The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 25 Mar 1922, p. 2

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rr - 'V'x' t "Y' , L' , V '. _ A i _ 'i ' br", "Tr" V _ "ve,rt JW"'. Ill I . : . . 'iiisld, promised them the greatest latitude! Al if they were vitally affected. but ' ; 2 asked them to preserve the dignity Il of the House and not bring up every /1l; little thing. i " Yo Evade Responsibility. ' ' . i , Mr. MacBride moved the adjourn- "__- I. r ment of the House and pressed for . . . an "MA Mr. Dewart then took New Legislation Also Aims at , up the argument. The Government. i" . . ' he said. was always dieclaiming Merging Registry l r " responsibility for anything for Offices . ',, ' C,' which it did not wish to take re- l BI tspon.tribility. - , " "'hile Mr. Dewart was speaking, ', all r _ " REDUCE WOLF BOUNTY! of: A the Premier. the Attorney-General ._ ---------q . " and the Minister of Agriculture were . " . . whispering together. "When the Registry mikes In Toronto and A A A r,r . conference is over I will be glad A20 York county will be amalgamated I i , 1,it,yg,t,ig,uees"thgt"iruvtedti,at"ttl'triC,'k' under one head. and the off1cets of A, - o r r _ . _ Bl I -. games?" Premier, the Attorney- Sheriff for roronto and York will l A, General. or perhaps from his Imii- be combined, in: the provisions of: " int; friend, the Minister of Agricuio :wo hills introduced yesterday into: . " ture, and then he added, a few mo the Legislature by Hon. W. E. l ments later, that he should include _ ti . BI also the "bulldog of the 9trtT: Rune). The bills were given ftrst " . ment, the Minister of Highways, reading. 2:? concerning what had been said by Three Registry offices, those in l $133 Mr. Watson. East and West Toronto, and that MI mier Gives Answer. l ePrVing the East and \N'eat ridings of 3 A; , Pre ' A ' , The House was entitled to knot; York, will be amalgamated. The [ a iwhether those who Il',',',! f,"'),,'),'.),'.'. North York tyft1Ctt will not be in- l . spoke on political plat orm p , A . . ..' l fry.) I dented the Government or not.' cluded in the amalgamation, butwill . l Mllilll 1riGiii this statement," he asked, be under the same head. though ova A -. "represent the mind 'y,yo1vit,eoul,',,ht of directly in charge of a, Deputy Reg- ii.ili'ill, PtrrtJ,Te,'id,f ity1d'troleti,"v, 1.ql:-ar'. The 12etristrar, Deputy Tleg- {Quit I intent sits in its place with Labor letrar and start will be paid 'salaries,, 1i5'i','iiallll ll" . and Farmer members behind it, and provision is made tor retiring; '2 ienuat in the councils of the Cfvei'lri: allow anoos equaiimg a Bum amount- 1 _tj'ailllll8 i,',",,",.',': "aQUnthet1l,1.dhuf.u""rordo not in; to three-fifths of the annual) 5illiglll i333); Sim class as being more tlt average sala"y for the past. five) _'i.iellflll (than another." _. b"tars.. iét?iiiill ll A AA l _-------------- slim-ii! for. City and 001ml). 'iiiigll. f The Sin-levelty offices of Toronto tiiigll A " and York will be combined, the act, . Pall A - , swinging this about to be brought it E into force by proclamation. It. is) 3A [ . .he intention of' the Government. to "ll bring in this session an amendment Mlll - URGENTLY NEEDED In the Superannuation Bill, bringing Ei!tlll sheriffs under the act. .ll"g1i%lll - ___ " ...__. H. TI. Dewart (Southwest Toron- Eire',; l A . to) asked Mr. Haney it it was not 'ft',,', "tftp From Parry aha intent of the bill to saddle upon from?" . . - oronto the. expense of housing the. $14.53?! ourAld tht/tt Inter documents from the county. "By icrTsfl VI PO moans," said the Attorney-Gen- 3'91". ews Ministers oral. He said finatv?iat arrange- SM: Tr-c-- . merits WUUICi be a matter of adjusto six-t t ' A deputation from the l'arrvi went between the (my 'tr d th " A A A A . A [ - ' -. A i. . i' . e (liiiilllll ' Smimi district, headed hr Mr. I», EA county. arrived at by arbitration. Fritfalll, tE,'r'li,lir/'j',iev;,, of Sumiridge. "Mimi No Other Changes Mooted. "att. . I upon on Jertialt Ftowtr:a,; Mime . "r30?! " ' . . I ' '43 ' . tpr of hand and Forest. and Hun. f'. _ r,,."h.asn,i','cir,sg', asf1/"'dt21vt,'ai,foni"o. ti C. Riggs. Minister of Public Wot-its: other changes in Registry offices "if: , A and Highways, yesterday. in bricv,; would be brought in at this session. - before the Mlnistcrs the value oft "Mt he expected the Whole subject . ','i,1,'ji',C'h,"al AA _ improvements on Lake Bernard , 33:33.." before the Legislature next AA sr' Beach at Sundridge, and the inlet When Hon. Peter Smith intro-. "s,'slll. provement of the highway From. (loved a bil: amending the Wolt Cial I Sundridge to Magnetawan. Tho, :?unlx' (ttu,' AM" Tlowartnaskfed him f 'tta' me A s» . ' la par mu Ul" no veg it) armers , "', iF? 1 ' _ - , , on J" . 1'. Smith rep ie , rather heatedlv, t Jew". groin Southern Ontario but from far, 'hat they were the sahme wolves as ',)i"ri'iiri'iiIl ('/i'),are,g'ioniy'rotn {he LnAited Stated of yore. Tho amendment reduces; grit}. " _ g 0 the 131 Cty district the bounty paid for wolves. ., AA.AA_AA A centering round Sundridge in large '-------- if": » volume, and they received the. iOfa- iir'ftiii,,'iiia rr _ aurance that everything possible 'isrlfiji/ii,ei" - would be done to render the diam-in _ 1ii'iiii" ' ' more accessible. l EXEMPTION BILL 'iiiq F, Until very recently the dir.rrict l I I tall' . _ around Sundridge has been inert-es: l PASSES COMM! EE . - . giblekbz' road to motor traffic. The i --"---.-.- $lrll " run Highway maintained by the AI - - ' glands and Forest Department from _ Iowance on Assessment C Mill . evern, north to North Bay has not i . ' use, I1llll enticed much motor traffic because , for Each Child h, 'iilllll " - U" of its generally poor surface. The $200 llIlitll , improvement of the road, however,' 7:73;." has opened up a new lakes district "e"------------- M1lllN which. in scenic effect, rivals the, Without any opposition, the MU- A A? i, / guzfizka di'fnre,t,,,t,y' gagilities for Anicipal Committee of the Ontario (: l . e ' springii'ig up in several iakggisde 'l/ir ApLegislature yesterday passed w. A. A A A " tgorttt. f Crockette hill which would amend _" il " The citizens of the town of Sund- present 338688111th legislation to trive . t Ill ridge, Mr. Baily said. have Just com..) ithe heads of fa i . .. I ~ pleted a hotel, and its accommoda-i 9exemption of 1"lllt', 8- right to an 'ifil ' . tion is already taxed to the limit., on every depen- 'iiltl ' g ' The main line of the G.T.R. to _ dent child under 18 years ot 'ure. all I North rf/tVt"',',',",', through the dis-' It provides that the $200 exemp- " h trict an e mprovement of the tion eh l . ' Trunk Road has made access to it child of".1 apply to any dependent ' - possible without any dlttlcultv, it any ture, and also to a de.. .. _ d l . .t pendent parent. . A is expecte that this year will see At th is i a great influx ot tourists into this e present time a. householder Mt i second Muskoka. ' cannot claim any exemption on old IN .'---- people or invalid children dependent , .__ -------, upon him. A' " i - - ' ' unmouwu I Fe ' __--, A _-.---...-.-,

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