F* i CAE a &n f . ColRee uen mm aeeeeee en 4 Wembrte rinngearerge es $ 'THURSDAY, APRIL 13. E , f e e § { 'Hon. W. E. Raney Gives Legislature Statement ' ® » on Offer to Return Liquor and Leaves ® House to Judge Between Him and North * York Member--Vigorously Defends Ad-- * * h % ® ministration of His Department --Says: 66 99 Someone Put It Over'" Mr. Lennox ' --__ GOVvERNMENT WILL GET ALL IT CAN _ _ FROM RACE--TRACK BETTING HOU SES| | After T. H. Lennox, member for North York, in resuming' the Budget debate in the Legislature yesterday, had renewed his charges that "criminals and felons" were being kept in the employ of the Attorney--General's Department, Hon. W. E. Raney made a vigorous defense of his department's conduct of law enforcement. He denied Mr. Lennox's charges, and stated that if it could be proved that women were employed as "spot-- 99 & % * ters'"' the man who had employed them would be dismissed. aridi 4 Regau d]ng the charge that third, a 'Tory politician, a front-- the Attorney--General or his de_' bencher, had 'been President of one of these jockey club 'betting--houses. partment had offered to return f C s it YE | Liberals Not Implicated. liquor "to allow the citizens of | > "What did the Farmer--Labor Gov. British i C J ernment do in regard to these prob--| ,?Olumbla to be de lems when it came into office?" he bauched," Mr. Raney read from asked. '"It had no representatives| , ( on the directorates of these betting--| a statement by James Hales, houses--it hasn't any now. I am| Chairman of the Board of glad to say that the Liberal party,| « % «. ..s % so far as I know, had no represen-- License Commissioners, which, tative on these jockey club betting-- M ,-- * * houses. he (Mr. Raney) claimed, refut-- "'This Government imposed at once| ed Mr. Lennox's charge. At the o Oitiot "MatQ day," sald Mr.| & s s laney. | same time, he said, he did not| The proper place to have the busi. r ~+ + e 7 ness stopped was Ottawa. . "Ottawa e.\p'ect thatiq M;l Lennox w ould has legalized it; it is for Ottgwa. t'o resign, as he ha i delegalize it. Until Ottawa does it .g d promlsed t'O this Government will have no hesi-- do if he could not prove his tation at all in taking from these € gsentlemen in taxes every dollar we ;charges. I * can get." I!t was not a license, l}:e | } explained, but a tax, and he said the | Leaves It to House. | Government would continue to tax | Mr. Raney compared Mr. Hales' them as long as they carried on busi. statement with that made in the ne«ss in Ontario. | Legislature by Mr. Lennox, and de-- Mr. Raney then turned his atten-- | clared he left the issue to the judg-- tion to Mr. Lennox's criticism _ of ment of the House. Answering Mr. supposed larger prices and profits \ Lennox, he admitted that British | from dispensaries. _ He read a mem-- Columbia was not a lawful place to | orandum from the Vice--Chairman of | send liquor. ' the License Board, stating there had Hon. (G. H. Ferguson, Conservative | been no change in policy in regard Leader, contended that the state-- to prices since the dispensaries came ment read by Mr. Raney proved. in-- | under the control of the Government stead of refuting, the North York in 1919.. Prices were lower than in member's charge. / | the other Provinces. vigornugin mg iroatment on the mei. Foe ies srcaces froms ob s e mat-- s i s ! _ He read figures from this nmnem-- | Lf,'ne(?f" ,:.a(:'t]';?:k asgz(i)rtr;bling.l He | orandum to show that the net profits jzed thi lat 's-t' Ne 15 0 Te egal-- | from the dispensaries had been about | ized this practice the Ontario Gov-- the same amount under the former ernment would get as much money Government as under the present from the betting--houses as it could. one, and showing that they de-- _ The legalizing of this form of bet-- creased sharply in 1921, as compared ting he charged directly to members * with 1920. Under pressure from the ' of the former Conservative Govern-- License Board, said the memoran-- ! ment. One member, he claimed, had dum, the dispensing of prescriptions | made millions out of these "jockey j was decreasing. The levy of duty , club betting--houses." alone added much to the cost. _ In opening his speech and refer--, Then he came to the matter of |ring to Mr. Lennox's remarks on the| law enforcement. He quoted figures, | Attorney--General's attitude to race-- to show that the net revenue from \tracks. Mr. Raney said he never had law enforcement for the two years |opposed horse--racing, but that he 1920--1921 was about sixfold what it |\had publicly, personally and fprotes-t was from the years 1918-1'?. '"Be-- sionally -- characterized race--track | + vond question," he said, "the 'en--|-- betting--houses, had referred to these| forcement of the law is more diffi-- race--track betting--houses and ho.d' lcult since importation has stopped.} referred to the amendment to the} 'VVhen importation was legal there| Criminal Code to legalize thege " was less tempt,z}tlon to deal with betting--houses as the greatest scan-- .]iquor illegally. dal that 'had ever 'hapr;')e'::ndé d5° far | "Takes on'" Mr. Lennox. as this country was con© f | '\_-- Mr. Raney then came to the vari-- For whose benefit wetrs fit'the?l * ous cases cited_by the member for amendmente? _ For the bene i° . North York. "I adopt his sporting men sitting in the then Conoerth;e w phrase, I take on the meniber for Government of Ontario or men Who \North York." he declared. He read 'had sat in the Conservative Govern-- a report of Mr. Lennox's speech, . ment of Ontario, said Mr. Raney. A which reported Mr. Lennox saying member of the Conservative Govern-- that undesirable persons were in| . \ ment went to Ottawa and procured the employ of the department were, -- this alne'ndr.'lent: a.n'other had m.ade kept "and were being kept tod.'y." | milons _ OLt Of. this business; a and in which Mr. Lennox was re-- * 2. o ' ported as saying if he could not f -- | prove his charges he would resign.