K. K. Homuth Introduces | Resolution in Legislature | for Plebiscite Rumors of an impenaing "beer and wine" referendum move in On-- tario were confirmed in the Legis-- lature yesterday, when K. K. Ho-- muth, Labor member for South ' Waterloo, announced his intontion of | submitting the issue to the House at ' the present session | Although the member for South | Waterloo did not specify in his ad-- dress the exact naturoe of the refer-- endum he intended proposing, he ex-- 'plained afterward that he would ask for a plebiscite on the two questions: "Are you in favor of Government-- controlled sale of beer and wine?" 'and "Are you in favor of Govern-- ment--controlled sale of spirituous liquors?" Presumably Mr. Homuth's | suggestion is that Ontario electors should deciare themselves on polling _ day in the general election this year. ' As Mr. Homuth, being a private member, cannot introduce legisla-- tion which would affect public ex-- penditure, he has interjected the QUC'S(]OH into the House by notice of motion of a resolution expressing the opinion of the Legislature that + such a referendum should be taken. His motion was handed in yoestor-- day. s s | Friends of Betting ? | + 9 * ' Watching Raney's Bill \ & Interests affected by the bill |( introduced into the Legislature |\ [( to prohibit the publication of : news of assistance to handbooks { and gamblers on horse races are !) watching the measure closely. Mr. W. J. McMurray, represent-- ing The Daily Racing Form of New York, was in the city re-- cently, and is said to have in-- structed his representative here to avail himself of the services of a well--known counsel if he . |) required them. The lawyer re-- ' ferred to was not in the city, and it could not be learned if ' the legality of the legislation |( would be questioned through | ) the courts. | It was also learned that cer-- tain racing publications enter-- ; ing Canada are now handled through an agency of the Hearst interests. w o o e o . . . e o o o 2 ND |