SATURDAY. MARCH 25. . ' A" [ In a. stinging reply, Mr. Hall., . ,Hort. G. H. Ferguson Sayer, charged the farmer members op~' . f posite with abandoning their kind in _ Premier Drury "Acts/ the North country. He charged q Q them with being blind to the needs Like 10-year-old Young-" of the very industry which they were " , sent to the Legislature to represent. Stet L-R. R. Hall Scores; He wished he could Command the, F " . . language to awaken them to a recog- ' armers for Desertton. nition of their interests, and the: . " House laughed at Hon. G. H. Fer- of Kind truaon's interruption, to the effect _ ----------- that the kind of language necessary Tl , to that end would not be tolerated I V 19 net results of the labors of in the House. ithtt Legislature yesterday afternoon R. L. Brackin, Liberal member consisted of givin second , . . _. for Rent, spoke in did to three of the fougr minor [lift-""35; ' Captain Jack ,Ramsden. Liberal, ki l n s; the Southwest. Toronto. illlng of one; and an almost equal number of measures withdrawn, i Upon Government assurance that similar bills were to be presented with Government sanction. ' . . . . . After it had received the tir?Nerest Opposition Members Crititizty kind of criticism from Hon. Walter Speeches by Hon. Mr. i Rollo, Minister of Labor a measure introduced by L. W. Oke, East ihury and E. Watson Lambton, to discontinue Govern- ment inspections upon less than 2.3 STATEMENTS APPROVED? h.p. Steam portable boilers, rccoived second reading and was sent to the Agricultural Committee Before the orders of the day were . The argument in favor or the called in the Legislature yesterday measure was that iiittrtntitoisilt m- the report of Premier Drury's speech spec Ions proved OllCrous Uhon the made recently at W'elland came farmers. lion. Mr. Rollo, Z. Magcau. tt de fir II H Dewart South- Sturgeon Falls, and others. described n r e.. _ . . . the bill as a dangerous Proposal, west Toronto, read at trome length t',', Mfintiislter characterizuig It as extracts from the report, which set tt o e most dangerous pieces . ot legislation which have come be- out that the Premier said he was fore the House this year." like Nehemiah of old, building with The discussion did not conclude one hand, and with a spear in the, before the Prime Minister, received other flghting oft the "vicious and! an admonition from Hon. G. H. Fer- vexatious assaults of honorable guson. Conservative Leader, as to gentlemen across the aisle." Mr. his "petulanve." Hon. Mr. Ferguson Dewart took exception to this Interrupted the Minister of Labor phrase, and said he wanted the Pre- to say something. and tho Premier mier to say if he used those words.» objected. Said Hon. Mr. b'ergusou: and, if he did, to withdraw them. IT does get a bit tiresome when the ' The Premier replied he had used First Minister in the. Province of substantially the words quoted. He Ontario acts like a IO-year-old suggested that "my honorable friend yoxngster in this House every day." should cultivate a sense of humor.") bill, fostered by H. A. Steven.. "Who Than " I son, London, to give husband and More Fit They. wit v ."'"- .1. F -"---.----. w"- M. M. MacBride, Brantford, then e oting 1.)) Vileges upon property read the report of a spgech pur- 'owned by either. upon the request ported to have been delivered by of the owner, was withdrawn when Edgar Yatig'n't North Vic"??? 1': - - , . e a. it was announced _the Government} 3211:}; Sth M, 'ri',lmT'r1t'dldoat better j proposed 1ubPitlintr a measure man to hold the reins of power than 4, thHCh would clarify a tiimcult situ- the Labor man of the city, who was a, on. willing to experiment with society. Withdraws Two Bills. Mr. MacBride wanted fto lkncizb if Two bills introduced by J, W. that was the opinion o the or Curr). Southeast Toronto, were also 'tW2tg'd.'n the Government side of 'Jfee1dr1t"gr'vphuegd'.ti..Teiut,gg, de- No one rising to reply, there were . _ red in u n d . . cries of Rollo from Opposition pen ing Government legislation. Mr. benches and Mr MacBride put the curry" m8tururett called for the in-, iiaiiiii"i' to the Minister of Labor. sertion in. Hydro-radial by-laws and . Mr w, Rollo wanted to know why he municipal by-laws of the maximum was asked when the opinion had amount of the debentures to be ta- been given by a member not be- _ a"? tandeDr the by-laws. longing to the Labor group. Premier 1 q . ewart, WC., vigorously _ rotesteda strut an measure hi h Drury then rose, and protested p g . y .'..w IC against the abuse of privilege in would permit the municipalities to drawing to the attention of the _ borrow on tt. sliding scale up to a House business extraneous to the, stated maximum. in a, manner. he H use i said, similar to that adopted by the O . l Government under the terms of the Ferguson Upholds MacBride. t Hydro Act. . . Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, Con- In spite of vigorous presentation Iervative Leader. maintained more and advocacy ty.' R. R. Hall, Perri." than that was involved. It was in Sound, of a. bill which. would Im-, order to consider not only business pose upon the land-holding lumber-s of the House, but questions affect- men of the A'orth country certain' ins members of the House. The obligations with respect to road UD- j member from South Brant was quite: ikeep and construction in front Mi within his rights in asking if the! their ftsr-reasshintr lands. the Htuse view was endorsed by the Govern-! killed the measure on second read- ment, he argued. , ins. Mr. Hall made a. strong plea Mr. Drury pointed out that Mr.i on behalf of the farmers of the Watson was not present. Mn! North country, who, he said, were Ferguson retorted that. the Govern- put to a great deal of hardship by ment was entitled to say whether' reason of the apathy of the lumber, what Mr. Watson had said was the men toward good roads require- attitude ot the Government or not. l mente. Then the Speaker intervened. He Mon. B. Bowman Objects. field that belflorie i tthgurte,"prt,u1lt,' , a were ca e Hon. Beniah Bowman declared . p, here to bring to the attention th b f h an im osition f, o mem at e ore sue p o ' of the House matters affecting mem- considerable magnitude could be ber- or matters important to the ','d,ttf 111:3: £1343? hoes-:1: "113333 Province. It was not intended that w bit ti 1 everything any member saw in a and the additional o Ira, on wou d t be xbrou ht to the have to be included in the agree- q newspaper: was 0 tr d': .ments covering purchases of limits. ' attention of the House. He sake ' (p, J. Taylor. Mort.h Grey; also op-l the members not to do this. He; %