E* M C3R**. comuhendrigl arrvcgc® T e" .' _ " s , 3 ; & '-." 8 -- h ' ' sw *r 'wj | I OBSERVERmH® f M N PP | - ~ uho ir o e | * altPk Nb IN QUEEN'S PARK _ &7 w '[feasonably familiar with Parlia--| __|__The most charitable explanation mentary procedure and practice. ernment benches, not so much as &A of the sudden collapse of the legis-- Yesterday, too, some broad--| nod of a'pprova'l or disapproval. E lative machine yesterday afternoon |\minded school teacher brought his | The House, what there was of it, § 'is that so many M.P.P.'s wanted to .|class of about twoscore to see the ,' was quite interested, but~Premier _ |spend the week--end at home. In .|HMouUse in action. They sat in the| Drury blandly passed on to another E~ |th f h gallery opposite the Government, / order of business. Evidently all is the midst of a discussion on th® |where they must have learhed a|\not unanimity on the Government _ |second reading of an important {lesson of devotion and self--sacrifice| side regarding redistribution plans, _ _|Government bill someone discover--. |to public duty,. || because it is only natural for mem-- . | ed that no quorum was present, and | |Some Features of Bill. | :)t?;?r ;Zat(lowiome WOII'I'S;Iing iabml:; |_,|the Housé automatically adjourn--| 'The bill respecting the sale of #¢--|| par digtant: _ _ "" " """oh i8 BO | E 'pd. It taKes twenty members out | curittiest prt():vides. fqr the ta;'s)"point.- Amusingcthe. Léopl j 4 ¢ P s \ | ment of a Commissioner of Securi-- * reopie. : 'Of aitolal of ."1 &0 f_m:m ff <'1uorun'\,! ties, a new office. He may investi-- Hon. Peter Smith, Provincial| f ;but only seventeen were in their| | pare the issue, sale or offer for sal¢e |Treasurer, answered a question _ | places, eleven on the Government| |of any securities, and has the| yesterday concerning the amuse-- side, and six in the Opposition| |power of a court in summoning wit--| mént tax collected in four cities _ seats. _ The trains which carry| |nesses and making them produce| during the last three years. It is most members home on. passes| 'documents. If the Commissioner||customary for Ministers to read the __|leave ~Toronto between 4 and 5) |thinks any issue, sale or issue for| answers. Because there was. qnite' _ o'clock. When the House opened| | sale of securities '"is or may be a number of figures Hon. Peter |thore was .a fair attendance for fra-uc!u}cnt.' he has the power to| wanted to pass his reply to the Friday, but one by one they disap--|| | prohibit such a sale or offer for| Clerk and be done with it, but he _--|peared, until the seats were nearly| |sale. It was this point that Mr.] was made stand up and read it all. _ lall deserted, and at 4.30 the end | |Raney had the opportunity to stress§ The figures in Toronto show a de-- P || came. yesterday; that is, if there is any| crease from $602,749 in 1920 to _ _|_ Attorney--General Raney's bill re--| |reason for interference with any| $599,743 last year. Hamilton and _' specting the sale of securities was| |sales, that interference comes in the i Windsor also show decreases, while _ | under fire. This bill has been called| |form of prohibition. He also em--| Ottawa shows an increase. x _ |'"blue sky'"* legislation, though Mr.; |phasized the fact that the Commis-- | _ Perhaps the decrease shows that . |Raney himself does not care to| |sioner issued no certificate of good | times are'gettmg worse under the -- |credit it with that description. It| |standing for any security. In other| present Government," . commented 'embodies the best brains of a spe--| |words, it was not his duty to ear--} Capt. Joseph Thompson. j _ {iclal House Committee, which sat| |mark securities, good or bad. His No; the people are getting s0o _ |during the recess, and the best _ | whole duty, after inquiry, lay in much amusement from our friends _ |thought of the Government, and as °|prohibition, and, of course, in in--|across the aisle they don't need it, _ _isuch is one of the leading bits of |stituting legal proceedings for the|retorted Premier Drury, which may 6 'legis]atiun on the sessional pro-- |enforcement of the Act and against|indicate, at least, a broadening out | ,| gram. those guilty of fraud. In the few in ready wit. _ a ' 11M f . '| minutes taken up by the measure| e e t E i' remicr Left, Too. \ |yesterday Hon. Mr. Ferguson gave | )| _ The Attorney--General, in moving it as his opinion that the present * _\ the second reading, made a brief: |Companies Act by a little ampllfica-l \}{|explanation, interrupted only by a| |tion could meet the situation. He _fi whispered conference with Premier| |feared that some flotations, framed \I)rury, who then left the House.| |by the shrewdest kind of men, #. 'Though the bill must provide a would get past the Commissioner,| -- [{legal delicacy for lawyers or finan--| |and people be defrauded. He agsk--| & Icial experts, only two lawyers re--| |ed how the Government was going lmained to bear and criticize Mr. |to escape responsibility with such _| Raney, these being Hon. Mr. Fer--| {an Act on the statute books. .He p 2 %uson and J. W. Curry, Southeast thought the Government was tak-- '{ Toronto. Mr. Ferguson was speak--| |ing the risk of misleading the in-- * .ing to the bill when it was drawn to nocent investor. Mr. Raney would «. |the Speaker's attention that too few | |not agree to this contention, repeat-- @ E'|°f Ontario's $1,400--a--session legis--| |ing his point that the Government, _--.llators were on their jobs. ' through the Commissioner, issued |\ _ _It was a poor day's work, all told.| |\no certificate of good standing for 5| About half a dozen private bills' any security. A 'were introduced; dight or nine| Next time the bill comes up lt{ 1| questions asked; a complaint of| |igs almost certain to provoke con E* | Mr. _ Halcrow, _ Hamilton, heard' siderable debate. .One int'erestingl |and unanswered; second" read--| |feature is that brokers and stock _ _}l|ing given _ Hon. Mr. . Rollo's| | salesmen must be registered withl _ L| bill _ to _ amend _ the _ Public| |the Commissioner. No one has yet W };| Health Act, and Mr. Raney's at--| |been named for the office, though ; tempt to get second reading for his || |the last clause of the bill states that _ >!bill on the sale of securities. As the Act is to come into effect on B+. F'matters now stand, the latter efi'ort' July 1 of this year. 6 will have to be made all over again. ; Won't Talk Redistribution. | rlls Group System to Blame? l Mr. Halcrow, East Hamilton, has » _ _,| _ It may be that the Government| |a notice of motion on the order § ) | deliberately invited an adjournment | | paper calling, for a redistribution | y t from lack of a quorum. Perhaps,| |in the Province. Yesterday he ask-- _ {)after all, there is some truth in the|--| e why this notice of motion was _ "|charge repeatedly advanced by Hon.| |again passed over, saying that he| _ 3| Mr. Ferguson that the Government | 'was ready to debate it. Not a word -- t|has no business ready for presenta--| _ of reply did he get from the Gov-- 8 :'tion to the House. Another rumor| t F'hemrd was to the effect that many' _ ,!U.F.O. members are not personally ; _' ifond enough of the Attorney--Gen-- .ieral to see him through when it ? |does not suit their own convenience. _--NYi|It was quite evident that no effort .« §s'lwas made by any party or group to --®ikeep, things going, which leads to _' |an interesting speculation regard-- i _ ¢|ing any extension of the group sys-- % r|tem of government. With the | --| graup system, have the Ministers or | the Whips sufficient power to keep | * 'members to their work? On the| : l other hand, under the old party ;\ system it is inconceivable that the House should adjourn for lack of a » '\quorum in the discussion of a bill + *\ being stecered through by the first § ' &E '{lieutenant of the Premier. As at + : ; .\ present constituted, this Legislative --.;! Assembly of Ontario can provide a lfi;rprise_ every day to any person §