4 i l * x¥ th Br.,nt!, , & «: i ' $ erimicteqh "the Minigter lor oppoging 'Mulet G. T. R. Revenud. 4 | clauses in his own bill, and this AR. I. Hall covereg considerab!s | brought forth defense of the Minis-- ground in his speech, which lasted | ter from Hon. Thomas Crawford, an hour and a half. 'He was skepti-- ! Northwest Toronto. Mr. Crawford cal of the view that the demand for said the Minister was not responsible radials had come from the munici-- for the clauses, and then Mr. Craw-- palities, and said the radials were | ford went further. "I want to say, proposing to take away passenger | so far as the Provincial Secretary is tratfic from the G. T. R., when evi--} concerned, that he made an ideal' dence showed that this parsenger Chairman of the Municipal Commit-- traffic was one of the most important tee," he observed, amid applause. factors in the G. T. R. gevenuel.:d In commencing his address, Edgar Toronto Would Save Money. Watson, U.F.O. gmember for North H. H. Dewart, Southwest Toron-- Victoria, expressed the opinion that to, speaking of the homologous line the issue at present was not one section, said he thought it would be between public and private owner-- unfortunate if municipalities had the | ship, as the pro--Hydro--radial news-- power to tie up the property of prop-- | papers and the radial exponents erty owners for a period of ten| sought to impress upon thhe II'U}""C ~*ITasrare 'The property, he said, would | generally. Surely, he said, the Frime years. 'The property, he said, w { Minister of the Province was not be absolutely tied up, in regard 0 | dishonest when he had stated from, its value, to the value at the time a dozen platforms that his was a the by--law was passed. Hon. How-- public--ownership Government, and ard Ferguson thonght three years he a public--ownership Premier. might be long enough, with power Operateo by Electricity. to appeal to a Judge to extend the "I think the time will come," said time. J. Walter Curry defended the Mr. Watson, "when a good many of «# clause and said that if such an act the lines that are at present oper-- had been in force previously Toronto ated by steaimn will be operated by would have saved large sums of elevtrk;ity." money in the widening of Yonge! Mr. Watson spoke of the changed street. h | conditions since the passage of the . Mr. Curry explained that tbe' A !original act of 1914, and said ho | owner of property on the land to be | | thought the people of the Province | expropriated for street \'vxdenmg't ! would back up those members of the . would have the use and O'tcupfart';z; Legislature who advised caution and of the land, and, in respect 0 hesitated before "embarking on any portion to be taken would not bez such enormous proposition, which | subject to taxes. | might well end in the guaranteeing . No Trouble With Titles. ' of possibly $150,000,000 to $250,-- | Mr. Ferguson thought there might| 000.900 of bonds."' | |\ be serious complications in regard | _ wWhille some contended, he said,| to title if a man wanted to sell, but | that the act of 1914 did not make | Mr. Curry said that this matter had the Province liable and responsible | come before the Mortgage Associa-- for all municipal commitments on tion and the members there could | radia'ls, that, in his opinion, wns: ' not see any interference with the ithe effect of the legislation. In the | title of the mortgagee on the ques-- event of deficits 'being incurred,| tion of the sale of the property. Mr. ]\\'hich he considered quite likely, Dewart proposed an amendment that > | Municipal Councils would come to | the time in which the city . must | the Government with the argument | enter into possession should be re-- ]that a Government commission ad--| duced from ten to five years, but vised, constructed and operated the | 'this was voted down. line, and the Government should Regarding ('Ompens};'ltion kto . be make up the deficits. aid, one factor to be taken into o & ?nnsxideration was defined® in the act No Provision for Failure. in the following words: "In all cases He attacked the system of financ--| full account shall be taken of the | ing as set out under the old act, ex--| worth of every advantage which the | plained the hypothecation of bonds| owner will derive from the work." | clause, and denounced it as unsound | These words were struck out, as it | impairment of security, and went on' was argued that under this provision [ to say that the act was drawn with' '_a case might arise where the prop-- | no provision for the failure of any| erty owner actually mlght have to | portion of the road to pay. Every'-' pay money to the municipality fUl'i thing, of course, he said, would be! the expropriation. | '"rosy'"' should the radials pay, but| the municipalities must face the| | alternative. | '"'The new act,'" he said, *'*places 'lthe initiative where it should be-- long, namely, on the shoulders and \ in the minds of the municipalities zranmmmenmmmmmmmemmmnnnnse. ithemselves. I believe absolutely no 2 stone should be left unturned to fa-- 1 | cilitate the building of lines of ra.-' | dial railways by the municipalities! _ | if they wish to build them, stopping' ' | short of the guarantee of the scheme lby the whole Province of Ontario, . \ | and if this proposed act does not \ | provide these facilities I am quite wmmmnienmmmeninnmrmemmm | sui:'e this:1 House will change it so itb | will provide these facilities.'"' He ex. ' Edgar Watson and R, R, Ha"| | pressed the opinion that Toronto y C lam? | needed a fast radial syste j' EXtOI Pl'emler S Changed l : the countryside. ystem ontoke ' P0||cy | iAll Assets Behind Road. i | PISL?eaklngb;)lfhflnances. he read The s e netoatamake ilobe's published opinion that the . HYDRO ABUSED POWERS?' bonds issued under the new act * yvould be "gilt--edged," and comment-- t ty «* ing upon the provisions for annual The debate on Premier Drury's statement on operation, he said that o 'IIiY?:;o-radial Bill was continued last ' ;':;:%'it:ginS'O:VOl;Illc;:&gE:tyeboarg----no n 4 & ion 0o s wegr dhl'i the Legislature. Speeches counts. All the assets of all the ,:3- ' e delivered by Edgar Watson (U. ; nicipalities would stand behind the F. O. member for North Victoria), scheme, and if they could not fin-- |and R. R. Hall (Liberal member for | gnce it on that basis they could not 'Barry Sound). Mr. Watson said he' nl:nci{itlgztflla".l 1 * + , in openin s ::::ght he was right in saying the dress, paid hisg respgcta t% t"}:o ;:. 4 ority and the power of the Hy-- ronto Press, whigh, he said, was too | dro--electric Power Commission had O (ned Iillk nutinos, He referrea Abeen used is to them all, "Grit, Tory and Yell ** ometimes in a way in | Coming t oh. Wwhich they should f & to the radial situation, he | not have been N said that the Hydro--radialists used in advocatin serted th o ag & the development at the demand had come and voting upon by--laws for Hy. from the municipalities for radials. @ro--radials. In his o Everybody who had watched the s opinion, he add-- progress f ed, a commission 1 of the movement knew [Govern appointed by the | , that was "bunkum," declared the | -- ', modiummef,:)tr s(;xiould not be the | « Parry Sound member. ganda of any km.mlnatlng $1008-- i | T # : | h x T en d s i in n 4 *