. . Hon. Manning DOhert . . thoutrht he should stand £5,831: Jg as sent from the Private Bills Com , b mince, though he did not agree Wit}; e pr nciple of inter contracts. roaring with A 'Wellington Hay (Libera IM IT CARRIE thought the London 'le'i"lj, 'tgg',?, should have made a move before the _ --'------_ bill got as far as third reading' He . M objected strongly to the ikiiiiriitictG' Stormy Passage Given ea- $93113 amendment at the last mo- sure Affecting Street Jo/Ltr,,,::",.:',',:,,",:,:.:::,?,":::.! that he . o Wiere he always Ito - Railway Matters , not believe in breaking 'l/,",',i-p-ahet,111d __._._._....... i ". h, I ACT BREAKS CONTRACT? -_-- _i.tr.--_r.. I By a Vote of 50 to 24 the bill of l, . R. L Brackin. respecting the Lon- i]. don Street Railway. passed third I and final reading in the Legislature j " " F'esterday Despite the fact that a 3 h BLACK EYE 5 saving amendment was suggested hy l no less a person than Premier -) -. . Drury, With his support and sanc- ', , 5 tion. that would have sent back the isUCh IS Dewart S Idea of bill to committee, the vote against i Part Allotted to Gregory . the amendment was over two to I . one. Even the Cabinet was divided. I IrNuiry Mr Drury's suggestion. which D125 ----.------.-.-.. . Stevenson. Labor member for Lon-j i don, embodied in his amendment,' 'CARM'CHAEL DENIES THIS ' was that the bill should go back to! i . C _ _ committee and while there have a, l Discussing Hydro estimates in the clause inserted that would prevent; illegislature last night. the question the bill coming into force for thrice swas asked when the Gregory Com- months. during which time the c ty l . . _ . of London would have an opportun- Imission on Chippawa would finish its ity to , ote on the proposition of tak- fort.. Premier Drury said the ms C)rpt' the street railway. ilength of time the inquiry would last Issue Divides All Parties. Ewes uncertain. He said the com- All parties were divided on the :mission would probably commence proposal. In Eh: fabinet, Ill' its public sessions shortly. amendment receive no support o _ _ _ Premier Drury. Hon. Walter Rollo, Dr. H. A. Stevenson, Labor mem Hon. Dougall Carmichael and Hon. her for London, wanted a promise H. C. Nixon Labor members sup-' made that the commission would; porting ' the amendment were report next. session. Col. Carmichael. Messrs. Stevenson and Cunningham; [in reply, said that all the Govern- Farmer members voting for it were intent could say was that the com- Messrs. Leeson. Stringer. Slack. mission would work with all, des- Cameron, Johnston (Simcoev. War- patch to try and have its report _ ren. Brown. Ross tGlengarry), Ros ready for next session. Personally, (Oxford). Carty, ycArth.utt, Mur- .119, could not see why the commig- dock; Liberal members, J. c. Tol- tsion could not report before next mie. Conservative members. Messrs. session, l -.. Nickie, Lewis.' Hill and Buckland; ', Col. Carmichael said they expected independent. cr G. Halcrow. . , {five turbines would be installed in Messrs. 12 reeborn and Lethbridge.i iChippawa by the spring of 1923. two of the Middlesex members: l, Tr. H. Dewart criticized. the voted against the amendment. To-l lGregory Commission, asking whetherI route and Yorl; members who votedi iit would accomplish more than against the amendment included '; giving a black eye to Hydro. "which Hon. Thomas Crawford, H. H.! lthe Government wants to do." I?ty..frt, £1.51" George s. Henry, Jr? l [ "That is not so." interrupted Col. ----.--------_r-'" Carmichael. C. Ramsden- L211)?" members Who l "We know what you have done for voted against it included ytsrs.. iradials" said Mr Dewart ' Heenan, Homuth. Swayze. Cabinet l 'c..CCC._t.CC._C.rCCC2L..., members who voted against the amendment were Messrs. Haney, Doherty, Smith and Bowman. , " I ft.':,"':',','"',':',',' cumin opposition! EQUALIZE POWERS . , te 1a ' ' . .and it had a, chequered career even OF SCHOOL BOARDS 'in its third freading. First, the . "TTC/ITT' R .amendment o Dr. tevenson was . . " 7 {declared out ot or??? 21113} rifc,vatshttt R, L BrECkul: tt Je,. e the suggestion o r. c e a the bill was held oger for an hour tire,'?, . le te,',',',',','.,)',',','," l until another amen men was pre- ommi ee pared. Then this 'hT'rt't'l" did untolpa not meet the approval o t e Pre- i"C,T,T,'-yrrT,'" ' t mier. who suggested another that - By a vote of 20 to 4.. the Municipal . Dr. Stevenson accepted. . ' Committee of the Legislature decided Mr. Brackin held that nothing m yesterday to report R. L. Brackin's the bill deprived to1t'g'to',',1r1 of Lon- hill to amend the School Sites Act don from voting on a proposal to " kt arate school trustees take over the road, and that the by giving sep " .4 . l d amendment was unnecessary. 'Dr. the same power to fi,x,yoi',',Ptt 'Ill Stevenson claimed that the City as " now possessed y pu c Council of London had already school boards. Joseph Thompson passed a. thy-law to submit the matter and Hon. T.1ogg,fitThgh,'l?Jionotfl to the people. This was questioned members. 09905: 3d 'eterfered with -by Karl Homuth, who said the Coun- the ground lb? it "l; W Curr . ie) had decided only to investigate civic authority. and . . y, the advisability of taking a Vote of "t,irc'y".r1tvefsitiu,srest.ed that the , le. en It W . h. ." ithe peop bill was aimed at Toronto, J. A. Pitts ard, East Ottawa. denied that that was the case. "When Toronto is off T " he said. "there will tte' the map. still something left of the Provinee , of Ontario." '