" ""tviv' ', . . ' P)N new 5.?" it" is???" _ . ' 'r'"'. «ETTA agig",l;_§|w ' . '. T 'N ' 'U' . . _ F "T "it name of Manning W. Pte,htrf,,vi"te .' ", 'r DrOceeded. "According to m. e . t tt did not provide machinery for omec T Kill" ing Herd] . ' e ective enforcement. ' . . o mie,Wind I "In deference to the then protest Minister favored "502$R::li§ri:e . J the act was amended in 1917, mak- herds to be tested for 'tul',",,',','?),,',?,', ine it optional with the patrons of 'and requiring the infected animals . factories and condensaries to accept to be killed. Mr. Doherty said he payment on the basis of butter-fat would absolutely o pose it He . content, and to pasteurize the by- would not favor it Ibecause 'he did _ _ product. not think it was the proper and . Different Tune Now. '"le/'..t"'g away of going at it. "Last year the act was again . with 'almoosfrgi 'i,1f,",'e,',,,, bled Speech amended to provide for the compul- ation of the imporlta onef declar- ,:' lsm'i' payment by Babeock test and and Ontario 1'2flitit'l'Ufrct?at,e, . leompulsory pasteurization of whey. in the markets of the (1','r'U",'h't"f,' and again there is a storm of pro- their farm products and said thi . test, with the one-time Manning IV. bill was a. step in the right di 3 l>oherty in the driver's seat as Min- tion to hel th P rec- istcr of Agriculture, turning a deaf place in thepq11aiity :gvitlczaireep its Ivar to these very same protests, he ducts. y pro- claiming, however, that his act pro- Hon. G. Howard Fer s i . . l rides machinery for efficient enforce- was not opposed to th?pi9irncsi%li 12):, LN Ime".t' " the act hut he thought the act! . , After going on to state the imprm - . should, for the time being, be sus- i' *lcahility of the enactlons of the pended. In the Eastern part of the) _ Dairy Standards Act, he asked if the Province the cheese factories wer .act was needed. No other 't"/2c' small. and a small g/ill',")',",'.',,' 3 had a similar measure. and Onttu' 0 meant a, consi " 9 cheese stood highest in the world in 1ffyy1if11t?Sytly..y1ys . j iii-craze quality. "I say," he declar- led. "that the need does not exist I ;t'or arbitrary action on the part of . ', ' this or any other Government." l 1 He went on to cite conditions in Eastern Ontario, contending that [ the producers were not in a. tinancinl tposition to meet the additional ex- . l pendltures which the Department of 1 Agriculture would force upon them. . it M He had information that many . ifarmers had pledged the whole of ' . P $983." compialns Of their next season's milk proceeds to - . " 'pay their taxes. How in the world a ronage In Legisla were. these farmers to keep their ture Debate families in decency and meet their ..----_ 1 ' other obligations? --..---- l t "t have informetion,'.' he tIH: As neither the Prime Minister, the' t1t/2Atdirrv'iy,ryc'/iti,tli.,er',svihn $3? ,,lii',t,','.t. Attorney-General nor the Minister J l" t y m .V . C' .. y _ ply with these provisions of the 311501;}?th portfolio, Hon. Dougal) Car.. Ir.ht.A. I have been besieged with . ni ht ,'h "9"? in their Places last protests." VIE 'str." en it came to the turn of "Mr. Speaker," he went on, "I ' 'e'LiC' M'lI'CBrlde, south Brant, to know that in Prince Edward county, _ 'e/il' fl,') iv"; liuagret debate, and as . t the county that is so creditably and de Crt". It o say concerned the lam-optzilily represented hero by you tel: hingmb.0f these Ihpee Minis- ins Speaker, tho farmers are up in the id Cl tmo'ied the adjournment of iarmsr, and f know that this is one deb te f1 t: and ""111 go on when the j occasion upon which you would wel- Ozzie, it lead), to'be resumed. _ ('linie an opportunity to take part in Sb ' f 0'3"? syfy,herr, Z. Mageau, the discussion in this House. i . b, ut'treon 1 'ails, spoke on the Budget g I last night. He made "pleas tor help . ', Run on This One, Issue. t it}??? North country, and sutrgetrt- . ',: "I have it from you, sir, that. ini " in no" .much construction work ', many parts of Prince Edward county 1 tTt'2,'l1')t,1olirtc,vse1t1d be a tpood thing ,the dairymen propose dcliberatelyi .of tho Hydgo as to some employees. 3 lo disobey the Government, and gos- Mr Ma e', . id th l itsip says that you have even beeni patroha'rreghag mt . e ago-cashed _. iasked to resign your seat and run wheel, a f at not yet entirely dis- _ lagainst the Government on this I'] re from the scene. He and tissue." gigrchngler forl Jjl1f',",fJfe, J. 1-1. ll. K. Denyes, East Hastings, who . i. ' ' e Saw. to 'ma 9 repre- . seconded the resolution, said that ',',7,1ft1t"iT', rega'f'dmg the appoint- dairymen in his part of the country B b t an . . .A. ofncer at "tiy'th opposed the bringing into force of, ly,: ll somebody from nea= New- . tho act. He mentioned the extrai kaikt:i had obtained the position. expense to which cheese i'actorit-si Mt, Laney said the man was there would be put. Some, he said. wuuldi only temporarily. ?jr: Matreau then have to put in new boilers, and said the Sheriff at North Bay Was a. others rem (We vats or buy new ones. man from .C-o-balt. TIP? was not giv- Hon. Manning Doherty was warm igvtgigmd'lsu'mt of hipisslng fair in his defense of the act, and said i» '. . he was not refusing to accede to Mr. Mageau said $10,000,000 had the demands made for its delay in been put into development of Du"? enforcement because of "Btubborn.. mills m and around sturgeon Falls. ness." No matter where pulp mills were Hon. G. H. Ferguson asked him put, there had to be sufficient quan- if it was so that he had said he " tity of raw material behind them to would resign if the bill did not go justify the expenditure. into effect. "I can assure my hon- It takes a lot of Umberto back orable friend that there is nothing up an industry of that kind," he b' in the rumor that has reached his "said. The remarks of Mr. McCrea. ' ears," replied the Minister. the day before in criticizing the Reviewing the history of the act, Backus deal were Tttyt quite "up to Mr. Doherty said the principle of ,the times," although Mr. Mageau _ it was the paying for products on paid he was neither criticizing nor _ the basis of quality. Every agri- defending that deal. i cultural Journal in the Province of if He concluded try saying the Minis- i any repute whatever was support- .ter of Education would be well trd- ", ing the bill, and the big producers' iyiered to glve all assistance possiblir, . . associations of the Province-the Ito'schools 'm the North. I Eastern Ontario Dairymen's 380- l 'Surely there must be room.for> elation, the Western Ontario D ry- .curtail'menit on the Hydro staff.' he men's Association, and the Ontario I said. "There are too many employees . Milk Producers' Association-Maxtor- theme tor what they have to do to- . ed the enforcement of the act. day." He suggested a holiday for _ The extra cost, he said. was ex- some of them. aggerated. Coming to the question mm. Peter Smith explained that . of the pasteurization of whey, Mr. t 6 Government had nothing to do l Doherty said that the loss which the . tth Hydro employees. They were " . cheese factories sustained last year . paid by the municipalities. I through the production of bitter i"The Province is vitally interest- 1 cheese would not only equip all the ed in the Hoyros." returned Mr. ' cheese factories in the Province with Mageau. The Province backed the . all necessary equipment but would Hydro. Even the sum of half a mil- ' build new cheese factories. Thous- lion or so paid Mr the Province to ands of dollars that were lost in _ , the Hydro for specific rwork Petr-. bitter cheese could have been large., , foamed should be cut down to only N r V 1y eliminated by the pasteurization: l a iew thousands. I _ of whey. . t . -----------""-'r'""'""'" 4 :qu _ 14? l . Kit/ yviii-a. L. l . . _ _ T _