis said it might not have party when trt power. been made officially, but he had been; . ---.-_-_--- _ i told that the proposal had been sag-l ' . igested to the Premier by the Chair-l 'il . [man of the Hydro-electric Power I Commission, and it was refused con- sideration. , Asks for Retraction. .f y "I wish to correct the honorable F, Casselman 8 Hydro Bonus. gentleman. His eontuence is sadly . . misplaced," said Mr. Drury. The. _ . "lg. Bill Starts Hottest Premier asked for a retraction, and . . . . Mr. Lewis said he would have to ac- . J,','?,',',',',.:,?'", of Session -. lcept the denial under parliamentary . ' . l rules. remier Says Govern. The Premier asked a retraction1 o; l . the words "have got to," as app e V x 'l,'/','1ft!, Ready to Put to Mr. Lewis' acceptance of the de- V nial. ea In Force "Does the honorable member ac- T - cept the Premier's t,'rtg,t.emp'sta?i'd' ask): I " ed the Speaker. " es. so, so, r wo HON. MEMBERS" replied Mr. Lewis. . HAVE ro RETR The Premier still objected. Mr. ACT Lewis had accepted the denial, he . ------ said, under the rules oféhe House. Dunn on "Under the rules of the puse. ac- ed':,',":,,",,; U: "f, the .warmest. dig.. cent the denial," said Mr. Lewis. 2 of hi e Year-in which one The Speaker said that was not sat- . s followers disagreed with Pre, istactory to him. He asked for .3311 ', al. a"; Drury as to the interpretation untrt1i,?11,,tgi,e,',?"lptti,th4u'iJ.it'1i l 4t 'Pt, Upon " t""'verteatioh he rio'fsaid Mr. Lewis, and the incident I held With the Premier, and in was ended. which, at different times, two mem- Just before the debate 2o't.1 13f. bers had to withdraw remarks after yc, Dewarlt mo'geed Slater; and that a ruling trom the S oak _ Mr. Casse man p ' . i p er the Pre- the rules of the House be suspended Cl, er said that the Government, . to permit of this being done. Speak- 'while sympathetic toward th . f ing to his motion, Mr. Dewart said e idea, th discussion r did not yet see its way to give aid b they had learned, from o ' ( . bonuses to . . . y . one thinq---that the Premier's prom- i . municipalities taking ises. like pie crusts, were made to be 'low.er from private companies en- broken. 31:81:; in the rural distribution or lDislikes "Pie-crust" Idea. i' e no power. Immediately Mr. Drury demanded The whole discussion arose upon a retraction. The Speaker said he ' Id the bill of W. H. Casselman UFO _ had made no ruling on Mr. Cassel-l ' smember for Dundee t , . . . man's bill as yet, and hence Mr.' -: . ' o tunend the _ Dewart said he would withdraw his, Iact Providing for the rural distribu- motion. The Premier demanded! "ion of electric power, in that Gov- ithat he. withdraw his "pie-crust " . I l tatement. V ernment aid should be made avail-i s "Honorable members should quit _ ' able for other concerns than the? ttin'girur these things ", V th,e . . . Hydro Commission. T I ,House," said the Speaker. ., L--_--_----__--.___--h¥# --- ___ _ _ __