The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard

Ontario Scrapbook Hansard, 26 Apr 1922, p. 4

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/ ~B.* K. iDbe > ¢ Taale" 1va | * wart, K.C., took up the |issue when the Premier did not im-- Hnediate]y reply to the Conservative | f'der and pressed the importance |of the matter in view of the fact that it is quite evident this is to become a superseding commission, which is going to usurp the functions of the pre"nt Hy'dro Commlsion'n | _ ~Premier Drury replied that the '{matter of counsel appointment had 'not been brought to the attention of ' the Government by either party. He was unaware, he said, of the accuracy or inaccuracy of the report of Mr. '\\'egenus:'s appointment, although he had heard a rumor to that effect. Counsel, he thought, might not be necessary, because the commission was not trying anybody. It was a question of inquiry as to certain mat-- ters. "I can assure you," he said, "that there will be no hole--and--corner investigation. +The inquiry seems to be proceeding satisfactorily. It will | be conducted in the open jJust as Isoon as the commission puts itse'f in 'a position to conduct it intelligently. |I do not think there is occasion for \clearing up a mattecr that has not 'arisen." Important Bills, Intended to Make Evasion of O.T.A. More Difficult, Introduced by Hon. W. E. Raney -- Aims to Stamp Out "Short--cir-- cuiting" JAIL PROVIDED > FOR INTOXICATION Important _ legislation affecting the liquor laws of the Province, in the form of two billls, was intro-- duced into the Legislature yester-- day by Attorney--General Raney. One bill prohibits the carrying of liquor on highways; the other brings in several amendments to the On-- tario Temperance Act, intended to make evasion of its provisions more aifficult. The bill to amend the Ontario Temperance Act contains many far-- reaching clauses. One provides that any person twice convicted within a period of three months of being intoxicated in a public place may be committed to jail, or to a jail farm, for a period not exceeding three months. Another clause provides that any person adulterating lawfully manu-- factured liquor with any deleterious substance may be given a prison term of not less than three months or not more than 18 months, in ad-- dition to the fine and imprisonment provided under the act. This also applies to the illegal manufacture of liquor. May Not Adulterate. . W. Hay, Tiberal Leader, differ-- ed from Hon. G. H. Ferguson's ex-- pression of opinion that it would be cheaper and better to have one coun-- sel gathering preliminary data than to have the commissioners do so. Mr. Hay pointed out it was the original desire to get away from a legal in-- quiry. The first action of a House committee, if it had been appointed as he desired, would have been to make the personal trip of inspection to Chippawa. Another new provision is that any person who aids or abets any trans-- gression of the provisions of the act shall be considered guilty of the act and shall incur the same penalty as is given to the person actually committing the offense. Superseding wart, K.C., took up the the Premier did not im-- 'ply to the Conservative pressed the importance r in view of the fact that «--£E,. Commission? prisoned far a period of not less [Lhan three nor more than six months. \Onus Placed on Defendant. _ In any prosecution under the act '\the burden of proof is to be on the 'defendant. 'The Board of License 'Commissioners may make regulations 'and give directions permitting the transportation and carriage of liquor over any highway upon such terms and conditions as the board may im-- pose, from any place where liquor may be lawfully manufactured or stored to a railway station, freight shed, dock or other place from which the same is to be shipped for any lawful purpose. The Carriage cof Liquor Act sets forth that, except as otherwise pro-- vided, every person who by himself, his servant, agent or employee, and every person who as such servant, agent or employee, transports or carries liquor in any vehicle, or in any other manner, over, along or upon a highway in Ontario shall be guilty of an offense, and such liquor, wherever the same may be found, may be seized and dealt with in the manner provided in section 70 of the Ontario Temperance Act, and every person guilty of such offense shall incur a penalty of not less than $200 and not more that $2,000, and in addition thereto may. in the dis-- cretion of the Magistrate, be im-- prisoned for a period not exceeding three months, and in default of im-- mediate payment of such penalty shall be imprisoned for a period of not less than three nor more than. six months, and for a second or any subsequent offense shall incur the: like pecuniary penalty as in the case | of a first offense, and shall be im-- Penalties were also provided for the affixing of false labels, and the penalty for a second offense against the O.T.A. was mags the same as a penaity for the first offense, plus three months in jail. The minimum penalty for a man having liquor in his possession was made the same as the minimum penalty for-- having liquor for sale, that is, $100. Regarding the second bill, the At-- torney--General said it provided im-- portant, but not radical, amendments. One section of the bill had to do with the sale of '"swamp'"' whiskey and the adulteration of liquor, which practices it was intended to stop. _ Explaining the first act, Mr. Raney said it would prohibit the carrying of Mquor on the highways of tha Province, except by the consent of the Board of License Commissioners. The bill was to prevent the condition of affairs prevailing at the present time, 'where 'brewers and distillers sold their products, which were then shipped 'by trucks to the border, or purported to be shipped to the bor-- der. The bill would restrict trans-- portation from 'breweries or dis-- tilleries to shipment by rail, so that it would be more difficult to divert liquor en route to points in Ontatrio. suppress "Swamp'"' Whiskey. The act will not apply to the sale, carriage, transportation or delivery of liquor under the order or direc-- tion or with the permission of the License Board; to the carrying, transporting, receiving or taking de-- livery of liquor which may be law-- fully sold, carried, transported or delivered under section 43 of the Ontario. Temperance Act or under clause A of section 30 of the Ontario Temperance Amendment Act of 1918; to the rights and powers of the board to purchase, import, sell, supply or deliver liquor for any pur-- pose permitted by the Ontario Tem-- perance Act. + After False Labols. The Ontario Temperance Amend-- ments Act, 1922, contains two dozen clauses. One clause places a penalty on the affixing of a, false label upon any bottle, cask or other vessel in which liquor is kept which is in any manner calculated to mislead any person as to the nature, description or quality of such contents. Every person other than the lawful manu-- facturer of liquor, or persons acting Power is also given to the man of the Board of Licenge missioners and the Commissio the iProvincial Police, either -- or separately, to hold an i into the conduct of any off employee engaged in the en ment of the O.T.A. ommissioner , Gither d4oin any officer or the enforce-- the Chair. ner of Jointly inquiry e

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