, After half a dozen speakers had iunmercifully hammered Premier Drury's Lake of the Woods control measure in the Legislature last night. the measure carried through 'second reading on division. Peter 'Heenan. Labor member for Kenora. [the main opponent of the measure, isaid the people of Kenora did not 'deeire to make a political issue ot it. He would not, therefore, ask for a recorded vote, but would rely on the Premier's promises of protec- tion. SIX SPEAKERS HAMMER BILL Opposition Men Charge Pre- mier With Sacrificing Orr. tario's Water Rights SECOND READING GIVEN Throughout the whole debate there has been but one spokesman in favor of the measure-Premier Drury, who introduced it. Mr. Heen- an spoke against. and last night Hon. G. H. Ferguson, H. H. Dewart. R. R. Hall. Liberal, Parry Sound. and K. tr. Mover, Liberal, Algoma, all condemned it as unwarranted tgtugritice of Ontario's rights. The demand for the withdrawal of the Neither! bill declaring certain works, armor the general advantage of Com. was frequently reiterated. whole debate WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, Must Hon. G. H. Ferguson, in a, speech in which he denounced the Prey mier'ts agreement as wanton and reckless neglect to protect the Prov- i ince's rights, appealed to the Pre-' mier to withdraw from the Buper- vision of the Joint Control Board the waters of the English River and Lac Seul. Apparently, he said, the Premier' intended to force it through. but the Government, hav- ing the majority with which to do it, must take full responsibility. He asked the Premier to amend his bill so that the water powers of the English River. referred to in the 1 bill, should be under the control of mm nnmrm section of the Control He asked the Pren his bill so that the w the English River, red bill, should be under the Ontario section Board absolutely. yuan" uuuv._--.,. Reading correspondence which had passed between former Premier Meighen and Premier Drury. Hon. Mr. Ferguson sought to show that Right Hon. Mr. Meighen had given Premier Drury ample opportunity to make representations on the second "I doubt it anyone will take the Premier seriously when he states: that he labored to protect the inter-, eats of the Province," said Hon. Mrs. Ferguson. He said that Mr. Meighenl apparently took the view that some-l one would have to control the situa- tion until treaty arrangements hadi been reached. This, he explained" brought about the so-called Meighen bill, which declared that the Domin- ion of Canada had the right to control water power tor the benefit of the Dominion. Summing up his criticism of the bill, H. H. Dewart declared that, in hie opinion. it -failed to provide that the Control Board should act in an advisory capacity, that its decisions lshou'ld not have the effect of orders. gamed Me'ighen hill. Not Take Drury Seriously. Take Responsibility.