The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Apr 1922, p. 3

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| * fine out of his own DOCkgt' a!gt Gives Four "Dono 5." i | whether it was paid by the dep Mr. Watsor referred to some | ment. e "don'ts'"' which Mr. M : Discussing the items in the es;,l to the House, and oofigfifgeg" given mat Mr. Lennox came to the j C( in by giv-- T ima -- e tracks ng 'the four following don'tg" estimated revenue from rac n ave his own for the considerati of and observed that one would fl'.l members: ration of | th(rul::xt that 'he J\ttorne}"(jen'l: "(1) lion',f Ofter a | { was sc unposed to the unrighteous J of nesdiess advice 'tshUDemtr'ucture ness of hoerse racing, especially in of account A ce on 'the disposition its application to the pari--mutuels, (i=t 0001}" 8 that rest upon a foun-- that he would have been the last "zt o:} of practice that will not carry person to have taken revenue from | 'he 3 eight of it. such an iniquitous source. I (2) Don't try to fool the people ' | by telling 'them ha,lf,'--t'mths, hoping | Spurn Tainted Money. | that they wil dra w wrong con-- "I say," he continued, '"one would| clusions therefrom. have thought that from the honor-- '"(3) Don't become sgo enamored | able gentleman (the Attorney--Gen-- of your party that your criticlem is ' eral) we could have expected that 100 per cent. destructive and the in-- | he would have objected--yes, he terest of your party becomes of more | would have spurned--money-- importance than the interests of the | tainted money--coming from the people of the Province. * ; . horse races or from the race trac{;s' "(4) Don't make mountains out ' | iniaing chieta n oo ridorats ot molehilis and molohilis out of -- ] orad f + # f ';Cér;élml, edoes not like them. Let me | m(m'r')' for political advantage point out to the honorable }:ent]e- on;'l'). i man that if it had not been for the With' this remark 1 close," he | amount of money from the tax iim--| / said: "Violation of the above usual-- nposed by this Governmert upon the ly results in placing the frayed rem-- race tracks in this Province, it | nan't,s of parties on the bargain coun-- would today be unable to boast of ter. a surplus. My honorable friend says: | '*'Well, I was opposed to it, ',.>ut we e C | have no power to stop thgm. [ am mmmmunerremmemmumes | not opposed to race tracks, or to | betting ---- only when I lose -- / (laughter)--but I want to say.thls. | | and I want to say it to the uplifters ' | in this Province, that, if the honor-- | able gentleman is sincere in his | statement that he wants to do away » with horse racing, with gambling and pari--mutuels, he can stop them wormmnrenrmere rrommegememaines tomorrow, and heo knows it. s Member--How ? Measure Forbids Agreements | Tax Them to Death. | | ts # Sit. Leanox--sr am molke in tell ___ Fixing Resale Selling you how. I knew there would be ; P"ces ' somebody who didn't know. To--| | day we have a taanf 132.500 3] dae}r:" I mumae omm C ile tracks. We have a lesser | I :.1'?,',),"o:"l]*:alf-mile tracks--'~I am sub-- | H'TS U.F.O. CO'OPERATIVE? ject to correction on this--and we | } f Sumemengpememenmmminmmmenine | have an asses;-rmgnt or :'a:n(;n t';%;:g ' | <Hon. W. E. Raney, Attorney-- cack his Governm A 6 y e3 * ;::C,\k:?'omire:}-General. or the Treasur-- | General, introduced into the Legis-- er, will raise the tax to $15,000. |lature yesterday his anti--combines $25,000 or $30,000 there will be no | measure, and the bill was given first | ore horse racing. | s | | mpr, Stevenson--Will you move it? reac}mg}.'] s onmee I Member--He is not the Govern-- The bill provides that every agree-'- ment. 5 | ment entered into between the, Mr. Lennox--Will you support it? | vendor and purchaser of any article, Dr. Stevenson--I will. * "or- by either or both with any lhird' + Mr. Lennox--Well, then, I will | person, the object or effect of which not move it (Laughter and some is to establish, set or maintain any | in applause.) stated, fixed or common resale price | ' of such article, or resale price which | Defends Accounting. | may later become stated, fixed or Mr. Watson, who spoke before' 'nommon, is declared to be unlawful, Mr. Lennox, proc?edei(; ?lt Cm;ts::?t; and shall be null and void. -- rable length to justify the sy 7 . s ?»faaccounting which the Government Przve'nt Unlaw l')ult 'I'ra?ingl. into 5 , Fad adopted, and replied to the ny agreement entered nto 3 s itiet hich had been made by any person engaged in trade, Com-] S o anrleg "" b f Sud-- merce or manufacture in Ontario} Charles McCrea, member for U C Py d 'hien: h ' bury. Me argued that there was no + wslt; g.(l)x'.\]dir;;ol:r nt{)e:Tp?'ha\:n 1(0% a;ls, in eningadiinent id raie regue n bcg'iv:e:: :rtivle that suvh oIt h';)r p'vrson (a') | -- ordinary a.nid capl,:gl r::.?t?:' llmlow' shall not sell or lease such article, n eree" had tt)ors, able to set such a except at or upon or at not less than ns He eenenciecl the Govern-- any stated, fixed or common price, e line. He eon;n:'n ing _ up certain or price. which may later become : fiai> k »);'-.8 them to proper fixed or common; (b) shall receive ° | figures and r(;h";'?s'::ibed these -- as § or be or become entitled to any | o Gu pslow" ArULSS because they bonus, discourt, rebate, reduction in -- ' "aqown beilow ""ls;-{k", in them that| price, prize, right or privilege or any i had so , much ents -- were ffraid concession or reward whatsoever by ; prevlous G_ovemimten the light. He reason of such other person under-- to bring tnem into t( sy8'em (')f §¢-- taking to resell or having resold such f compared the pre"nd'ytéd by pre-- article at any stated, fixed or com-- ; s counting with that a (:lp'n oydoing mon price, or price which may later N vious Governments, and i tathe iwo become stated, fixed or common; (c) - refexi'red Yi)(;)(:;\i?em'mb"' o shall pay or be subject to or be or «i parties o " s 4 become liable for any penalty, in-- d He spoke of the "honorable ge?iflie creased cost, loss, expense, deduction, & men sitting in the southeast and in disadvantage or disability whatso-- the southwest quarters."' He showed ever by reason of such other person * %.3 some hesitancy in mentioning the 'not undertaking to resell or not hav-- points of the compass, WPGI'OUDO" ing resold such article at any stated, y someon asked: "You" don't mean fixed or common price--is declared hindquarters, do you? to be unlawful. * '_ .. R. Hall Objects. Heavy Damages Provided. Mr. K. K. Hall amlso rose to a Every agreement entered into by ] point of order, on the ground that any person engaged in trade, com-- one honorable member should not merce or manufac"ture in Ontario! » describe oiher honorable members which provides tha't such person will | by the points of the compass. Surely not deal with any other person or; »% Mr. Watson should be respectful in class of persons for the reason, whe-- § his reference. ther stated or not, that such last--| <% f | The Speaker, however, took no mentioned person _ has failed, or . 'notice of the point of order. | would or might fail, to observe or 3} §-- Mr. Watson commended the Gov--| maintain (g' abide by any stated, _A f r its action in promytly \fixed or c@®®Mmon resale price, is de-- i';. ernment fo Bs | | clared to be unlawful l collecting succession duties, ang re-- [ *' n rSon enterine'" i A ky * ted that so much. had to be Y pe entering into such | : gret Government Ho agreement, whether within or with--. s f 'epent on Use. |out Ontario, shall be liable to any | | "I do x'x'oth thm;{d w:.b Should spend | other person not a party thereto who | } Bo much, 6 sa +, t we cannot is injure'd 't.'here"by or in consequence | # hetp ourselfes. It is /one of the sins |thereof within Ontario to threefold f,é of the previous GOovernment, which |\the damages suffered by the person & was recklessly and riotously extra.| 'so injured | ' f b ; vagant in the matter," \ > * # La ,

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