The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Apr 1922, p. 2

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W in I . _.""-" (7 --Mr" m . t','l,T/",','i, of tu,",',",',',','.":,',','",','.' . Attomseh°w that "an" he at; .3 ' " w thu a y-Genera)' only dean ' [ - 73L?" tr and " om the) no Pri; furthe criminal pioyment l X. w... ' .3 I r, with all B, but I ta charge arrested 52412 l,we, can Q,,t,tl1,,ih1 emphm. - GiGiiiG :3): yet IQ fined CI 3,12%} . (t',eJ."t/t"'t'l,ti, and f,:,,",',:,', those 3:" I18110 m moi} 'n"i',1d" Shel i I p" - iné'hy the Attome ating kept en , ma Min's Tteco few Dab wo .vi.' "y , im in th y-Gene to- ' Mr. a, _ rd? . . , ' Ontario T e enfor ral, "at Cu ennOx . T 1 empem cement . 9 of a tt.lso m . C I gfllta ',',,,1"i'rl',hTl'"tf, Act. f" the 3100 Victorna'n who h enthned th _ . a, d th can 0 . ry b ' C Sr. _ e '.' l his 'of,'/',,"atf,t'e,'.'nrt, but; adminitrtrttt Whodam 1n jaifmd' and Vivi Mole a, r' I is Lee/tel',', or his "Evgecelved 3; in {hehe claimed for the degd Spent i 11" f nor will ; but I Ca. nta. That Mr Le GGiiiir' , waa an" ; and Ministo the Publi nnot com: a. . nnox of the d maimed ' C l" Re 0 cond trtve questt Comma "Dart * a that ha ' Oplng in h One. an ' pa on Was med tl ment.' " a: his _,ic,'/o"t,iiriiyi,i",'gi,2,j),l.'t,',t1,'eiit,1)',',, mo: j'f)l)rd'fpfi'd11))", 2:111: on 1:18; ygir,1.i' l _ 6 enforcen en Cerved hEVe eral's ade ii, c man n erl _ . ten te ' rep] . the 0 ref " shL. o','t.'i,tni"itaAtrit,; 'it'wthtt, 0.22.2353 $22,220: 852:3 222228nv'2':222°2""5$3! _,, iri; . ( 1 atem at ity - ' Be, at b Jr . Mr .331 Mr. L ent to ma .. a prom ' TI Was falr _ '. Kia/ l man whoea'nagx cited 'gt. c y l thatlgntét0r138:\ -Gene . I lo the . Ilti ', aiding and "ban-est" in T a." ot a I were made"; to (manila! minim . Ilg !2' " child remit"? the 631?" for ment ande 31'," 'ofy/,'i'i'd,'T,i' of this kiwii a MI " l Rtbn who b een Year nnuene at "ii,' ' ere w . c, tho (1' TIf _ .2 Provin alled h '5 of " y l e dispo ould b _ epart_ " l cial im o ly. The -°mplo sal of 0 no N , I A. . he said Inspector ut Wag th , ' yed. men t reciordl , aa , . ' 'r em " f rt 'fell, wtl £11132 "arse 'fic, 'xTU,','t Mush??? all the val poral "F? I " said that he (','tf,1; 80 mar}? iiri', asked hu." answers Ute that is to 1 i' iv Army] 1 f as proved not might The Attn' Howard F00 '?Ji'dt"iot,U)'rv, 'Ill' In this n Guelph. trui1ty. Ministers 'iror?ioi-1'??te1i;i,1r"r?,i'i'?ij, . I . _ , went to c,/j'i',ittl'hr Jan" fhnOW all abOTIItd not be g/yd';',", that' Bl a char eiph and ary the II" aM men , pected fr: M Se of , was a man t to Av employ 'NX 3.? Lennox 33mm 1'shTif'"', °n| Mr Le oid "at yed. " cles not onl they had t, tyaitli, the ma nnox went Mil paying the C y of the G the Spec l was n to who on to sa Eg glue the ":5?ng "it1t'2i2irii)1',r,iiiii.) an"??? 3600 TAt was man"?! iilii2 V BO payin ' ut the O pros ' {Bil go to P ear out of 'jrlng 'tl, ed him * the lawye Governm ',tl n trial und tegina, bef '. 'ttE?? i7n/iiiii' There w r who def ent on at the f er the liqu f 010 a. cvtr- 3"?!" , one .. ere t end- ernm ormer ur law 2-??? ment to trying t WO CPO ent had place I C.nttlF' my defend 1 the man o bring wn they woul declared . Phe Gov- _ . tim ' and th punish- irrt d not t to the ' .1 "38 Q ' . The 0 ot l ent of olerat " Publ ' M. W11" 2:222:10]: '"1y of tni'Tn-'z '22"0rv gimme had 3,122: 'iU%',is1' 2 "80:, . " Ir" com'. this u a ree or B, and an or . - . the 32:1here .Was 0:11?" assault Stool of the at," months it: in the p12: ' "Una "dy/ti" himy the "Vide'ncebeg his soul tgicable Offengomarn' guilty _ f Mr. /OU d 1 I' ' 0 Malm avoid Ci V 0 591. 3 l. CU'l o/ti'.,",,.'",,",?' "WEE"! thought " 'hrtt,i,'.li'tedmlei'l he (u,"iLi.,r,l'tr 9\'ide]rlln° T 2 eral 7.1433101} when this was . maid) back last Jul sent lo ca (to! 1"" ('ifi'hi" the "mugs" Attomgf IGEaSt' of i,'i,',',ttei1c1"r'/rei'eun'ty 122d Ira" "$3311": "/r'e, ' - at onc __ i tativ y- en- ' e . CA. 1swri, suid. 'N ce ha, p, of ' Mr. I, pavtme I $1" iaelf Jill', "lr',',',','"," 'J)"; 'jtii',itiijtltt,ifii' gm wmgg Ili',", menti "i t 'iif,),.i E'l'his ma B Man ' SOCiat er, wh )een . oned o ' 'iii , _ . n . Did 6 my- th o, he 5 tried f 7119;.'3; osv.a.l l Koen ha, he? , e de aid, W or m ._1 . _ !i'rj'rrr'"slilnri' 'tst':':,??,?'?,'",',',.?, if oronto "it, q . "II' 0933333 -ite,'iati1i?,cci'i,ic/,i) Fi', 'vp-on'-?---- y at the epartm' fr. Le am br cited n; '.ti" I tho, _'i,'ht'li.l'-ei','i,r),)lri1,rist,t,tr1rir.t',?dtl of slzgn: J,"':,',',," hen:a,01§ mentagkggs. , . . P"ett: 81);" eneral." o represent Up 121102 't'tyeuh'l,y,'tet'lQ at cl, was" - . o te . l lel 'i,,,hrdis"ili'i1nf, 1?: Away. _ a}? one???l eggdence-rs £28m 93113? ' . if"! roiczit: mime" three mo ew32n22° 29m $0222" Wasaé'ffwii _ tlcountry l m; a wit l" Charg er. the m . he Spot ere gath 31H 'idrnid ' Mr. Len mess on 9 last: w an who ters sent ering' . ond nox Sal t of tl at, dru k m Mr. Le notes ' police, "one of th d tha 16 cOur n , and . nnox . to ' _" 122- no"; "was ttohit1,em'g,n, JflTif,i: .1 I. mowing tl o the at he tt Was b ' trav memb f 1'. . .had be , " char e 89 men had no aSed on 9 evidenc er' for) . he 'tii/i/st,')'?,;:,'))'?.':', "deg', hit,',t"eit 111:3" received 'iii'sc'iiit?"rliti o"ihti2, t'" from ' . r erB. Hi mplo . . . e ot e i, , the I! o y him A her t . I , If,?.!? Commi . "do" ' ceased wo g o, M . 15.9an . "me Of Per) same m " ator-Gen t Of Polic . That IMry. i was Je"',. who' My? [ciliou_'e;rf9r notice aha? been bro , . ing a 1n Toro een e1 IIS there 9 Atto Ugh! I Tm: illicit Stillmo Jail fornomo'ved deputy" today ir,niii,le,i'ivri; tho , Ba 7 .1 ' Heft thenzlan' prOceeéd Mr. L,,',',',"),',?."- [the "hog": a "Mange files of at?) , y thr ent 1 peakew perJUre ters th e h - Ichargcd Vie! months attt April, "a; gidence 0ndt£1mself byat the mag '21:? thrial. "5:8 'le',1,,t,f,i','.ar,'sye; dthnugh toggle), _i'iii?rtat7iaori'itr,i'ii' (gaging his I ".,' ' e de not Onh: n. wait- this - enera1 ng th 1e two,' . c . par a ta i ' co at, l sr' T 'iiiiitttiisite, cl,?,',.!,,",',":)':,' 'dreiri,,.til 'I. barl; m2"; and 1"1tQue/1, to 222,2" _,' , P, b arious . . JilP, lo' Att of di not oy! . out o ut ho - " Th tyr!; ' orney- tteren tseem ', . for "fetus Treasunfbs 30013:?" a: V" t know. General t,n/d,'v"2'1h/y J/y,' L, . Intent." time he . of this pi !yli'l . The Ot" did I'. I c] C' li . was cur "" n'rOVlthm whether i),t..tofe,e,c,G,n . - not! ' l, Mm 'k trsiploy- was i r. Len eral (, - Be . I _ n the nox sa ask . . . h Mr. Lenhmd Bars. , ' him of the ta departmenitd the lea:d ' 1810 nor th , ! Mr. Le eta. _ noti r l . Co ry of tyn ree , he nnox itying urtat several Ounneq [ Was m said tl l , 2 . i n am e Cas the de akin le ' nee i erent es in nee w . W Sta P , I em n which A parts of Police had " sent a" that " ment; . pfoyed b he efai the Prov At been app in. Gen this em. 's . Eakben party "lt Ge,','),','.',],",, 031cm]; rtiit1strt'ri'iy'ltii',se,',isit,'),t,','f to "may Elliott' St Ours . ne em, .. of th in sent Li I q £1?" if 53:; 5.20 'ic'l1u,,lv/llf "23. 'k2tf note fi';rgvgran§2".cgnrorc';?1 to nt to ttt --- n , r 'tg an rou h ' and i , " A"0111930 to Port tgee hin . tttiii him. N orttiort th g t to _ JP. r man smouth yll your' Con o. hea at wtu, " Mr. r" 'thu,' the 01' . ti',','.',,",,','..')",','),', res§on.2:,. a mare to") "" 17131135: "e, 1,tviisi"ii,?,ii5,rijyi,r?t Ili'; in this 0:29:11 was atltlity as 'Je,nl't1.t. , . the Ant. 'lf m r mployed 34" 3 l'. N e. empthurt t- in. 2 h" 1iitti'itcialfti?iitri,1,ov1iiitsi: "f ? ot-t A ot Sec-km; to liNade o do fs) ', O " w . "On I . .:: T toga thon 8:212: Stony ar,tlti"n2fr? h; Citiirt'ii,iii,'rti',i,vi'cii,i . . é _ wentogomfl departgertx? three 011?; Bibilitv Timing toegt'loisgid he Was 'ri ll G-Mdavit amino who h P.- , tt - . f any . resm . l '4, f n, an ' e ea. mis _ of h on- . a Egat they goats) It, ttttMI athlés' read ladn" "Was :81}? he Was reigoomcers made _ T I a 2trt',f,',"1, 801::n'when {rffmsmd' "Slime. offer"? matt nsible. That IR., Fd Inga? talk. 6'rf'0uted tT,',','.' mudei /if'," stlon of Mr I er front the A" . . out t e of . couid', i . '. Ran r' . 'QUIIOX ' .d - Btsid, a o Ham! these ' I yd F ey ) had that he _ er Was founrgd 5/1 a pig? Mr. LeanS'Q e qe ot the mat: PerScmal "know, ' M, other l',',',',',)',,'?,',,'," on thszUOn' 811;] Mr. Lpnnox T i (Volver wh '3 ee bran ii Street3_ A Understoo " ttaid he h .. l 'TYUnk [vollecn, ienutittneddisld'd, 8 rn" iney'Genpd t'hat notice ad ahvay. _Ni4 ! 'd', wtrtt mf'g'mand. said 1:1", l Gran: I tic; to mix; Departmgzt'he Attor- . pa T ' 'rt' in th b" man _ . Aennn- ' he At/ orney-G was no- Lt, ment 0 e emplo of all the fi N, cial w _ t.?rpey-Ge eneral. _ -ft,',t,"a Mr' l" that: whom mg; of the 'l,,eo,':e,'."ntr" _ Mr l'] it "ge-r-ve,','.'"'"'--" an om- ..',tsJr . 'IU/thut'.'"' 1'l2'lfyirlttpr: Was fl,','?,.-. ' whTiri hennox 3-186 . T iii Iii' . This from th .. ,had 6 allege cited a Gas Aiti . man a dew Str d that e in 2. , said M a A Co uck a. C an l, w ' r. Len-! la urt and had "own Atto°perator ' , _ a CCri, sked whethe been fined :53" in aiial f ' _ r the man o. He l A5 . - paid the iii, 2 - ', _tialllt ,

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