After brief discussion the Legis-- lature yesterday adopted the motion of Thos. Marshall, Liberal member for Lincoln, for a return of all corre-- spondence relating to the Rockefeller Foundation gift to the University of Toronto. H. H. Dewart, K.C., Southwest To-- ronto, concluded the debate and sup-- forted the demand of Mr. Ferguson or more democratic University managament. He thought that at present there was too much cen-- tralization of'@uthority, especially in the medical and scientific depart-- ments. Hon. G. H. Ferguson expressed the hope that the proposed Govern-- ment committee to inquire into Uni-- versity affairs would consider the advisability of putting the Univer-- sity management on a more demo-- cratic basis. Excellent as the pres-- ent governors might be, he said, they were out of touch with the aAlumni and the student body. He reiterated his suggestion that the student body and the alumni be given representation on the board. ASKS FOR DETAILS OF GIFT TO U. OF T. Liberal Member Wants Cor-- respondence About Rocke-- feller Grant Mr. Price steadfastly maintained that, on the whole, the relations of the board with the doctors of the Province were most harmonious, and he declared he could produce scores of letters to prove his asser-- tion. Mr. Dewart brought out corre-- spondence to show that in two or three cases, after physicians had written in sarcastic protest of the meagreness of the board's fees, the board had forthwith dispensed with their services, or suspended them. Mr. Price, in vigorous controversy, disclaimed the use of the word '"suspended," maintaining that, for an obvious reason, the board must have the co--operation and good--will of its physicians; they had merely been dropped from the list of eli-- gibles. + However, with Mr. Samuel Price, | Chairman of the Workmen's Com-- | pensation Board, on the stand, H. . H. Dewart, Southwest Toronto, deilv-- ed for more than three hours into the relations of the board with the doctors of the tFrovince, and par-- ticularly with regard to some 31 doctors who have been barred from further work for the board. With O. T. A. matters all out of the way, and the House and the Private Bills Committee sitting con-- currently, the Public Accounts Com-- mittee of the Legislature was hard put yesterday morning to maintain a quorum of memhers. PROBES RELATIONS WITH MEDICAL MEN _ H. Dewart Questions Chairman of Workmen's Compensation Board "Clean--up" Coming? Premier Gives Hint PRIVY COUNCILLORS SAVED ONCE AGAIN While no announsement was made at the Parliament Build-- ings last night as to the result of the conferencs over the com-- pletion of 'the '"'clean--up," an Indication that it is nsaring For Another Year They May Deal With Ontario Appeals As was intimated in The Globe some weeks ago, the bill to abolish appeals to the Privy Council will not be pressed in the Ontario Legisla-- ture at this session. Attorney--Gen-- eral Raney made official announce-- ment on the floor of the House at yesterday morning's session. consummation was given in the Legislature during the evening. Premier Drury moved the sec-- ond reading of the Government bill to enable the city of To-- ronto to acquire the Toronto Suburban Railway. _ To Mr. Dewart he explained that the provistons of this bill were similar to those of the legisla -- tion whereby the city plans 1to purchase the Metropolitan in "what is known as the Mac-- kenzie clean--up." It was not expected that any amendments in committee would be neces-- sary, he said. The vote in 1922 for the pur-- chase of the Toronto Suburban Railway was: For, ©16,08"; against, 13,.580. "We have been getting along without it for a good many years." he said, "and one more year will not hurt. It would not be fair to the House to ask them to discuss it at this late date." Appointment of a commuittee of the House to study standards of hotel accommodation -- throughout: the Province was heralded by the Attorney--General at the morning session, which,, after giving third readings to a"!ew bills, went into| WB:IU'.I'.:E"vo--té on the Mackenzie "clean--up" in 1921 was: For, 2§,609; against, 1.864. supply.