Forward, Affidavit to a bill for consolidation of the do- H N . benture debt of the town of Collins- on. elson Parliament wood. The charge is, that Mr. Allan, Mayor being a member, accepted money for h f Hoolden of Collingwood tho preparation. of a. private bill for 'ff orwarded an affidavit to Hon. . the. Legislature. Nelson Parliament. Speaker of the Mr. Allan explains that he made Legislative Assembly, which am- a limited charge for a. certain par- davit sets sGTii-oii w. T. Allan, gonhgg 1rurt,ti,mtttrsi,jiiiir:,vt.i,i'i,; Conservative member for weat Sim- arm; to thegnouse. coe, had accepted illegally a. fee or $110 for services in connection with . .