"Then." exclaimed Mr. Brackin, amid laughter. "what are the duties of the Minister if they are not con- nected with this business?" The West Kent member insisted that the Minister of Labor was responsible for the policy of the board, though not perhaps for what the board might do in settling any particular claim. The Minister was responsible for continuing in office men whose actions were not In the interests of those whom the act was designed to protect. The policy ot the boa.rd should not be to get rid of a work- man for the smallest amount pos- sible. The board sent out noMforrtyV tion to a workman as to what his rights were; and when he went to a lawyer to ascertain those rights all he received from the board was a letter to say that it was not the policy of the board to have correspondence with solicitors. "It is the duty of the board to enlighten this unfortunate wretch on what his rights are," Mr. Brack-in declare "l. The West Kent member cited a case which came under his own per- sonal observation. It was that of a Frenchman who could not read or u Ehiciffé} BEE-Ex; -- iii-ttid an. of an illiterate man, it was essential tltat. he should have someone to ad- Vise him. Complains of Injustices. board for ct Of the board the Provincial Architect had ap- proved the plans for the new bund- ing. Though "mining that the propo- sition had much to commend it, Reeve Williem Keith of Newman-hot opposed nmelgemation on the ground that York. county could beet manage it: own affairs. Govern- mente had the habit of changing; the Registry once: might be re- eetabliehed. It the Government in- sisted on the 'uzusitramation, well and good. but from the point of View of the county, Mr. Keith said, he could not approve the change. - Deputy Reeve Arthur Edwards of Mimico endeavored to have the Council approve the principle of the amalgamation and refer the agree- ment back for better terms. He was the only Councillor that voted for his resolutlon. W. J. Gardhouso. A. F. Wilton. a barrittter; J. P. Kennedy and Arthur Pugaley. all Ipoke against the change. " any other summer". (3) That the complainant should have the same right to reopen' a case as the husband or father. . Bill for "P. R." Voting Introduced in Legislature In the some bill there is a clause providing that upon a tttree-tttths vote of the Council proportional representation shall be the system under which the municipal election shall be conducted. Provision for voting as, the system ot proportional repriaenta- tion in municipal elections is pro- posed in a. hill lntroouced into the Legislature yesterday by K. K. Ho- muth, Labor member tor South Waterloo. Mr. Homuth's measure would make it optional for a munici- pality to use "P. R." for its munici- pal election, but upon a demand of five per cent. of the ratepayers Council must submit the question to a vote_ot the people. (1) That adultery and venereal. disease' on the part of the husband be added to thetreuon that would entitle a married woman living apart from her husband to be deem- ed deserted. (2) That the summons be returna'ble in' the game manner Mr. McNamara's bill contains the following amendments: Seeking Amendment n, Deserted Wives Act Introduced by Rev. Peter Bryce, a. deputation representative of the Salvation Army, Methodist, Presby- terian and Angiiéan Churches. To- ronto Trades and Labor Council, G.W.V.A. and Neighborhood Work-. ers' Association waited upon Attor- ney-General Haney at the Parlia- ment buildings yesterday.' asking Government support for a bill intro- duced into the Legislature by J. Mc- Namara. Riverdale, which amendtr the Deserted Wives and Children; Maintenance Act. _ Wound Stay Aloof . During the brief discussion the member for Brantford, Mr. 'Mae Bride, reiterated his protest that the' wide-open investigation being made by the Gregory Commission' intol Hydro affairs, with its attendant} publicity and corps of American "expert probers," was playing right into the hands of the enemies of Hydro and giving them information and data respecting Hydro business affairs for which theywwouldJor- merly gladiy have paid. thousands of dollars. T ' .7 C' _ Genuine gum was expressed 41: the Legislature yesterday by M. M. MacBrlde, Brantford; A. C(ELewis, Northeast Toronto, and Hon. G... H. Ferguson over unreported activi- gas of United States rrrivaiirintirrd eats to secure the right to launch a pretentious power . ,devel'opmentu scheme on the St. Lawrence. Read-t ing to the House a wi"hinityn do"? spateh in yesterday morning's Gibbe: Mr. MacBride moved the adjourn. ment of the'House to 1itrtistit'tr, matter. He asked if the va'ernh' ment had any inrorret.lonuuilt it, it had taken steps to inquire ih'tofthe reported proposal. .. News to Mr. Drury. ' r f _ T . _ The Premier's Statementot lack of knowledge of a move on the St. Lawrence by private interests brought down upon his head the criticism ot Hon. G. -Howard'.Fergu- eon. Obviously. he said.' the" Gov- ernment was not alive to a danger- ous situation which had been moot- ed and discussed up and" down the country for a long time. Ontario, he believed, was in a serious Mtus ation as regards power supply,,and the St. Lawrence development wa- the key to the whole problem. -'I'he Province would be badly served it power development potentialities were allowed to slip. and he thought the Government ought to ttlte steps to protect the interests of the Prins ince. . . Warns Asrainst, Complacency. 1 Premier Drury replied {that me) knew nothing and. the Government knew nothing of any such proposal as outlined. Before negotiation? could proceed, he assured the House. the Government would have to know all about it, because he under- stood that application would.' have to come through Ottawa powers to the Provincial authorities. He thought it would be a Little prema- ture to act upon information: in newspaper articles which had- not otherwise been brought totho at- tention of the Government. . . _ A. C. Lewis, Conservative member for Northeast Toronto. who has act- ed as Secretary of the Deep' Water- ways organization,' thought that Premier Drury ought not to take it tor- granted that Provincial jurisdlc- tion over St. Lawrence power, sup- plies was admitted by the Federal authorities. The 'Ottawa depart- ment, he said, was becoming stronger and stronger in ita'clalm tfo'p'ower rights on navigable rivers, and Ontario might find that the Federal Government would conclude Premier Drury concluded "ttte dis- cussion hy reiterating that [twat not the purpose or the intention at the .GrryernmenCto "rump in the air" at every newspaper despatch.. Ho tub. sured the House, however, that the rights of the' Province~ wbnld ,bé properly _ , Priratctod , It»: a; . than can", F ', _ 'rss:""-.', "' Brantford Member Charges Gregory Commissiiin With ' Leaking Information V PREMIER":IS Mtiu'urei!irrj an agreement with Washington without consulting Ontario. Supplying the Enemy. , . AR'E'ST AWAY. " ' a" n, .