"-= T 7W tn.- v.31; i 4 . . t in (Legislature Deals Varymg , G. w. Ecclestone ('Muskoko ae-I C j, . N, t cured second reading for his bill to , ' l Fortune to Many F ',Ttelt, t0T/,"'hffl',', in unorganized tor- ', . . , r or es o cense Peddlers and r' Private Bills hawkers. " _ _------------" 3 f2,1,lvoTh'r, the passage of this mis-t l ', . ce a.ny 0 legal measures, the House y, BUDGET DEBATE RESUMES ' reverted to the Budget debate, and T ' _--------------'" _. ft. It. Ila." (Parry Bound) resumed . his speech. Mr. Dewart thought it After a desultory discussion the' _ . was not fair to call on the member ') ' bill introduced by Charles Swalyze. 60i "it?! 1",;th Evening, but tho Pre- : Ni: ' _ Pe, . . _ t ' . - mer ect e o go on. Mr. Hall l 5 _ . [ lig'tta Polls which vir uni). pro I J. went into the public accounts ex- l died that all owners and timers of haustively and was particularly anx- : . motor cars should have licenses. was lous to secure details of the travel- l defeated last night in the. Letrisia- "r1rg,'gf.'nq)1,e,', r","")',?;',.'?,'; Viot rt ) " . F.. 7 . ' . K r son [ o o a. lure. the Lahoi mtmbets present moved the adjaurnment of the do- were. fuvorablo to the bill, and trot: bnto and will resume the discussion _ . I mime support from tit-rues the aisle, _, it)? Hi" (invoi'iiinent forces. w' but the sentiment, of the House was) _-- , strongly against the adoption of the _ . ' measure. Messrs. Rollo and Mills. of the t'abine't. voted for the bill.' . --- ' iii: opposed to other members of . . . . the Cabinet present. who voted 1 Legislative Committee hp- Ill1 or,urinst it. . proves Important Change - Liberal thief Opposed. . ' _ IN . Wellington Hay. Liberal Leader, In Assessment Mt I rather doubted the "dvicahilit.t of ..------------_ l ' every member of a man's family l, " . having to take out it license, while MAKES PARTNERS PAY! ' H. H. Dewart. Southwest Toronto, i I w", tutored. the bill. . ------.-. . , - J. NV. Curry, southeast Toronto, The hill to DNVide free text-books ' ' L. wr:ilc tas ormg the license proposal, in public, hltph and industrial schools, II thought it would not be a. hardship l introduced in the Legislature by It ' Ill' say that before a person possesset . - _ _ - . . , d, our he should hare Some knowl- L. Prackin, ICC., West Rent, wag ' "f3 edge of that which he undertook defeated hy the Municipal Commit-3 I? g 'ttt handle. ' tee of the Legislature yesterday by IMI ' Thomas Marshall, Lincoln. said N a. vote of 22 to 14. $21.. = , the hill did not provide that drivers, . . 3 "its? , should he examined. l, The vote showed that rural mem- F,gifNl Hon. Hum, rd Ferguson favored Ibers were not in favor of a measure l (s,',))?' _ having trwt1C't'Y pass an examination ' got this kind. The debate before the KM of some kind before licenses were (vote was take, Was ho _ Illllil ' issued in them. The Premier .on it . a) t It l " C: and when ' " the other hand. held that novices in t' wat, a en 1 was revealed that} Bll i driving were usually careful. The i'lHECUCGJ'lY all the rural lileers k " Premier venue in for some plativful ;1)rosent were against the proposal., i " badinage front opposition memiiers: :3. s Sta 1 a ' " ' MI * . , . .. ' . why. _.. ples, East Durham, was one; Ill ') . 'l/d his famous bread wagon acer-', U.F.O. member who voted for the ., (en . _ . 'hill, and all the Labor mem'bers kw , .. . i . r f L e? . " he Attol ttPI -Genoral, TT. )?, . /E. present were. in favor of it. Two To.. Itl ' Rene); held that to t":1/2lcilsexl',1'A1/ii, ronto members J. C Ramaden and Ig . ation for all owners 0 cars " or J. w Cirr ls, . . ' , Iitlg licenses: were issued raised a. large . l y, voted against the bill. I . question. while Messrs. Mills, ROUGE Doherty's Bill Approved. and Mageau thought that kind of law The Agricultural Committee ap- I would eventually be placed on the ivroved Hon. Manning Eyoherty't' bill rr statute books. ito aid in the. packing and grading of l r ' , , . . . 5 fruit bv grants to co-operatively own- . ' . t ' in. . - . , Lllzf'" MC.t1l.rif"-'!1.t (f '\" ,; b ed warehouses not exceeding 25 per p Edgar Watson tN.orth lemma} cent. of the value. Obtectior was ' , held it was more rrt.te11 the export Ataken to the bill by R. R. Hahl c, driver tlti.tt tho berCt' tsho be- Parry Sound am J. W. McLeod. J rame involved in academia. . Stot'rnont. ' ' I . Second reaaing was We"? ".1495"? ', Mr. Han thought it was entirely j r " Oke's bin to amend the Judicaluve :wronug "that these associations with 'At't. This hill provides that arwlica.- (their, affluence about them, should . _ iiiiii rn"? be m.ad.e .by partisan to a all" ask laborers. all of us, to construct - . in»; 1. :for IL Jury trial m cases P.] olemt: 'warehousee for them and have no Ill!' value or products of the farm, or-, share in the ownership of the build- 1iifii' est. and mine. The Attot.rntv-tiTei,i.a,l, ings." " _ indicated that tnrconimitteo the bill Mr. McLeod said the bill instituted _ i e - ' (would be amended m 81'th. manna "the vicious principle of b-o'nusitng _ I tan to conform to the English 'prac- industries." i tice, in which the Jury notice '51,"? The Municipal Committee approv- J struck out unless the Judge is 0, t , ed a. clause in the bill] of A. C. Lewis, . ' opinion that the action involves " Northeast Toronto, which makes an g question of law of"): or requires pro: l-" iimmorrt4rnt change in the Assessment longed examination ot documents Ot t . Act. By this clause after the busi- ' accounts. ' . -reN l _ . mess assessment of partners is struck . ', w. H. Casselman. til-.0. mm" Mbl the partnership is assessed for the " o for Dundee. is not. haung tortuns 1'Jiuli'l"t by which the profit of the . smile on many of his rneasuies.' anI business exceeds the business assess- ' his bill to amend the Mothers. Al' ment. . , lowances Act so that the munictpn - l N l r ity. not the county, should bear the, £50110!" OPPOSMOH- l tense. was defeated last n.ght.. The clause did "not pass Without ( t?Sl."E'2.',y-'c.-S-y,"--tr--v-r-r-l--c: ' _.i iti and an ho r's di l '-av b .8 $5 ea some opposuon ' ll s- . _ 'mo'ft of the mem et p king 'cusslon. it was argued against the l jagamst it. Both New" Dewart and life, that a partnership would be l (Ferguson suggested that the Prov- name for business mam-ant, and ' i ince assume the whole burden of then an additional burden would he . " l - all ances placed upon it as soon as the part- a 3 these ow . nership made money over and above " fWimcr Road worlr. the amount required foe business " l ' . iven to the assessment. Mr. Forman, Assess- '. , i Ibecond reading was tr t gi ment Commissioner of Toronto, told' V I , bill of Cr. H. Murdodk (Cell re y, m- Mv. w. F. Nickle, Kingston, that the '11 coo) to r:errea:1 a clautrty which pre- _ good thing about business assessment .3} ivents a municipality putting stone, 'Was rifts constancy. ilil '; gravel or other material on roads , It was pointed out in favor of the Ill' during the winter months. l ',irhantre that some partnerships had l Mr. Swayze's bill to give munici- income much in excess of the busi- i panties the right to establish safety mess assessment. This was so In the _" . 'G lznnes on streets or highways was case of brokers, etc., who often did l . 5; carried. Mr. Swayze said it had a. large business in small otnee speec.' l ', been asked for by the Ontario Safety , -------"'Tr-"""'"'""""'" i l ' League, Mr. Dewart suggested that . . . '. l, - it be limited In its application to l s.' cities. 3 .. T J . . o 3 r" _ . . a i F -- _ F a -. l r-.':;)',