of the Government b . - y a teleguun oi 2,etoAt2gtp,f,',en,y,ti,, and he wont. Too Many 00qu _ o ea with what he called the t M f "Em ir . . " / The Drury fPv'E.'e'el? t r. Per.. ' t on "ye 'Lt/lt/tir/Ili), they had got guson declared. surrounded the t _ ver. Backus transaction with conditions ( Premier Makes Objection, that made it rty,',o'i'tib2fot'i, anybody Finally the Premier arose to - else to get in on t, an tne conse- i teat at the linking up of his 212'; quence is they got no bids. fwith that or the Ameiican timber Premier Drury-Bona-tide bids ngrator. and amid considerable were received; laughter demanded a withdrawal of. PT;,,,"',) Ferguson-Ii "a" Emmi" 'the reference ot intimate friendship. fide hi 3 were no rece ve . say But when the laughter died down , there never was a cruise on that for the Premier did not press his point V 20 years before. and the department of privilege. knew nothing am?" it. t Mr. _ .. . . . Hon. Mr. Drury s retor was to the that tdeg,",::,',',',"),",,",.",,,!,),',',:,',',',"',",',',',? tsftect that a cruise was made before ber policy had caused the financial the sale, and he did not blame the , institutions of the Province which Conservative Leader for attempting r were called upon to tinaTtce the bigi itt,af.raw a red herring across the timber operations to become chary r" . " of accepting timber areas as security. 1 It is not red herring I want, Questioned on the point by the At- coy,n,t/'/t,t,',,,e,r: Ferguson. _ torney-Genentl. the Conservative . Hides'.; syfftlttf several c.F.O. Leader said he had been so inform-I [members ed by numerous financial men and' Mr. INrguson---Yes; and when the lumbermen who had become skep- general election comes honorable . tical of the. stability of timber members opposite will find that licenses. many of them have shed their hides, ' Recovered Only Tenth. Slush-burning Essential. F Touching on Lambert Company The Conservative Leader then re- i matters, with which concern the turned to the defense of the slash-a 1 Government had made a settlement burning experiment, which was one; J for some $4,000, the Conservative of the obligations imposed upon the) Leader declared that the Govern- Shevlin-Clarke Company under the: ment, if it was entitled to anything old agreement, and declared that it) . at "ll. was entitled to $10 for every had never been tried out in Ontario,} dollar is got. and he applied the despite imputations to the contrary.' _ same to the Russell case. Anybody who knew anything about! "That is the truest word he has forestry, he said, realized that sue-i said tonight," said Sam Clarke, _cessful slash destruction was 80 perl amid Government applause. cent. of the problem of retoreita-l Mr. ftaney----The Crown trot all ition. Russell had. , m I The Jones and Macdonald appoint- Mr. Fergurion---well, . Russell is 'i.',t?flt,t were Bone over by the Con- l istill going strong up in the North'i Iservative Leader. who asked to what , ' 1country, I l better source one could go for infor- . The Conservative Leader stressed) mation as to the merits of an appii- ',t ithe point that the courts had been. cant for a. department position than i icalle-d upon to determine the "fair"! to the head of the biggest timber in- value of the timber rather than the,l dustry in the locality. "marketable" value, which, he con- Pumas . it ;, tended, were two vitally different cl) .Iislcadinz. F things. . . Purely for the purpose of mislead- iing the public, Mr. Ferguson said, the Mathicu Attacks Haney. i (i",t'iiiiiiiiijjitij'iiii, had referred to . . .. Macdonarrs admission that he had sd.' ttSM/tlieu/i,'.':,','.','":','),"";,,",,:':", , , "/,'r""/f,' tstimate.d, mm s'LS 2 matter Manager of the Shevlin-Clarke Com- ' '1,,fyeticy1"d,1'1y km min} erguBon, lban)'. with whom the settlement is i"iiiiiufi . tey _ newh at Mac- ,being made, accused the Attorney- Mault . par nf,hcod, t at' cruise, lGeneral. in a short hut exceedingly iii; iL'dw',',','aflll e C en: T' set; and, vigorous address, of withholding all "Wh didn't 'ut (sire u est a1,at°'| the facts in connection wdth the in tife box durisig tr/Tu/S/yah'.'.) garrious transactions under discus- manded Mr. Ferguson. . Still another accusation hurled at Mr. Mathieu opened by denying', , absolutely there was any collusion hm; 1tttoJyet2'",'vrt1, was that he between his company and Macdon- a. no ca ed as witnesses other in- aid or Jones in the securing of any divtduals who had cruised the Que- timber limits and he went on to tico Reserve limits. and who, ac- !deciare that 'Mr. Backus had pun, cording to the Conservative Leader, (chased timber limits from'the pres- reported the sale made by the de- lent Government at prices much, "Tg,t'" to have been a good one. 'lower than were paid by the Shev- ir,, Th 8 method that the Attorney- lin-Clarke concern. general adopts today, he added, Denying that the Shevlin-Clarke "is different, thank God, from that Company had made "millions and of any other Attorney-General Tho millions" out of the Province, as the Frelceided lie,; yt, cams: 0% justice Attorney-General has sought to in- s tile lf, lraggie Jim"? tt l ','h'lt l timate. the member for Rainy River un e aw s e ng rea e w t l declared that never had the con- icontempt and disrespect in this Prov-i cern paid more than a 7 per cent. ,ince as it never was before. . dividend. and at the present time 'Political Dodge. it had but a $500,000 surplus. Mr. Raney, in beginning " I Denies Contributions. speech, said that early in March Mr. "Th Sh " Cl k C ,.. .Ferguson had told the House that , ihe said is,'ltvvl'rnie'df1%, ioo'?d"r'.",'ii,. hie desire? to protest. in l" most l . ' vgorous anguage e cou com- did I give (mg dollar, to any "EP.: mand, against any settlement in . ber of the doyernment for any the Shevlin-Ciarke litigation. It was; calrgpa 83 "if; .F C ' not surprising. then. said the Attor- tive lea/d;. and 'fJ,t',l'l"'ll;,/ti.1n'l'irtvti reineneral, that when the terms of , ' , sett ement were announced Mr. ' . 'yt2ol,'iti,t,idttt,T f,entd,ouv/irTot opened Ferguson should have at once des i bidet s ace C', time deal with n"tha nounced the settlement as a political _ great Elan statements of th Ate dodge designed to discredit the for- 't'Jf.'fllvfJl'l'irl'i that 'cannot ebear mer Minister of Lands and Forests. . analysis." He said that the existing lb fur. Haney then entered upon a I department organization which had I ref review of the facts leading up I dealt with timber affairs sinc C I to the settlement which is being con- l . federation could not be ime concl' firmed hy the bill before the House. upon nor could Ontario's timggrve The Attorney-General read extracts sources be administered in re- from the interim report of the Tim- other way l any ber Commission. issued in October, . He proceeded to state with em- 1920, which report found that the - phasis there never was a pine areal ttet "f, itheh license Ix Ple. sold in the Rainy River district at 8 and n tie} Q'uet c: howlSt 6; higher prices than were ttxed for the "time was a v o at on 0 Pe, aw 0d At 'particular area under discussion As q iehProvince, in that it was "'11Cl he proceeded he declared that the 3133:: Jottthttt,n.the pub c an . Attorney-General was "so warped . l and rejudiced" th t h l . Following this report, proceeded { see Stat timber ',','hu',ewcfr',1, (1102:: the Attorney-Gen/Trl, the Govern- I land relative; different conditions _,',heenttob't1'yrgt,ei',t2t, 8,13%, at: :2; 'prevailed in different timber areas. of berths 45 and .49 ffig/','Q"t"e, I ' Wale)! governed the prices obtain- trial of the action it was agreed be- _ e. tween the company and the Gov- -, ernmént that it the court should ' take the same view as the Judges G,.,,,, I . . .