The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 19 Apr 1922, p. 4

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[ Wants Data on Commission, QUER[ES PROPRIETY Th?l (E'c:nsexjya,tlve Leader also dis-- ' cusse e announcement mad 9 e OF FESTER o ACTION the Premier of the Chippawa Cor':.}: Imlssioin personnel. * He thought the Ts % |commission and documents in con-- T. Marsball Thmks He nlfcti'on with it should be laid upon ' e« the table. He said that the House * Should Stand AlOOf In was entitled to further information, | D, t and it should hear at length from | Labor i1sputes the Premier concerning the policy of cce the commission, the scope-- of the in-- In the Legislature yesterday T. g;';}'(')y:"dhe;hni;' col:mr;]el were to be | 1%e. F c * & + whether, -- as j Marshall, Liberal mOmlmr' for Lin-- been suggested, some of the sxittu}:;g coln, questioned the propriety of H. were to be in camera.. G. Fester, Labor representative on The Premier said that the Govern-- the Minimum Wage Board of On-- ment had decided not to make pub-- 1,. D is Defore a 'body of Hc the Hurdman scale in the --past * tario, appearing before a ) because it would have been inadvis-- + Dominion Power and Transmission able to have shown Mr.. Ferguson d Co., Hamilton, workmen and en-- :hese retturns. yk'hen his purpose was. csing ir efforts to secure their 34. 0 50 out and in every way discredit ' dorsing th.fn]"t ) 1 the suit of the Province against the . wage demands. Shevlin--Clarke _ Lumber Company -- ! _ Mr. Marshall thought a Govern-- The lumber company had had ever3; « ment employee ought not to put him-- means in its power to have required f self in the position of taking active production of all the documents. The imx'r in a labo: dispute, even though, second Backus return, added the ' 4 |as might, he said, 'ln.-. the case, the Premier, was ready to be tabled. fmen were right. 39 | Hon. Walter Kollo, Minister of 1 id h | Labor, questionesd whether Mr. Fes-- A ® iter could really be termed a Govern-- ' !I ment employee. On this occasion he ' 6 | probably was speaking in his capa--> ' 2. f l yivareat y w U 7 ' %'» Chippawa "Probers" Make $ 7 Progress at Private ' f POOR QUALlTYo S'tt'ngs f :: emnnmnmmmmmmmemmmmmmse n mmmee * a j . : 5 WILL SIT AGAIN TODAY f Dr. Forbes Godfrey Claims rrmeconig d | ; e . s | | Manager Sald COIOI'lng The Royal Commission for inves-- <] # tigation of the Chippawa situation is p Matter crYStamzed already well under way, having held i e its second meeting in the Parliament PREMIER PROMISES PROBE uiloinee Festerdas: * i # enrmone oo annorenrman trermoes In the afternoon the commis-- f s sioners conferred with Sir Adam ¥ 3 Reading a letter from a Brockville ; Beck and his colleagues, asking that medical man, with which documen-- copies of all reports made to the tary evidenc ras i «( Hydro Power Commission and also th * 1 n.(e v~as mclude'd to show all reports and estimates made by | .at randy sold by the Government them be produced. Assurance was M dispensary had not been up to stand-- given of hearty co--operation, and it $ ard, Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Conserva-- is expected that these reports will m tive member for West York, brought 311? furnishe'dr ton 'wee'!k ns "withoot s J » S 1e commission is acting without the matter to the attention of the one of its members, Lloyd Harris, *R Legislature yesterday. who. is in the South, but it is ex-- Dr. Godfre 10 f tX ; pected that he will return next j ® rey rea tht-a report of a| week, in time to take part in the M Montrcal analyst, stating that the investigation. The _ members will ' . brandy concerned was a very poor meet again today and will spend f hdw : s +/ Friday and Saturday at the Chip-- : :)lrand}, .ac.kir?g in full' body aer pa wa plunt. gotting first--hand i.n-- ' avor, turbid in appearance, and did formation. Experts in the power sit-- j not come up to the qualifications of uation will be engaged, and one of . the ~commission's _engineers will * . good medical brandy. § occupy an office in the Hydro Premier Promises Inquiry. | Building in order to keep in touch f Premier Drury asked the West _wi_tl'I an_\"n'e\\' d'e'\'elnpm.enrts'and re-- ._ York 'memiber to send him a copg '('.';I;P new reports as quickly as pos-- k s s1Di€. * of the correspondence on the. sub. f ject, and he promised to have an in-- ' a quiry made. "No instructions have been issued by the Government to 'egmr en rrame anmentncnnnamncenecatvator ies on us o ons en en c e ut on ces ons mastnecenenenicient 0 aculterate or to have compounded | | ' \liquor," said the Premier. | k f Bl k F | A Dr. Godfrey read a letter from LaC 0 an Ol'mS I Mr. Dingman to the Brockville doc-- A * tor on the subject, in which Mr. B Ik 0 S Dingman said the record of the dis-- . a s ttawa walns a pensaries was good "in view of the smm e dangerous nature of the goods hand-- core of . w led." Dr. Godfrey wanted to know on .behalf O,f. 'a es a j .' if he meant the goods were danger-- '"'frantic prospective beres an | ous because they were compounded, bridegrooms in Ottawa," H.« H. ; h or if it was ll:ls "tan(tl?gucal blbgotry" Hill, Ottawa, asked in the Leg-- & because -- others not believe c cla% 4 cda¥y . as he did. Dr. Godfrey also read a islature t\_esmldf" When' tme , letter from A. H. Birmingham, Man-- Capital City might expect to ' age:' of t:lg G%V('l'fllcmie""t diSDenSa}l;iiei,' be replenished wit}}il blanl(; ;'nar- | a * sent to e rockville man, whic riage certificates,. He rea rom | said that, unfortunately, some of the an g()ttuwa newspaper a report 6: coloring that they had purchased | of the situation and, smilingly, from a reputable drug house had| went on to absolve the Drury crystalllzfid. & F ¢ Fg 4 (;(,vernmrsntdfr(.)m ?ny effort to s Hon. owar erguson, onser-- | curtail the desire for marriage || ) vative Leader, said that the Backus '| and giving in marriage. | returns tabled a few days ago were _ Mn n nacecutcaeuie se ee e oo ooo n n age nc seratentatecns en ecavecncnantinas ; not by any means complete. Docu-- I . M !ments of -- importance _ apparently . : 'were not included in the returns ¢ tabled. Mr. Ferguson said that he . * purposed, before the House rose, to wA *_have these .returns made available. 4 § * * w . S eC Nee en errrernrereen en o e ie in o h s h e ns s ««~

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