RANEY HOPES > | _ _ > TO GET CASH s _ The suggestion that: was accepted & 'emanated from W. F. I\'ickhle. KiC who, although opposing the prin-- 2ctorney--General T e lli| | ciple _ of _ "'silencing the _ courts," + 4 thought that the Attorney--General House He Is Determined fousht io take sure steps in the direction e --had decided on, was -- to Have $40,000 or .'50,' ]tha,t the clause should stipulate * * "each'"' instead of '"every'"' ticket-- 000, Now Lying in Court, holder. Mr. Nickle said that this, * * to be constitutional, must be a direct ; a in His Pockets Soon-- > tax, and "every'" meant "all and! * sundry." | Declaratory Bill Ad. Attorney--General _ Raney -- intro-- | 'duved and carried through cmnmit-! vances Another Stage tee an amendment to the clause, n letices c ces o ivaicentectecs + "'forpver" staying the injunction pro-- K ceedings against the Crown. Mr. NOT LET BIG SUM Raney's amendment added, after "stayed," the following clause: "Save STAY IN ESCROW : for the purpose of application, or A applications, for the payment out Ofl court of any muneéeys that may have | Before the end of the preseni been paid into court in any such | week Aitorney--General Raney ex-- a(-t\hTm (}Y)' vprocteeding." tHeal : } in« in % j s NP ewar sarcastica V inter-- pects to?l_)e bouring f"w Fhe (,oxerne preted the clauge to mean that while ment coffers the proceeds of the the applicant was "forever stayed," per cent. race--track wager tax col. the Attorney--General could come in | lected by the Ontario Jockey Club. ' under his skirts and in the same ac-- j C3 F r +3 tion secure the money that was in Atornes -Lx?netal Ranes 'ddmitte'd. dispute and being paid into court. to Hon. Mr. Ferguson that it was his Mr. Nickle took issue with the af--| intention to have the $40,000 _ or fected moderation of, the ctause. j $50,000 now lying in court in hilf * "If you are gcing to be a pirate," he| pockets before the week was up. Hg fold -- the Aitorney--(eneral, "whx | evinced the greatest determination don't you be a pirate? If 1 were| throughout the whole proceedings to sponsoring such a measiire :s rh':s press the bill through with all pos-- T'd put a clause right into the bill sible despatch. that the moneys should be paid He stated that litigation proceed--| over." f | ings would probably drag along f through itwo racing seasons, and, if Legal Argument Heard. | the Government did not take action Previous to the moving and vot-- to prevent it, between $4.000,000 and ing on the amendments, the legal $5,000,000 yielded by the tax on members of the House--H. H. Dew--| wagers would be tied up in court. | art, K.C., Charles. McCreax, . K.C.,; | )n Committee stage yesterday on Hon. G. H. Ferguson--discussed the | his Declaratory Bill, he resisted half matter at great length and with a dozen amendments and sugges-- great technicality. All dwelt on the | tions from H. H. Dewart, KC., and seriousness of the step that was be-- | others for a test case on the matter, ing taken, and none agreed with the | of the legality of the 5 per cent.} Attorney--General that the law had tax, but, on the suggestion of W. FP'. always been as set forth in the pre-- Nickle, K.C., consented to change amble of the bill, that no injunction one word, "cvery holder," to '"each or action could lie against the holder." Crown. The bill passed committee with 3 one clause delsted on Government § * i order and several other changes erdered by the Aitorney--General. It +« will come back reprirted today for s final approval. f AILD(;DO With Great Ease. Premler Drury Has Not s fast as the amendments wers » ® | suggested by the legal members on' Dealt Wlth Carmlchael's lthe Opposition side, the Govern-- * -- ment forces voted them down, smil-- Document lng the while at the facility with mARR E. saloo which it was all being done. 4 5 The first proposed amendment to Second'readmg w?s given in the .| suffer defeat was that of Charles Legislature yvesterday to Hon. D. McCrea, Sudbury, that the declar-- Carmichael's bill making several ation "shall not take effect unlesu\ minor amendments to the Power :'O"U'i_ts"m;lndm u"lete";',fl'.e_d"&__g.'.fl. +« --Commission Act, including a new s ereafter uly -- F R % R élaimed in the Onfario Gazgtteg'ro arrangement proposed by the- com-- The next was the amendment of mission to govern the creatiom of | H. H. Dewart and F. Rennie, that ; rural power districts. 6:1]2: gggarzt:lf;nzc't'ifonth;; t':irlll "Shrtt)lll _ During brief discussion, Hon. Mr. fceeding against the Crown or ':anyf Carmichael, in reply to Hon. G. H. | Minister thereof . . . in which | Ferguson, said that, so far as he was | any question is raised as to whether aware, the Premier had not as yet loertain legislation is or is not within accepted his resignation as a mem-- the legislative authority of the Legis-- _ber of the Hydro Commission. lature of the Province." That, too, / was voted down. + > Allow Time for Test Case. pus t o And the third formal amendment j < f to go by the board was that of Mr. : HOIST MOTOR BUS ACT. ?ewart.t that, linstead of the declara-- |_ _A special committee of the Legis-- -- ory act coming into --effect on the | j j ; day.of Royal aisent, i. shal oarl:e x !lature will con.sxde,r d.urmg the recess ¢ into effect '"on some such day as |Hon. F. C. Biggs' bill to place . ai1 will allow the matter to be tested motor busses under Provincial reg-- . in the courts.'"' Mr. Dewart sug-- ulation. .. The measure, which was w sgested June 22, but the proposal regarded as one of the most impor--' ',i was snowed under by Government [ tant of the session, will be dealt with | . ""Nos." f along with the Motor Vehicles Act * *4 % s § the Highway Gravel Act and the t3 C .. : & Load of Vehicles Act for purposes «of co--ordination. :