The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 20 Apr 1922, p. 3

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t y u?'i?": ' ' | i ! M | n HOUSE LECTURE AF f W , RAIDTOTAKE _ | t l f Plea for Less Use of Person-- GABY GIVES TESTIMONY --_ alities Follows Stormy s The increase in the cost of the ; f SeSS|0n ; construction of Chippawa, due to w nnazmm wl aialniklllns t the jump in prices of materials, la-- $ MORE LEGISLAT'ON DUE & bor, interest charges and duty, be-- hok tween i1917 and 1921 totalled ap-- .\ J $ e proximately $28.500,000, F. A. Gaby, ' H % i hroa ) \ f f t}?:L:\gzljz?u Parliament, Speaker Chief Engineer for the Hydro--elec-- @; [erday to read s"e' took occasion yes-- tric Commission of Ontario, told the + uon : _to the members(:?ehrmes ce and 46 Public Accounts Committee of the | """f:' s + ask th the 'House, and to Legislature -- yesterday. These in-- E ; & at they observe the courtesies creases d incl dditional + f of debate and stop the t libe creases do not include a iona Rn Use.Of personiiitics. ; _too. liberal ?';):lts' ?uotto sales tax and higher y "I ask the xi ight rates. obey the ru]e:('::rtaht:eflmembfm to Mr. CGaby told the committes that f ' the 8 C ouse," said the increases were made up as fol-- P %>) ' peaker. He said that he desired to see the debates kept on t} l"f*} | : lows: Payrolls and labor, about $12,-- 9h. C estipossible plane, and the 10 1;),, s 500,000; cement and material, from us > + give the best that'was in t.ln:"(,m-l-fh3 ten to cleven millions; duties, about ;} 4 speaking, but he did not ":n':\ t;:n one tmnillion; interest charges, about NP T06 free use of peFsonalitics, t (': four millions. ';z*ff,,;:' Follows Stormy Session | Increases Over 1921 Estimates. x To e The 8 » A Answering a question of Sam oys Father :teake!" came after a Clarke, Mr. Gaby said the increases k. *¢ % ormy session. 'There had over the estimates of January, 1921, ho ns t been several matters called to the were due to various factors. The *) 3t oi attention of th shovels came six weeks late and N e House before the a ol | orders of the day were called a that held up the work. These show ols i d the last on f ea, an did not do the amount of -- work / eale . e, a question by G. G. Hal-- anticipated, falling down in that re-- </ us e wl crow of Hamilton East of T. Tooms spect about 40 per cent. The forms sou e t ' Peterboro' West, the latter said he purchased for concrete work in lin-- /. | refused to answer. Then Mr. Parlia-- ing the canal, though the best that i y ment read from the Manual certain could be obtained at that time, were eacck"> | j definitions of decorum during de-- & failure, and they had to be re-- %,'"_"a; | bate. H. H. Dewart, Southwest To-- designed. In all, the commission /. ols | ronto, asked what that had to do lost about three months on the con-- a }S y e with Mr. Halcrow's question, and the crete work. Other additional costs ... s e | Speaker explained that matter was were for the more scientific design i o ow settled; that he was bringing this of the intake to cope with ice ' ~ matter to the attention of the House troubles. He said the Government t .o s We after several days' deliberation (;" f had submitted a detailed cost of in-- We +0 | the subject. There was a passage--at-- stalling five units to the Government & e $ arms between Mr. Dewart and the | in February of this year. e 2 s . Speaker, the Speaker calling per-' Costs Rose 66 0 Per C f ;Iw'.f;; ' emptorily for order and telling the ' CC6 l w ® ee Cent. Southwest Toronto member that a Mr. Gaby said that over the & .. e rule of the House was that no meml- period 1916 to 1921 there was an i. / oed ber could speak while the Speaker increase in the cost of materials of e > was on his feet. from 66 to 80 per cent. The bulk /. y Prémier Drury inti -- of the coment used, said Mr. Gaby, K.. 2 Howard . Ferguson ttg;':teflp";.zflf',?,' was during 1920 and 1921. He said + o l bring down some more le'gislatyn that, allowing 80 per cent. for the oi this session, but he did not care ';t increase in the cost of materials, lel § . | this time to say what this lezislfttio there would be from ten to eleven .. * > . No j would be. + s s millions of dollars for the increased s l | | 'cost of material entering into the \| | ASS work. The increased cost of duty e | | would be included to some extent in u. i se | m this. He had not yet worked out *' We | | DlES lN COMM EE what the increases would amount rl'{w & | > to in the case of surtax and higher o o | Only five members of the Private | ~ freight rates. E* x \ | Bills Committee of the Legislature milgisli.;)n(jg:;()i- ;fioa;]se %Zkigelistsl:xe C(t)im- & *'= | : mption e | !supported the bill .sponsored py H. that the machinery would be obtain-- f"* SA [ P. Hill (Conservativé, Ottawa), at ed free of duty. He said it had, and N | --« yesterday's committes meeting, and the duty had amounted . to from <M * f' ] the measure was thrown out. Mr. three--quarters of a million to a mil-- e as : / ~ % 4 lion dollars. The commission was l f Hilts bill proposed . exemptions unable to purchase the machinery in Cuve d which, according to Assessment Canada, as it was not made in this i Commissioner Forman, would hnave CO\Imttr)v'- i h j 1 es nterest charges were Aapproxi-- meent the loss of $20,000,000 in as mately about four millions over (@ | sessment to Toronto alone. and above what they were estimated +A | When the committee came to to be. In 1916 the commission had | consider the measuro there were . an estimate forTgmteregt {)rioviding : i 1 for $1,628,000. e actual interest | presented telegrams from Galt, charges were due not only to in-- , ue > . % Windsor, Brantford, Sarnia and Fort creased cost of the work, but to the / t William, recording the strong _ Op-- increased rate of interest.> The in-- h ' position of _ those cities. Windsor creased rate brought the actual in-- elaimed it would lose $1,000,000 in terest charges to about six millions. o assessment if the measure became Operations on the canal had been [ law. _ Ottawa's representative said proceeding since 1917, so that there *\ K the Capital city would lose $4,500,-- was an average approximately of 10 4 ks 000 in assessment. George F. Hen--, per cent. interest over the total h ; derson, K(l),i Oivt.ta.v:;a;, tsu;t)rll)ox't.ed thet ; eapital charge on the job. e measure, claiming tha e presen * law amounted to double taxation. Overhead Not Costly. : ' The chief proposal in the defeat-- Overhead for administration and ed measure was that no person engineering costs did not exceed hould be assessed "in respect of divi-- 84 per cent. of the total cost, Mr. 1 dends derived by him from shares in Gaby said. The labor cost was | o the stock of a corporation carrying s eround 50 per cent: of the total. Ad-- | on a mercantile . or manufacturing ministration in overhead included [ | business, which is also subject to items in contracts charged to con-- \ business assessment," tractors. | | It also provided that subscriptions Up to 1920 conditions of labor and | | to charitable and educational ob-- material were chaotic, and up to he extent of 15 per ; se dn

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