The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 7 Apr 1922, p. 4

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, Motion Discharged. I . - . [ m Action for the recovery of such v"fits !,t'i',rll',"f'4 out was made da ht i i on Prom er rury moved to have mages may be mus n any his notice of motion calling for an court of competent Jurisdiction. and investigation into H dro mo d result of any such Y 'exDendi- _ may owe "all mone or ture removed from the order paper. "remnant. an any i y The House consented and the order moneys worth received n com- will be discharged. i pliance with or in consequence of i, Before the question was put Hon t any such agreement as is mentioned I Howard Ferguson said he underl ' in (b) and (c) shim he forfeited to stood steps already had been taken the Crown as part of the fPnsolidat-l by the Government to gather infor- ed Revenue Fund of Ontario. l _ mation. He also wanted to know if ' . H. Mit ll, - Grown May WT In. gen. C. fltteJaJ/l,rt,')i,'i (if slttii/ The Attorney-General may at any of the commissioners. stage of any such action orproceeditltt The Premier replied that P. H. ' be added as a. party claiming such Mitchell and T. A. Hollinrake had forfeiture. Every person a party to been asked to obtain certain infor- such agreement shall forfeit the mation it was thought necessary to sum of $500 for every sale. rental, have before the commission went on.' lease or other transaction arising Oll'ti The necessity for this was brought! f such agreement, or such lesser! about by the fact that the Hydro; sum as the court may award. l Commission was advertising for sale: " In any action brought, if any such'; material and equipment left over' agreement is found IO exist or 101 _ from construction. have existed, the court is fmu1:oat,'.ir,'tr1., i Where Witt It End? i to 1eclare the agree-men un aWilt il ! Mire-(ct action to be taken against any: tt'iltonie I"? tggrgiuson asked if 2fil arty to the agreement not already; a in o . oi ernment toward p - . .. . . l I the Hydro Commission was such that before the court; issue an injtietctloul l h d littl tld . preventing tho parties carrying outi ibtda dl 1 e ',1'l' once in that _ -such agreement". order payment 0ft . o y t at t wou not even trust . . d of costs. 1the commission to sell out the Junk, forfeit fin . d,' come Into force on 'even though the commission would iJu'lrymi dig"? the interested to get the largest pos- ' . -... . 3ch ti n of sible price for it. Did it mean that . hAf'te: 'ijeg,'u"eiu'ei'e,'i")'i';'lr.i'tli' . the Government would go to the ex- tt amalgam of combine that provid- pense of checking over machinery o f resale the hktornor-rronttal tor which there was a complete in- 2.d oth'a'tl' second reading he vomtory at the present time? Was tl,%" perhaps mfm- the bill to a it going to have another commiswl wo ial commiitoo to sit during the sion investigating this phase of the! spec" _ crsttrmission's activity? If so, whereI recess'. f t rt f l was this thing going to end? Case Be ore 'ou s. I _ The Premier interrupted with a A case of a nature similar to that" 'remark which was not audible dealt with in the bill had come bow throughout the House. I tore the courts, and he had "Dali Throw Out so Adam Beck l to have had the benefit of the views . l of the Judge before he had brought! _Hon. Mr. 1ilertruyorr-ryy honorable . down his bill. Decision had not yet friend shrould "Oi getkimpatient. rl, began? 'lt" koward Ferguson said he Sim??? /,rey,tntrt,ut2l e n51? "102:3" ' wondered if it was wise to intro- important matter. If this commis-' duce this legislation while litigation sion is to be discredited, why has not q his kind was still pending. He the Government the courage to take ','/,,et,t,', it had been the practice in this the Chairman by the back of the . . Legislature to introduce legislation neck and throw him out? That ig! affecting litigation. bill it did not , what I would do it I were head of! seem to him to be the proper thing. the Government, under such circum..l, . It might be that it was an attempt F stances. i of the law omcert' of the Crown to Proceeding, Mr. Ferguson said the interpret the law " it is today. This I Government evidently knew the pub- . . legislation was no doubt conceived lic mind, but was too timid to act, along the lines which the Attorney- and was trying to shelve the re-l Generate Department interpreted spoiisibility on somebody else. Wasi _ theIlaw to bed l g," Mr Fergus n that the object of the Government in' " was won er n , . 0 riding these men to Niagara? V proceeded, "whether this legislation so Premier "/'dlli'r.'.l-2-'o; at all. My _ would have an injurious effect upon honorable friend is entirely misin- our farmers' co-operative organiza-' formed. tion, which, I understand, sells to) . the local stores and fixes the prices Takes All Ttespongthitttr at which they must sell their goods, l The Premier added that the Gov- land they must, under agreement, ernment took all responsibility. and, agree to sell at those prices. other-i must take all responsibility. It be-l g . i twists: they are not inerrmttid to do l Lived in trying a man before hanging' ' us ness or o go mo us nestt---at m. 'Q ,least. they do not get business." i "That is contrary to your usual] The Attorney-General said that; lpractice." interrupted Mr. Ferguson. * d class of case would be for the con..'; ; Premier Drury said the question ) ' adoration of the special commit-i. was not one of confidence. It they' tee. Co-operative societies would i were going to have an inquiry which * have the opportunity of presenting' meant anything, steps must be taken r', their views before the committee. properly to inventory and cata- l _ ------ --------. I logue the equipment. etc., and as-: F certain the state ot use it was in.! . "We are not doing it out of sus-. . . pictori." Premier Drury concluded.' ' . "We are doing it with the concur-l rence of the Chairman ot the com- , mission." _ a Replying to a question. the Pre.. mien said he considered. if the in- T vestigation was to be worth any- " . " . thing. note must be taken of the, u material before it was sold. I , . . t Chairman Concurs. "jf Cannot Trust Commission 0 "Do you say this is done with the . ls) . concurrence of the Hydro Chair- .- Get Best Price? Asks man?" asked Wellington Hay, Lib- "'A . eral Leader. a dl Tory Chief l "Quite." replied Premier Drury.) ..'s i " y .. _ 8 . i atu , , The Chairman informs me he will' _ _ri, i P5631"?! J3")? "isle, :5 Se; I','. facilitate it in every way possible,! 'it yes er ay Tat . . C . and these two gentlemen are over- cr', A. Hollinrake had been asked p; doing their work." i w' 'obtain certain information for the Answering another question, Pre-, 'iri', Government regarding the Chippawa mist Drury said it was proposed to ' 1a investigation before the commission 18118; ld tf, ted.'""""'" by advertis- I '7 started out.. on its work. This l?" G. G. Halcrow (East Hamilton)----) a: the inspecting. identifying and val- Might I ask the Premier why this- _ Is'?, wuing of material and equipment that Mitchell family has got this spa-i li,!!' . had been used by the commission in feel, J.,on'f1e/naot,if,'n, ot the Govern- g f" construction work, and which was trlliell iod,.,'QfiTt aaethgagggugst 0;} 'ii', , 'Cl Jd for Je"; 1"yr,',f'i'd,t'1e/1, eulogy unique in the history ot thisi "IU" a n as e o go 1coun ry. ' ."i'lsa material over and take an inventory i Premier Drutt--Who did? I _' f A»; before it was sold. The Premier said Mr. Halerow-Getterau Mitchell. . "tiifi'd1 this was being done with the concur- Read your Canadian Review and you ca?,;::" ' rence of the Chairman of the Hydro-' will find it. Why put this Mr. Mit- t .. L'la V electric Power Commission. cheil ont 1ijf,',% . - L__', was not answered. cstsiiiiili

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