WINNING TIGKE! _ T0 BFAR STAMP House Laughs When At-- torney--General Explains Amendment to Collect From 'Friend Abe Orpen' =--Says Racing Privileges Assigned to Orpen by Metropolitan Racing As-- socication to Get Around Aot A WINNING TICKET S MUST BEAR STAMP Attorney--General Raney's much-- amended Corporation Tax Act is to be still further amended, to forestall a legal manoeuvre of the Metropoli-- tan Racing Association, whereby it hoped to escape payment of the 6 per cent. tax on wagerings. Hon. Mr. Raney introduced the measure, "To Further Amend the Corporation Tax Act," in the Legislature last night. e e n oo id i "My attention has been drawn to &2 document, an agssignment by the Metropolitan Racink Association to A M. Orpen, of the racing privileges on the Dufferin track," said Hon. Mr. Raney, "and I was told it was the intention of Mr. Orpen to claim he did not come within the provi-- sions of the legislation. This meas-- urse makes the act apply, not only to the racing associations, but to their assignces." Although the House received the bill with considerable amusement. Mr. Raney imperturbably proceeded with his explanatlion. Such a move, As said, was ons that had not been anticipated in the drafting of the original bill, and reference to the statutes showed that the issue sub-- sequently to be raised was not abso-- lutely clear. This bill, however, made it so. A According to the assignment, agreement, which Mr. Raney read, the Metropolitan Racing Associa-- tion purports to turn over to Mr. Orpen the betting privileges at the, track for $8,000 a day. The witness ; to the document is Mr. Fred . S.; OrFen. | ncluded in the amendment. al--| though not mentioned by the Attor--| ney--General in his explanation, are| clauses authorizing the collection of | the 5 psr cent. tax by means of| stamps to be affixed to every win-' ning ticket, and the sale of such | stamps. Any race--track winner re--| fusing to pay such tax is mado liable | *to a penalty not exceeding $200, andi the comnpany, association or. em-- ployes paying on a winning ticket to | which stamps have not been at--| tached becomes liable to a $1,000 pegl.t':tA.'-- Foe cop Cul ME s se kN is 4 _ _The clause obviously is further to strengthen the act as to constitu-- tionalitr, to make it beyond ques-- tion & direct tax and not an indirect tex, when the Province has power only to impose a direct tax, i _ The Private Bills Committee of the |Legislature voted yesterday morning "by six to five to report the bhill of Hon. G. 8. Henry authorizing the county of York to purchase, without the as-- GIVE APPROVAL TO HENRY BILL Act Authorizes York County to Buy Mackenzie Radial Lines sent of the electors, the Mackenzie and Mann radial railways operating in the county. Chief opponents of the measure were Hon. T. Crawford and Joseph Thompson, Toronto members, who took the ground that the measure would be unnecessary if the '"'clean-- up" were consummated. Advocates of the measure contended that it provided an aiternative method of solving the transportation tangle on Yonge street should the "clean--up'" not go through. On behaif of the county George Keith argued that the situation was such that the county had to take steps toward providing transportation into Toronto. . * _ Norman Sommerville spoke on be-- half of the township residents, The remainder of the measure was re-- ported, although Ald. Plewman ob-- jected to a clause permitting them to construct, operate and maintain street railwaye, on the ground that the in-- '{terests of the city transportation svstem should be congidered. The committee also voted 12 to 2 to send back to the Town--planning Committee a clause of another meas-- ure of Mr. Henry's which sought to give the townships power to take over 5 per cent. of the area of sub-- divisions for park purposes. Prop-- erty owners protested at the proposal. Mr. Henry said that the clause would be operative only on subdivisions of farm property. ' When the House was considering \the estimates of the Attorney--Gen-- eral's Department yesterday morn-- ing@, Hon. Mr. Raney took occasion to give a comparison of the Drury Government's expenditures in re-- taining outside lawyers, as compared with those of the old Conservative \ Government. f o cal s LEGAL FEES LESS IN DRURY REGIME Raney Says Late Govern-- ment Spent More for Outside Lawyers ofice. According to the figures which the Attorney--General read, the av-- erage expenditure under the Drury Government for that purpose was $27,000 for the past two years, as compared with an average expendi-- ture of $37,345 by the old Conser-- vative Government for a like pur-- pose in the three years preceding the entry of this Government into "CLEAN--UP" FAILS