The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Apr 1922, p. 3

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1i. . At some ten th he referred to the .. . ' ll "last night i,'2'd," of the previous grief: 01; d/tt""iegpnt, could be . A, . est, expense. It i. sea-ion. declaring that. so far " he was the dut f th knew not a. Government member , y o eP.9overnmeAt to " V ' economize wherever it could 'MT was an attendant. Amid laughter. '_. . l. he emphatically declared that it No "Last-night Party." al was but a "half-truth" to say that Mr. Marshall said, like tho mem- -v'. honorable U.F.O. members were her for Dufferin, he had come to the , Al, having their morals corrupted by t"?r?llusion there had been no "last- ~' extended residence in the city ot" "WM Ivtt'ty." c. _ . Toronto. Mt-. Th?nres, Upon the lag; _ x Mr. Slack denied that the Govern- . Rural"? of the night, also devoted a .. . ment had renunciated any principlc' t-onSlderahle portion of his time to in continuing expenditures on Gov, an '"".torliruon of prohibition and the t ernment House. Government House Ontario Temperance Act. In spite t ' he said. could not be done awai of propaganda as to the irteftectivCl, A with at the present time. but lv-, mess of the measure, My. Denys be-' ti g was unalterably opposed on prin ilieved in its unqualified success. ":4 ciple to the continued expenditure, ' The LIEU. memtber denied, in re.-' ' 1 being made upon it. jply to Hon. Mr. Ferguson, that his I) After a resume and tylltr1r_rf tho It'ejection at the hands of a Conserva- a? . Various itlitf.J,rlVVJ,cri,TdTr0T, enacted Mivo convention had anything to lo T hv the Drum- flcrvornrriortt, he pri- 'with his ttyy"',ra'nf.? policy tt:.,his cltetirv1 to u criticism of the system. present political nffilhutions. When t'ontlnur'd, he admitted, with the the tilt-n Mr. f'cowe'H pro-posed to sanction of the present Government abolish Til" bar, he said, he waited . ' of r,on-rer'rygnition of Canadian or ill valll for some suggestion of' equal f American nationality on the birth. value to,'ylii.k' from the Conserva, a: death and marriage ttvtifir:atrts, lives. and {tilted to hear it. 25 Tho rl-tttills') policy of .the Mr. Domes had unbounded praise T)9parnnnnt of Highways received for. the. roads policy of the Govern- dr' mmplmn (tndnrsalitlfl at tho sands "tent. and quoted the President of I of the molnbcr for l'lufferin. Not Cl the Toronto Board of Trade, and .-i,ti. singw Tun-mm- member, ho lwlim't-d. Yolher urloanitoes, to show that the k3 would my hark 'o his constituents, Minister of Public Works was appre- i and find anything but with: 30mey t-fatod throughout the Province, even t if of the department's program. if he was not by some honorable ' "In ill) Judgment. it IH unwar- tioenrivrsopryosire. , rrlnttli from the it'll"? mil?" in John .loynt, Conservative member li and from the results r-Pt'ill'etl- 'cnid for North Huron, mow-d the adjourn- S' Mr. lint-shall, molest-mm: the PN- ment. T petlrlitnres tinacio by the CvoverHrueru , on technical cdutatton. CC For Special Class. ' "The expenditure. it: lll'V Judi:- . "N ment. is alarming, and for n Fllpi'lili __ Mass," he said. and added that it MII PROTEST " was not unfair in Fily tl1nt il pirt'rtl F manv who attended tm-hnivnl schools a" the has talking or the school at Ni- ABOUT INQUIRY l . lazarn hulls at the tl'm-i "but tillit't' t " in the hobo of pertectint: thrIirsraltis l --_--- _ i Fit as to tut some lucratil'e t-ml'lt'l' '.i mimic him-Fin member (in? it": ftrTlo N out a: "PP"St'rl to tot-linical edllctt- Ferguson and Dewart Warm. a tion. hilt he said that, surely. "with ' . . . T an small population, and in a COrln- ly Criticize Intentions of V try supremely agricultural. we must" .l stop somewhere in our special ex- Hydro Probers ' ' penditures." lie said that the ex- M_.___ i pentliture for new schools at Ham- I ilton and Windsor was double the "TO SUPERSEDE H E C P I . Kraut being asked for by the Vili"'""' . . . , sity of Toronto "-'--------.---- _"')' Work Is Well Done. Disclaiming any intention of con- s,);" , , l, ducting a "hole-and-corner" investi- Ho mum-ea the mom was being . " . . . t well done. said Mr. Marshall, and gallon with lesald to Hydro expen- 1 the me no criticism or Dr. Mor- ditures, Premier Drury. in the Legitr. i shunt. A new building: at Hamilton lature yesterday, replying to criti- Si hurl cost r,'d/i12A, d"i,, ligdfia'g'g cisms of the private deliberations ot . t " . _ . r "7.. ' _ - "f ' . ","itsi'iiviilyis)"jl,i '",'dC,),',/" Falls had the Royal Commission on Hydro, _ opened a building last fall. the total declared that eventually the pro- l cost of which had been: tsilig'koosod ceedings would be of a wide-open _ . l 1-0 was 81,1] , - ' . _ , . . I 'trhhaet ht/y"),::,",',;;': expenditure for character. lite 'iom'P/Ponert', in - a oach pupil was about $1,600 or over. preliminary private sittings. were " The. chief aim of the pupils in at- only endenvol'ing to get a. grasp of l . ' tending these 'y1hoo)s. ho thought. the task which lay before them. ' was; to get special advantages to be- H H H . ' . r Poul" IDOSSCSSUI'S of lucrative employ- on. I . . ii'erguson raised the ' mph." issue. pointing out that the reported- ' Mr. Marshall i'i,1"11'C'nd, the spelech private conferences were rather at ' o," 0 Provincial 'rensurer Wish _ 'le . V, , w . 'i,",, //',.c"J,'] his Budget statement. fa'"'?'""'- with l'no (rmernments in- 'tn that infovncttion was not given tentlons as announced in the com- - regardingv expenditure: f", tV'il'iOUg' mission debate. "if the commission 1 do al'tnlelItS. They lat no Pat" is to sit as " iudi it ..' ., ...A I angthing about the Departlnilent I': Hon. Mr. r'?c/,,,'lf,,t,i,a.1 'Eiytlbrlyfilild 5:10? " .hands and 1oar,.eits', ,'"'m,1'iiif,: 1131?; 'go into the matter first itself and . 'aa falgout the 808? o satioll hoard. get impressions as lo what the sit- " IWorixnlens' e,"l"E,1",,1, did C' 'uation is by consulting officials or -, _how moxie} "as oeing expene on who ; V, ' ' ' , " , he in " will. and making Inquiry; m 'i-,ohdv'r,,dreasTi,a,tt 031.2323} (34:03:; that untlouhtedlv disturbs the uni! , q V n 5 - t ' '. . . . i V Wagon. and no remedy to cure that, £32321; atttlttlilde It should take with _ evil had been offered them. l :6 . 'l IIS. , i . .0 J , 1".u-at8 Fanner's Son. I netting Verdict Read) . ,9 =u'fa'a'fa.' _ f 1 think that your commissioners, .v Until they had a better system 1 are. far enough away from being un- " of education. the condition of rural 1 biased. and i think perhaps mem- f peoples would not be improved. The ( bcrs will agree that the tendency of: , chief way to make the farmer's son . their inquiry is to support some ot 7* . satisfied with his life was not only, the. personal views that ther now ' to give him conditions wherein he, hold with respect to Hydro; i do ar could make a living, but to make) not think it proper that the commis- 1: him an educated man. In that re-l sioners should be delving into things - spect the teaching in the schools,! for weeks in advance, have the case " was not good. t prepared in their own minds and Fi He took exception to the claim; then open up an innuiry." ' ( 'ai of the Provincial Treasurer that: Mr. Ferguson also inquired as toE , such things as amusement taxes,g the Scope of the commission, the in-: a etc.. were not direct. taxes. The tentlons as to appointment of coun-' l revenue from lands and forests. the; 'teel, the accuracy of the report as to; . corporation tax, etc,, were direct) the appointment of F. W. Mruirci'iai,1'l, _ taxes. He read a lengthy list of? A") be secretary and legal adviserI .' buildings occupied by administra-i and concluded with the comment" ' , tion offices of the Government out-: . that the Government. if it intended; 's side of the Parliament Buildings,i 1 {1:13;}? h? fl'e'ehPye,r,si, should step: . t t a Vs 1' and said a survey might be made .. ithat,.effect. ft t e commissioners to} T ;, l . I i, 53

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